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21 years ago today...


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I got to see them at Maple Leaf Gardens back in 1982, on the "Hot Space" tour. I wasn't a big fan of that album (or any after that really) but they were one of the best live bands ever...and Freddie had one of the greatest voices...he could do it live, and on record. This band had one of the more unique catalogs from that period...


One of my very favorite singles ever...ever!



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One of the best! Saw them in '80, still a highlight in my musical experiences



...Freddie Mercury succumbed to his illnesses and passed on at the age of 45. I know there are a bunch of Queen fans on the board, so I just figured I throw down a shout-out.


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didn't see this until today, but Jimmy Fallon & The Roots did a pretty solid job during the Macy's Parade




Live Aid was such a spectacular event with so many killer performances, but you are right, Queen absolutely stole the show! :thumbsup:


Will never forget when they absolutely stole the show at Live Aid.

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  • 6 months later...

WOW! I always dismissed that song as just an excuse to make some quick money...


Just the vocals from Bowie and Mercury on the great Under Pressure (a song that I think was overlooked at the time and has grown into the classic I said it was then):




my goodness...look at the crowd get so into it....man where they something special...


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One of my favorite bands. And that was before I found Freddie was Indian. ;)


I got to see them at Maple Leaf Gardens back in 1982, on the "Hot Space" tour. I wasn't a big fan of that album (or any after that really) but they were one of the best live bands ever...and Freddie had one of the greatest voices...he could do it live, and on record. This band had one of the more unique catalogs from that period...


One of my very favorite singles ever...ever!

"The Miracle" and "Innuendo" we're both great albums: "Innuendo" in particular considering it was their last and Freddie was still able to belt out the vocals despite being on death's door, making me think (and angry that) they still could have gone on for awhile making great music. If only Freddie had not gotten HIV, or gotten it a decade later...

One of the best! Saw them in '80, still a highlight in my musical experiences

On of the bands I wish I had seen live.

Wow, can't imagine Freddie @ 66. I read somewhere this was considered his swan song when he knew he had little time left ...



I can't view it but I'll assume the song was "The Show Must Go On." And it's definitely his swan song, besides being a great song. On "The Miracle" there is another great song called "Was It All Worth It" where it seems to that Freddie he asks whether his lifestyle was worth getting AIDS (and he says it was).


What's also interesting is the song "The Miracle" talks about the wonder of God's creations, and in "Innuendo" (which is Freddie trying to tell people not to take offense to his sexual innuendos over the years) there is a line "if there is a God or any justice under the sky."


And if you haven't seen it, watch "Highlander." Great movie with lots of Queen music.

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Long Live Freddie!!!!


I grew up on Queen music and, as Tom has pointed out many times, he's the greatest front man of all-time....I can't wait to see the biopic they're putting together with Sacha Baron Cohen...

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....I can't wait to see the biopic they're putting together with Sacha Baron Cohen...


There are some actors, that even though they have done other movies, make me hesitant to see a movie they are starring in, based on characters they played in movies I didn't care for. And Cohen is one of those, based on Borat and Bruno. But he was good in Hugo.

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he was great in talladega nights!


There are some actors, that even though they have done other movies, make me hesitant to see a movie they are starring in, based on characters they played in movies I didn't care for. And Cohen is one of those, based on Borat and Bruno. But he was good in Hugo.

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