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A member of the alienated proletariat....unite!


I wouldn't try to argue that things are great, but there are parts of the economy that are booming. This for example...

In fact, Chef and I should think about going back into the industry...


Sounds like a lot of work. Is there an app i can download?

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Man, if I had a nickel for every jobs report you crowed about as signaling the recovery...


I mean, one of these days you'll be right...but you've been wrong SO many times already it should make you question your own sanity at this point.

How is this not part of the recovery?
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Hmmmm. And how many more people were added to the "disability" rolls? And still, the labor participation rate is the lowest its been in 36 years.


Oh, please. He doesn't understand what he posted. He's just doing what he's told to do. Just like a good little statist.

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Conner's here? :devil:

It's a DC_Tom holiday!


I was this close to saying "hey conner, nice post" on the football board yesterday. You know, to sorta puff him up and make him think "hey, why not take a stroll over to PPP and see what's happening, maybe say something dumb about food stamps/consumer spending?". But the draft got going and I got drinking.


EDIT: I too am pleased by the return of the Toad.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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