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Chan NOT the man for the job going forward.

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Hazed, Bufcomments, MRW....


Ok, after having another night to think about it I'm starting to move into your corner. I like Chan, and I think he has been better than Jauron in general, BUT what we saw last game (and too many times this season) is a regression to Jauron-ball.


The non-FG attempt, the punting in your opponents territory, the weekly guessing game on whether he is going to remember to use Spiller...


If we had an owner who gave a damn, they would have fired Chan shortly after the game Sunday. Watching your coach lay down and roll over is unacceptable. Jauron's defining moment came in the game against the Saints, when we still had it close, and he gave it away by punting. This last game may have been the same kind of moment for Gailey.


I agree that, given the recent events, it's very likely Gailey has completely lost this team. If I were Buddy I'd have a serious sit down with Chan and tell him that the culture of this team should be "Attack, attack, attack, and if you're down, go down swinging".


The guys in the FO, the players, and most importantly the FANS, all deserve better than the coaching efforts we've seen so far.

Almost everybody in the media, folks here on the board know that Chan is holding this team back. He Chan gonna lose his job he might as well die hard.But he doenst even use his best weapon. (CJ) . That should get him fired for that alone.


On the NFL network on the coaches show they asked should Chan give up the playcalling duties and just be Head Coach. Even guys how don't follow the team know that being an OC and HC is just too much.


Playcalling is a tough job. You really almost have to think 2 plays ahead at all times when we have the ball. How can you do both?

I blame Buddy in this also. He has to see what we see. If he is not think of replacing Chan at this point he has to go as well.

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Almost everybody in the media, folks here on the board know that Chan is holding this team back. He Chan gonna lose his job he might as well die hard.But he doenst even use his best weapon. (CJ) . That should get him fired for that alone.


On the NFL network on the coaches show they asked should Chan give up the playcalling duties and just be Head Coach. Even guys how don't follow the team know that being an OC and HC is just too much.


Playcalling is a tough job. You really almost have to think 2 plays ahead at all times when we have the ball. How can you do both?

I blame Buddy in this also. He has to see what we see. If he is not think of replacing Chan at this point he has to go as well.

This might come down to a Jauron like syndrome as the man could be afraid if he hires somebody very competent at play calling, game planning this person could quickly replace him as HC. Another reason is the man just refuses to stop calling pass plays and utilize his better weapons in the backfield....the RB's To him the running game must seem like some antiquated form of football and passing it is the only real way to play the modern game as he only uses the running game as a diversion.


Take a hard look at the draft for the last 3 years and tell me besides the first round draft pick who of those players is even starting? Fred Jackson a Jauron / Levy player is STILL starting at RB when healthy. 5th round Kyle Williams at DT a Jauron / Levy player is a way better player then #3 overall in Marcell Dareus.


The only player from that first 2010 draft that has made any impact is CJ Spiller, and the man who drafted him refuses to use him full time. One of 9 drafted players is not very good in my view, especially for a team supposedly devoid of talent. The Bills didn't improve that first year because of the incompetence of the GM & HC No franchise QB, no RT, no LT, NO PASS RUSHER, and the team was in dire need of all four. The result of that draft and free agency 4-10


For 2011 At 4-10 the Bills were able to procure the #3 overall, and while I'm not totally upset at the DT pick at #3. Still, #4 WR AJ Green is probably the best / second best WR in the game today. #5 CB Patrick Peterson is another awesome player. #6 Julio Jones great WR. #7 LB Aldon Smith (talk about a rush LBer the Bills have been so desperate for) #11 DE JJ Watt (wow another whiff for a dominate pass rusher) The team could have saved 100 million by drafting either player. Some current players starting from that draft wouldn't be starting on other teams #2 pick Aaron Williams & #3 pick Kelvin Sheppard as both stink. Again, one out of 9, not very good results for a team desperate for help at many positions.

That 2011 draft shows me Nix doesn't know the difference between a top player, and his elbow. STILL NO PASS RUSHER. No franchise QB, No RT, No LT


2012 Finally a LT in the 2nd, a WR in the 3rd, and another #1 on defense in Stephon Gilmore. STILL NO PASS RUSHER, no franchise QB, no RT



The bottom line, Nix hired Gailey who has married himself to a broken QB in Ryan Fitzpatrick, and all three need to go. Nix stinks as GM. His choice for a HC stinks, his HC's choice for DC's allowed stinks even worse. His choice of draft picks stink. But then look who hired Buddy Nix. Ralph Wilson must have been thinking he has hired the man who built those awesome Charger teams with LT, Brees, Merriman, et al. Now we are all finding out it wasn't Nix or AJ Smith but rather the late John Butler.


I can only wonder how this owner will justify retaining both Nix and Gailey to the fans.

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Can you perhaps give the name of a coach that Ralph has hired that was over 60? Coach Gailey was not over 60 when hired nor were Dick, Gregg, or Mularkey. I suspect Wade Phillips and Marv weren't over 60 when hired either.


Do a little homework and come up with that name, please.

Let me put that a different way. RW is of a certain age and I don't think he would hire anyone who doesn't share his general world-view. I just don't see him hiring an up and coming young guy with new ideas and progressive techniques at this stage.


But that's hardly the point of my post. We're not going to get a HC under this owner who would dare rock the boat or question the FO. That eliminates most of the talent out there. Look what happened to Phillips, or Polian. I know there are back stories there but the bottom line is, you toe the line with Ralph or hit the road. Can anyone see Cowher agreeing to that?


So, fine, keep Gailey if that's who Ralph likes but hire a quality OC to run that phase so Gailey can actually function as a HC. By being both HC and OC he's being neither. I don't understand why he would opt to try that, and it clearly isn't working.

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Why would anyone think Gailey can or will find a quality OC to run that phase of the game? He has drafted poorly and hired poorly since day one. We have a very very second rate administration whose ASPIRATION is to be as good as the second rate administration that preceded it. And they can't even do that.


Time to clean house in the administration ranks and let the new people decide how to handle the very substantial talent we still have and engage in wise free agency moves and be effective as a game day coach as well. Being a game day coach was Chan's strong point early on but this year he has been just unbelievable.

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