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I have a dream 50 years later

Chef Jim

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We have a bunch of posts regarding Miley Cyrus, Batman cast, Amazing Race, Breaking Bad but nothing about today being the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. I did a search and to tell you the search function here kind of sucks (or maybe I do for not using it right) and nothing came up. Shame on you all.


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We have a bunch of posts regarding Miley Cyrus, Batman cast, Amazing Race, Breaking Bad but nothing about today being the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. I did a search and to tell you the search function here kind of sucks (or maybe I do for not using it right) and nothing came up. Shame on you all.

What the hell are you talking about? DaveInElma posted about MLK and the speech first thing this morning. The thread was immediately closed and deleted, but that's beside the point.

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We have a bunch of posts regarding Miley Cyrus, Batman cast, Amazing Race, Breaking Bad but nothing about today being the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. I did a search and to tell you the search function here kind of sucks (or maybe I do for not using it right) and nothing came up. Shame on you all.

His manner of speaking mesmerizes me. There are a few people who because of their message and delivery I could listen to over and over.
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His manner of speaking mesmerizes me. There are a few people who because of their message and delivery I could listen to over and over.


I actually think this is the first time I've listened to it from start to finish and your absolutely right. Such a shame we lost him too soon.

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my kids and i went to the lorraine motel a few years ago, and there is no glitz, no flash, nothing fancy, but it was a very powerful thing standing on the spot of his assasination...i was surprised i hit me like it did


I actually think this is the first time I've listened to it from start to finish and your absolutely right. Such a shame we lost him too soon.

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I'm embarrassed to even have to ask this, but...did he write his own speeches? I'm guessing he did (they've got that almost poetic style of verse that's all but stereotypical of Baptist sermons, and match his preacher's delivery perfectly), but I don't actually know.

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Awesome! hearing it is one thing, reading it puts into another light, such a strong and good message, too bad we as a society have gone off track in trying to make the message work...but we can get it back on track


His delivery was awe inspiring but not in a negative way it almost takes away frome the beauty of the words he spoke.


Read the text, it is absolutely amazing in its elegance and power.



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I'm embarrassed to even have to ask this, but...did he write his own speeches? I'm guessing he did (they've got that almost poetic style of verse that's all but stereotypical of Baptist sermons, and match his preacher's delivery perfectly), but I don't actually know.


The I have a dream speech borrowed heavily from Archibald Carey Jr's words to the 1952 Republican convention. I am a huge fan of MLK and therefore want to be careful in how this is said but there are people who accuse him of being very liberal in his use of material written by others. There is significant debate over this issue.


Those who look to discredit him in this manner lose sight of his oratory abilities and more importantly his ability to rally people around the message.

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