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Chan NOT the man for the job going forward.

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He never was the man for the job. He's what the Bills franchise settled for, as they always do. Shanahan and Cowher did not want to come here, even after weeks of courting. Gruden wouldn't even consider a meeting. Jim Harbaugh turned down an offer.


I got the same sick feeling in my stomach when they hired Gailey that I got when they hired Jauron.


Why this team won't hire a young, innovative assistant is beyond me. It looked like Leslie Frazier was the front-runner in 2010. I'm not saying he'd have been the right choice. Who really knows? But hiring a younger assistant instead of these recycled, old codgers who are not NFL HC material is an easy decision for a small market team... unless you're the Buffalo Bills.


And while we're at it, what is the problem with actually drafting a QB of the future? When did that become such a taboo? Nix has shown himself to be a better than average talent evaluator, at least when it comes to the NFL Draft. Why the hell can't they take a shot on a QB, even in the 2nd or 3rd round? Seems to work for many other teams who have won SBs or gone deep into the playoffs.


Ultimately, I agree with many posters here. It starts at the top with ownership. When that changes, perhaps you'll see some improvement in front-office, coaching and talent decisions. That's assuming the new owner doesn't uproot the Bills altogether.

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I read the article in the buffalo news today after the game about all of the hall of fame running backs talking about Spiller being a budding superstar. They all said he needs to get a MINIMUM of 20 carries a game. But instead he got 8. I honestly believe that if he got 25 touches, we would of won the game.


Also, I love freddy just as much as everyone else but he's not the main guy anymore. CJ is explosive and I guarantee he would lead the league in TD's and rushing yards on most of any other team.

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So you want to dump a guy who was run out of P'burgh for his refusal to commit to the run game.

And replace him with a guy who was run out of P'burgh for his refusal to commit to the run game.

What could possibly go wrong?


I also like Greg Roman, he is definitely a smash mouth guy but sometimes you never now how a coordinator will do. So I'm going with Arians who is basically being an effective head coach right now.

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I've said it so many times, when this team wins its in spite of its coaching.


I wish they'd spite the coaches a little more often.


How can Spiller and Lindell look up to Chan as a coach when the coach has no confidence in either of them. Jackson gets hurt and who goes in? Choice? He trots out Ryan, then realizes he'd look foolish again if Ryan makes a 52 in cold weather when he wouldn't let him kick in the Indy Dome, especially after Ryan made him look bad by booting a 51 yard FG in last week's rain. So he calls a freaking time out to trot in our below average punter. WTF?


What does it take, Chan for you to believe in your players and call the game the way it should be called? How bloody stupid can you be week after week?


I think we can pin the regression we have seen in Fitzpatrick solely where it belongs which is on this head coach.

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I wish they'd spite the coaches a little more often.


How can Spiller and Lindell look up to Chan as a coach when the coach has no confidence in either of them. Jackson gets hurt and who goes in? Choice? He trots out Ryan, then realizes he'd look foolish again if Ryan makes a 52 in cold weather when he wouldn't let him kick in the Indy Dome, especially after Ryan made him look bad by booting a 51 yard FG in last week's rain. So he calls a freaking time out to trot in our below average punter. WTF?


What does it take, Chan for you to believe in your players and call the game the way it should be called? How bloody stupid can you be week after week?


I think we can pin the regression we have seen in Fitzpatrick solely where it belongs which is on this head coach.


Your right he does not believe in his players.


That why he does not want to run when there is 7 in the box. He does not believe in our backs ability to make one miss. When CJ makes ppl miss on almost every play he touches the ball.

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Imagine you are the coach and you have a series of plays that you want to call. You want to set up a certain play for a certain player. You call several of these plays in the sequence. Then, the guy you are trying to set up taps out of the game. He says, "Coach, I need a blow."


Tell me, are you overwhelmed with confidence? Or are you a little disturbed? Maybe even annoyed?


That is the point. Maybe it isn't all Gailey. Maybe there is something else going on here.




I was annoyed by the other poster. I felt, he wasn't interested in discussing the point, but was just trying to shout down the idea and stop any chance of a conversation. Spiller said what he said; denying it doesn't change it.


As for the first bolded comment, are you suggesting CJ tapped out, and if so, do you have proof? or is this entire scenario merely a hypothetical?


Before you go off the deep end on me and think that I am just defending Gailey, you should know that I am not. I am no fan of Chan Gailey. Never was and I think he has made plenty of mistakes.


I was merely suggesting a possibility, as a point of debate. That possibility is not very palatable to folks that have decided CJ Spiller is better than Barry Sanders and Chan Gailey is the stupidest person ever. I understand that. On the other hand, this is a discussion board, and facing points of view that aren't perfectly in line with your preconceptions is a chance to think about something other than "Fitz sucks" and "Chan is full of ****".


Tell me how my pointing out the basic dysfunction of our coach and organization is somehow "going off on the deep end on you" - a little melodramatic there bud ?

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Q: Why did you not take the delay of game then instead of wasting the time out?


A: Well I was trying to get that to them to take the delay of game and

Scott Chandlericon-article-link.gif saw me tell them to take the delay of game, but I did not know he got that word. So I was scared they were going to snap it. That is why I called the timeout.






I think Chan signaled the delay to Chandler and Chandler and the rest of the offense said screw you Chan forcing Chan to call the time out.


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Tell me how my pointing out the basic dysfunction of our coach and organization is somehow "going off on the deep end on you" - a little melodramatic there bud ?



As for the first bolded comment, are you suggesting CJ tapped out, and if so, do you have proof? or is this entire scenario merely a hypothetical?

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Tell me how my pointing out the basic dysfunction of our coach and organization is somehow "going off on the deep end on you" - a little melodramatic there bud ?

I confused your post with another. Sorry if that's too melodramatic for you.


As for the first bolded comment, are you suggesting CJ tapped out, and if so, do you have proof? or is this entire scenario merely a hypothetical?

Gailey said he gets winded and he comes out. Spiller said almost the same thing after the Miami game.

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Why this team won't hire a young, innovative assistant is beyond me. It looked like Leslie Frazier was the front-runner in 2010. I'm not saying he'd have been the right choice. Who really knows? But hiring a younger assistant instead of these recycled, old codgers who are not NFL HC material is an easy decision for a small market team... unless you're the Buffalo Bills.

The Bills tried this in the early 2000s. First with Gregg Williams who was a hot up and coming assistant. Then they went Mike Mularkey. Neither of these worked out. It's not the age of the coach, it's just which young, innovative assistant and which recycled, old codger we're talking about here.


The bad game time decisions are one thing. The not running CJ or Fred enough, the bomb on 3rd and 12 with Fitz throwing to Graham, and all that are one thing. The other is that the team keeps losing games by playing really well for large parts of the game only to blow it in a few key spots. Today of course was the penalty on the pick 6, the alligator arm drop on 3rd down, letting that dude get so open on 4th down on the last drive, George Wilson dropping a pick, Fred fumbling (gheez, there's more than I thought!), giving up a late TD, botching the extra point. The game was winnable but a few big mistakes blew it. That's coaching. Why aren't these guys ready to play?


I'm really close to jumping off the Coach Gailey band wagon all together.

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Probably lost because of all the criticism that could come later is how he botched that end of the half like he did a few weeks ago.


Either call a time out early so you can take a shot at the end zone or call it with 3 seconds left, so that you don't have to kick off.


Instead for the 2nd time in about 4 weeks, he calls it with 9 seconds left. I've heard people say that is so you kick it on third down, if the snap is botched, you can kick it again on 4th down.............This got me to thinking - in 44 years of watching football games, I've never seen that happen once.

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The Rams I would call a bad football team and a dome team at that. This game falls on a lot of bad coaching decisions.


It was Jeff Fisher coaching Vs Chan Gailey.....The Verdict was written even before the game started.


The only thing I would say regarding the game plan was that the Rams were sending 8-9 people to the LOS to stop the run, which means Fitz's WRs were all in single coverage...The blame falls on Fitz for not taking advantage of the single coverage and getting someone like Spiller in space. Yesterday would have been the best time to put Spiller and Freddie both in the backfield and cause some confusion so that the Rams would have backed off. However, our fearless coach played a scary-cat game.

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Who's fredex? You mean Freddie Fumbles?



Did you see Lindell's reaction? He knows how stupid Chan is.



What was his reaction?




Extend his deal buddy



Be careful what you wish for





He's not competent or capable.


He seems confused.



He also said Spiller was not out there more because he was tired?



He's 25. How tired do you have to be to be on the sidelines for as long as he was? What a stupid excuse.



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the guy has below average intelligence for the general population...and he's coaching, at times, against geniuses.



i think the thing holding wilson and nix back from firing him is the embarassment they'll be faced with announcing the signing of another loser retread or unknown cuz that's the best they'll be able to do.

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Hes done with Buffalo....

you might be right. If CJ does really pull himself out of games, he could very well be doing it purposely because he doesn't want an injury to a team he'd really want to play for.


The problem is, Chans so stupid that we'd prolly never trade him if he wasn't trying. Instead, we'd just keep him and run him 6 times a game for his contract.




Well he'll be the guy for the rest of this season if Freddie blew out his knee.

yiu say that like its a certainty. After Fred went down yesterday, Choice was the one in the field on the very next play.


I still doubt CJ gets more carries. Chans an idiot.

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His record is 15-30. Again, Gailey has beaten only ONE team that has finished the season with a winning record (NE). So he's only been able to beat losers 14 times. The guy is out of his weight class. Admits to coaching scared.


Losers lose, time for him to go. The city and the fans deserve better.

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Chan was nothing special the day he was hired. He has done nothing much to improve the team. The team we have now is not better than the team Jauron left us with, and Chan's record is worse than the Jauron record. He ain't even gonna get the nine wins that would justify his staying.


Chan...this team would be better off without you.

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