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5 biggest dissappointments this year...todate

Niagara Bill

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Chans ridiculous play calls on 3rd down. Tashard Choice as the Wildcat QB on 3rd and 1? Continuously calling empty backfield sets is the most painful. We're always making it easy on the defense. I like chans play calling overall (except not using CJ enough) but his 3rd down calls often lead me to being stupefied.


I can't say I disagree with you as I'm scratching my head at some of the calls but looking at the numbers I was surprised to see that the Bills convert 3rd downs 39.5% of time - good for 13th in the league.


I was also surprised to see that 43.2% of Fitzpatrick's 3rd down pass attempts result in 1st downs (good for 12th in the league.) This led me to look up 3rd and short run stats. The Bills rank 26th in the league here picking up 1st downs via the run 36% of the time on 3rd and short. Perhaps thats the reason Gaily doesn't hand the ball off in those situations.

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Here are my thoughts on the biggest dissappointments which have put us in this situation

1) Mario....not just his lack of sacks, but mostly his lack of leadership, and positive influence on those around him

2) Sheppard...just disappeared...is around the ball but not a huge influence...watching Patrick Willis shows us what we are missing

3) Aaron Williams...we counted on him and he was BAD

4) Wannstadt ....has not been positive, he has not got his players to rise above, lacks answers and adjustments.

5) Gailly...I expected better play calling....end of first half against the Pats....inside the 15...6 straight plays without our best player Spiller on the field. That says it all.


If these people had lived up to their billing we would be near the top...not about to fall to the bottom...

Agree or Disagree?


Pretty good analysis, and this year so far has been less than expected. I'm not ready to give up though. From the get go I've said we should demand a nine win season and I still think we might have it in us.

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1) Defense - talent may not be great but it is not historically bad. Blame has to go on Wannstadt.

2) 2011 Draft - Dareus - A. Williams - Sheppard. Dareus has been an enormous dissappointment this year. It seems everyone drafted before and after him is headed for superstardom (V. Miller, A. Green, Alden Smith, Watt). A. Williams is horrible. Sheppard just isn't very good.

3) Mario and Mark Anderson.

4) LB's as a group. Worst in the league.

5) Fitzpatrick. He is what he is. Marginal starter/quality back-up.

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1) Dave Wannstedt - We knew it would be a conservative defensive primarily focused on gap control but I had no idea it would be this passively vanilla.



Not a close second

2) Marcel Dareus - Should be whipping way more asses than he has been.

3) George Wilson - Has become a JAG who's losing snaps to less able players

4) George Catavalos - SGilmore's technique is beyond atrocious, both AWilliams and GWilson have regressed and it still seems like nobody is coaching Leodis. Catavalos is halfway out the door.

5) Donald Jones & TJ Graham - This team desperately needs more quality WR's and neither of these guys has done anything to separate themselves from a below average pack.

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Where's Shitzpatrick he's top 3 problems for the Bills Dead or Alive... Matter a fact him and the Defense is like 1A and 1B whichever you wanna put where is fine...


The thread is top 5 disappointments, not top 5 problems. Sure, he's a problem. I didn't expect much from him, so I wouldn't say it's a disappointment.


1) Dave Wannstedt - We knew it would be a conservative defensive primarily focused on gap control but I had no idea it would be this passively vanilla.



Not a close second

2) Marcel Dareus - Should be whipping way more asses than he has been.

3) George Wilson - Has become a JAG who's losing snaps to less able players

4) George Catavalos - SGilmore's technique is beyond atrocious, both AWilliams and GWilson have regressed and it still seems like nobody is coaching Leodis. Catavalos is halfway out the door.

5) Donald Jones & TJ Graham - This team desperately needs more quality WR's and neither of these guys has done anything to separate themselves from a below average pack.


Catavolos should be fired.! I agree

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I'm not saying that Fitzy is the root of all the problems.

Obviously the defense through 8 of the 10 games has been a disaster.

But if two plays go differently.

The Tennessee 4th QTR pick and if TJ Graham takes a left instead of a right the team is 6-4 and in first place in the AFC EAST.


Mario Williams was never any kind of leader and any expectations that he would become one in Buffalo is strange at best.

you saved me the typing. thanks

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Using the All-22 coach’s film package that is available through NFL.com, Buscaglia broke down every snap and his breakdown of Williams’ performance was glaringly revealing.


The film showed that Williams was all-out double-teamed on just one of the 69 snaps he played. There were three other plays where he was “chipped,” meaning a running back or tight end got a piece of him while he was engaged with a lineman.


As the Patriots were rushing for 247 yards, they ran toward Williams’ side on 11 plays, and averaged seven yards per attempt. He was never double-teamed on any of the runs, regardless of which side they were aimed toward, and on eight of the 34 running plays he was on the field for, he was single-blocked by one of New England’s tight ends.


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You guys have been beating up the defense...fair enough....now some on the offense.


Non Emergence of a 2nd WR. The day Nelson was out for the season, we have not seen TJ or Jones step up to be that 2nd WR that will force single coverage on Steve Johnson.


Non use of Scott Chandler.


Our inability to extend drives on 3rd and shorts..We have been terrible at it.

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Here are my thoughts on the biggest dissappointments which have put us in this situation

1) Mario....not just his lack of sacks, but mostly his lack of leadership, and positive influence on those around him - DISAGREE on part. Lack of sacks yes, the rest not so much. TACKLING was what killed this D.

2) Sheppard...just disappeared...is around the ball but not a huge influence...watching Patrick Willis shows us what we are missing

3) Aaron Williams...we counted on him and he was BAD

4) Wannstadt ....has not been positive, he has not got his players to rise above, lacks answers and adjustments. AGREE but again TACKLING was what killed this D.

5) Gailly...I expected better play calling....end of first half against the Pats....inside the 15...6 straight plays without our best player Spiller on the field. That says it all. DISAGREE on part. Lack of hurry up plays when needed. Strange ties to call pass plays in the 4th QTR AGREE.

If these people had lived up to their billing we would be near the top...not about to fall to the bottom...

Agree or Disagree?

Two lousy plays in two seperate games ...... The Bills would be @ 6-4. Missed by that much . tied with NE - Agree or Disagree?
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