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Why isn't the Vikings a racist team name?

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I can't help but wonder what exactly defines the alleged racism of a team name? Is it based solely on skin color? There aren't any lawsuits protesting the use of Vikings or Cowboys.


Its my opinion that you would name your team after a people or an animal for their admirable qualities. Hoping somehow to infuse your team with the symbol on the helmet. Not a backhanded slight against whomever you happen to have racist tendencies.


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Because the Vikings were a group of Germanic folk that took to the sea almost a millennium ago. The term "Redskin" is a derogatory name used on a race which was systematically slaughtered on orders of the Government located in the town said team represents.


Remind me when Viking was last a slur?


Ps there's a huuuuge thread on this already


indeed http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/154949-poll-should-the-redskins-name-be-changed/page__hl__redskins

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Giants are offensive to people with giantism. Or to midgets. When the midgets have their say in the public eye, watch out. The PC among us will deplore our casual use of this offensive word.


Redskin is offensive because some people consider it so, and because it was once generations ago used as a less than positive moniker. Someday, Viking could very well be deemed offensive due to their violent exploits. I wonder if the people raped and pillaged by the Vikings centuries ago would be offended by our casual use of the word today.


It is no different than Redskin. It may have once been an "offensive" name for American Indians. Or Native Americans. (Right moniker?) Because so, we who are not PC are considered to be crass, or even worse...the R word.


Cowboys--is that a stereotype? Are cowboys uneducated?


Political correctness is a disease of the mind. It leads to censorship, lost freedoms, and mindlessness. People afflicted with it cannot be changed because they feel they are in the moral right, because not offending is more important to their world view than freedom or logic or anything else.


Oh ****. Here we go...

Edited by Just in Atlanta
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Giants are offensive to people with giantism. Or to midgets. When the midgets have their say in the public eye, watch out. The PC among us will deplore our casual use of this offensive word.


Redskin is offensive because some people consider it so, and because it was once generations ago used as a less than positive moniker. Someday, Viking could very well be deemed offensive due to their violent exploits. I wonder if the people raped and pillaged by the Vikings centuries ago would be offended by our casual use of the word today.



It is no different than Redskin. It may have once been an "offensive" name for American Indians. Or Native Americans. (Right moniker?) Because so, we who are not PC are considered to be crass, or even worse...the R word.


Cowboys--is that a stereotype? Are cowboys uneducated?


Political correctness is a disease of the mind. It leads to censorship, lost freedoms, and mindlessness. People afflicted with it cannot be changed because they feel they are in the moral right, because not offending is more important to their world view than freedom or logic or anything else.


Oh ****. Here we go...


Your points are a major stretch at best.

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