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Report: Bills Lease Deal Imminent....


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Keep in mind that the details of the opt-out conditions will be just as important as the lease length.


In all honesty, I have a VERY bad feeling about how this is playing out. If Ralph dies within the next 3 years, the Bills will likely beat out the Rams/Raiders/Chargers in the race to LA. !@#$ing Ralph Wilson....

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Keep in mind that the details of the opt-out conditions will be just as important as the lease length.


In all honesty, I have a VERY bad feeling about how this is playing out. If Ralph dies within the next 3 years, the Bills will likely beat out the Rams/Raiders/Chargers in the race to LA. !@#$ing Ralph Wilson....


Can we wait before that happens before cursing Ralph? You have ESP or sumptin'?



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It's unlikely that Tony Farina has the scoop on everyone else. Just look at what happened to NYC in the last two days, there's no way Cuomo is spending $220 on stadium improvements. Best case is they announce a one year extension.

Brandon hasn't even announced that Rogers has extended, that's the first step towards any lease deal.

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Brandon just pissed on the fire on WGR


Not true at all. He basically said the same thing as he's been saying all along. Typical business-speak. Certainly you do not expect him to say 'yea the report's true and by the way, take all the leverage we have now in securing the best deal for the Bills.' They will not say anything to the public so as to not disrupt negotiations. It was kinda funny how he got off the topic real quick and they segwayed into a new stadium. These people are pretty slick about what/how they say things to media outlets....all part of the game...

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The Niagara Falls Reporter is reporting a lease deal is imminent....announcement in 7-10 days....8-10 year deal...





This in absolutely NOT a good deal. 8 -10 years in exchange for $230,000,000. in stadium improvements? This is a sh!!ty deal. 23 to 28,000,000./year to keep the Bills here. If that's the price let them walk. If this state and this county is being asked to fork over that kind of money the lease term should be 20 years at least with heavy penalties for breakage.

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It was typical Brandon stammering and double speak. One thing that could be gleaned was when asked about Roger's negotiation updates he gave a terse No. That means Rogers is hammering him about price in renewing that deal. Just as I said back in August.


I was glad to see that White started to question this nonsense that the present stadium has the best sight-lines in the league. That nonsense ranks up there with Brandin saying the 90's Bills had trouble selling seats in December.


This guy is a tool and is the constant is in this thirteen year incompetency.

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This in absolutely NOT a good deal. 8 -10 years in exchange for $230,000,000. in stadium improvements? This is a sh!!ty deal. 23 to 28,000,000./year to keep the Bills here. If that's the price let them walk. If this state and this county is being asked to fork over that kind of money the lease term should be 20 years at least with heavy penalties for breakage.


Wow talk about a bad deal. For a POS stadium with POS team playing in it 8x a year, doesn't seem to add up to the cost. If the stadium was used year round or for concerts it may be some sort of a good deal, but I just don't see it...

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