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Dorin Dickerson gone???

The Poojer

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Bummer, always liked him. Although I liked him a lot more as a FB/H-Back hybrid than as a WR/TE the way Marrone's staff has seen him.


Edited to add that the Bills' roster exemption for Byrd expires at 4pm today, so they had to drop someone. Will be interesting to see if they make any other cuts today, or just save them all for tomorrow.

Edited by Cash
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Dorin Dickerson@scorindorin26m

Just want to say thank you to the #billsmafia you guys have been great. Love you all


Ultimately, the guy just doesn't have the ball skills to be a receiver/TE in the NFL at this point in his career. The epitome of this was a couple years ago when Chandler got hurt in Miami and they inserted the Scorin' One and he got wide open over the middle, Fitz threw a nice ball.......and he unnecessarily jumped for the ball, it thumped off his chest and he fell on the ground untouched and hurt himself and had to be helped off the field. Big + fast + awkward = not for long when you are a receiver

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With Chandler, Lee Smith, and Gragg on the team, there simply was no room for Dorin.


Gragg's hands have not impressed me at all this pre-season. he may be fast, but I've seen no evidence that he can catch reliably at the pro level... And Brad Smith? -Really? I like the guy, and I STILL wanted him cut. He's not a natural receiver. Period.


What in the world have Hackett and Marrone gone and done??? -Seems as though we cut too much promising talent to remain competitive going forward. Not happy about some of these cuts. TOO DEEP if you ask me.

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