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[closed]Dont play EJ Manuel game 1. Period

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Really ? Disagree. He's been playing football at a high level since forever. A week or two means nothing.

Negative. College to Nfl is night and day difference.


Night and day. So he has not been playing at a high level since forever.


We're talking about his knees. Not his ring finger or his pinky.


Am i the only guy that wants to sit his @ for just one week? 1 week

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I'm pretty sure EJ will start, I think this is just Marrone keeping people (ie, Pats*) in the dark. If not, whatever. Tuel can just launch it every play and get 15 pass interference calls.

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I'm pretty sure EJ will start, I think this is just Marrone keeping people (ie, Pats*) in the dark. If not, whatever. Tuel can just launch it every play and get 15 pass interference calls.

I was upset that he didnt do that on saturday. Run after run after run... What a boring game.

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100% healthy = 100% starting.... <100% healthy = 100% sit-em, until he reaches 100% healthy..


Agree with this. Everyone saw what happened with Robert Griffen last year, playing RG3 on a wonky knee in the playoffs let him to re-injured his knee (i think acl and lcl tear). Marrone should make sure Manuel is healthy and that means watching him practice full-go the week leading up the patriots matchup.

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Negative. College to Nfl is night and day difference.


Night and day. So he has not been playing at a high level since forever.


We're talking about his knees. Not his ring finger or his pinky.


Am i the only guy that wants to sit his @ for just one week? 1 week


Do you want to sit him because of:


1) It would be a health risk to rush back? I don't think this is remotely the case, but we don't have enough info. If that is your reason, fine.


2) You think there is another QB who is more prepared to win that game? (clearly not because they are better, so the option would be Tuel because he has been practicing). I don't think this is the case if the knee is okay and he practices leading up to the game, and the last couple weeks are close to meaningless in giving Tuel an advantage in actual chance to beat the Patriots.


3) You think that rookie QBs need to be eased in and avoid becoming Tim Couch? I think the Luck/Newton/Wilson/million others logic disagrees with you and Kurt Warner pretty heavily here, and he is a big boy who won't fold if he can't beat New England. Also a New England team that has been very mediocre on defense and against the pass and in terms of sacking the QB in recent years.


If his knee is at a point where he can outperform Tuel and not be an unusual risk in re-injuring it then he plays. This threshold is lower than "100%" and doesn't involve him practicing later this week or not.

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If I'm Marrone and the Bills team leaders I'm putting a target on Wilfork's back and staying in the refs' ears all game about this a**hole. We all know what he likes to do to QB's knees.

Wood will keep him at bay. He takes that stuff personally. When he spoke about EJ and Kolb being out he mention both injuries happened while they were out of the pocket.

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If he only has 1 week to prepare against the Pats, do we really need to rush him back?

1 week is how long you take to prepare for an opponent in the NFL. If he's not really back physically, I'd rest him of course. I'm worried about his body getting hurt, and him being able to practice with the team leading up to the game, not him being mentally unprepared or anything else.
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Yeah, no.


Look, if EJ isn't ready, let's sit this one back, take Game One in the teeth and come out swinging for game two. But if EJ is healthy, if the reports of "two weeks with physical therapy and he's ready with a week to practice" are true, then you start him


Some dark part of me is hoping that Tuel is getting the tentative nod because they expect EJ to be back but want NE to expect nothing.


It took 2 pages, but finally at least someone agrees with me.


Mostly because most people think it's a bad idea.

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If he only has 1 week to prepare against the Pats, do we really need to rush him back?


Thanks, I said just about the same thing right after it was announced that he would not be able to play or practice for the rest of the preseason. There is really not much sense in starting a rookie in his first NFL game against our most feared opponent with no time to prepare for them.


Show this article to Tuel:



Give him the start and pull him if he proves the writer correct.

They ought to show it to the whole team. Pin it up somewhere in the locker room.

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Tuel will get his chance. If EJ runs as much as he's inclined to, he WILL get hurt eventually.


Count me among those curious to see what Tuel can do, with the caveat that I would like to see it happen after he's had some more seasoning.

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Tuel will get his chance. If EJ runs as much as he's inclined to, he WILL get hurt eventually.


Count me among those curious to see what Tuel can do, with the caveat that I would like to see it happen after he's had some more seasoning.


Out of curiosity, how much is that? He scrambled twice against Indy and once or twice (that I recall) against Minny.

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If he only has 1 week to prepare against the Pats, do we really need to rush him back?


My decision chart which may be different than Morrone's


If EJ Manuel is cleared to practice on or before 9/2/2013 he starts. If Tuel is healthy and EJ Manuel is cleared to play after 9/2/2013 then Tuel starts.


Have you seen what Rookie QBs look like against a Bellicheat defense? This is when they don't have 5 months to prepare for the rookie QB. What do you think a rookie QB will look like with 2 days of practice against on a Pats team that has little change in the Defensive starters?

Yeah so, throw Tuel into the fire he has 3 weeks to prepare unless EJ can get atleast 1 solid week of practice prior to the game.


If Tuel gets injured you all will be begging for him to start over Matt "Hot Tubbin' It" Linehert.

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