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How soon can they extend Pettine?

Ludwig van

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..Chuck Driesbach is the linebackers coach...longtime college coach...1st time in the NFL..Don't they usually promote the linebackers coach if Pettine leaves?.....

Edited by Kemp2Warlick
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I think we are jumping the gun a little but i do like the 'find a guy on the staff' approach first.

If we see the difference in the D you can bet Brandon and Whaley do. I doubt they will allow another old retread D Cord like Wanny to ever step foot back at One Bills Drive.

Too much credit for a losing franchise imo.

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Donnie Henderson.


I concur.


Yup. Convincing myself that this is the case has assuaged my fears about him leaving.


But here's a legit question: does he want to be a HC?


I think he does.


As you know his dad is the winningest high school coach in Pennsylvannia history.


Pettine strikes me as a guy with enough ego and self-confidence to want to get that chance.

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The Bills have allowed the most points of any team in the AFC East. In fact, they've allowed 50% more points than any other team in the East. Only 5 teams in the conference have allowed more points than the Bills. They're ranked 18th in yards and 15th in points in the NFL. They've allowed teams - at the end of games - to move down the field and score points that caused a loss and the need for an unbelievable comeback.


Are people really talking about Pettine as if he's on his to a HC job anytime soon? I agree with people - the D looks much improved from last year. But that's not the standard we should be holding him to. Success or failure is not related to whether he's better than Wannstedt. Of course he's going to be better. Am I encouraged? Absolutely, this D has the potential to be great, but it's nowhere near there yet.


Why is it that people separate to the poles? Everything either has be be either FANTASTIC!!! or SUCK!!!

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I love Pettine so far, and think he's a great hire. This is interesting: http://nypost.com/2013/09/18/former-jets-coordinator-excited-to-face-brother-rex/ .


I'm guessing there's something to the accusation given that Pettine doesn't really deny leaking (he just denies that all the leaks were from him). I wonder what the real story is.

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How about we play a few more games first?


We've started out hot before, and we're only 1-1 right now. Solid coaching is not just starting off strong, but adjusting as the season goes on.



What we really need to be hoping is that Pettine's eventual replacement is already on the Bills' staff, soaking it all in.


Provided he continues to develop what he has started here on defense, I think we have Pettine for two years, then he'll get his shot.


Annnnnnd This!

Edited by DefenseWinzChampionshipz
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