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Niagara Falls and Milstein may figure in future of Buffalo Bills

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I just hope (pray, actually) that the name of the new stadium is Celino & Barnes Stadium. Because I'd just hate to see any square foot of available space- anywhere in WNY- without their name and picture on it. Seriously, I don't care whose name is on the stadium, as long as the Bills play well when they are in the Heineken Green Zone...

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Extend the Toronto deal, continue to build the fan base up there, within 5-10 years there's new ownership and a new stadium on the way in Niagara Falls, NY. Build up the transportation infrastructure to easily allow southern Ontario fans to cross the border, and... Who knows? It's so wacky it just might work. I don't pretend to have any answers, but I'm pretty sure that keeping the Bills in WNY will require some creative solutions. So Godspeed to whoever is figuring it out.

yes regionalization is the answer. If the parochial blue collar bums shouting "keep em' in Buffalo" have their way, Bills will be gone. TIred old city of only 250,000 residents can't support a team in this day and age, no way, no how. Wilson's estate is not going to leave hundreds of millions on the table due to any loyalty to an area they dont even live. If the bums want to have their tailgates and fistfights, let them take organize their own tractor pull and monster truck exhibitions at the vacated Ralph. Leave the boards up and pipe in the game from the falls.


Falls is the only real asset that area has to market any more. Tourist angle would be a unique differentiating niche for the team, and elevate their profile in the Commisioner's office keen on expanding internationally. NF has a neutral site location aspect too since both US and Canada share in the area, it's not speficically identifiable with a city more so a wonder of the world site, and city folks from places like Toronto and Rochester won't feel like they're supporting a team from another city they don't give a ^$#% about, and in the case of Toronto probably dont want to be associated with. The upgraded image would also be an asset in recruiting players and coaches.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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yes regionalization is the answer. If the parochial blue collar bums shouting "keep em' in Buffalo" have their way, Bills will be gone. TIred old city of only 250,000 residents can't support a team in this day and age, no way, no how. Wilson's estate is not going to leave hundreds of millions on the table due to any loyalty to an area they dont even live. If the bums want to have their tailgates and fistfights, let them take organize their own tractor pull and monster truck exhibitions at the vacated Ralph. Leave the boards up and pipe in the game from the falls.


Falls is the only real asset that area has to market any more. Tourist angle would be a unique differentiating niche for the team, and elevate their profile in the Commisioner's office keen on expanding internationally. NF has a neutral site location aspect too since both US and Canada share in the area, it's not speficically identifiable with a city more so a wonder of the world site, and city folks from places like Toronto and Rochester won't feel like they're supporting a team from another city they don't give a ^$#% about, and in the case of Toronto probably dont want to be associated with. The upgraded image would also be an asset in recruiting players and coaches.


Nice analysis and please keep in mind something else. If the franchise is further regionalized with a move to Niagara Falls, the name Buffalo Bills is probably dead. They will be forced to change the name to Niagara Frontier Bills etc... (ala New England Patriots). The regionalization plan will be an easier sell with a regional name.


I hate the thought but am very pragmatic.

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Name change is fine with me. "Niagara Rapids" ... it regionalizes the team and all existing fans will know exactly who there are/were. All legacy personel etc etc carries over. They'll be playing about 30 miles away as the crow flies, in the same state/country/region. If rapids win a super bowl I'm counting it as one for the bills .... period. I bet NFL official record keepers would agree to specify it as such.

Its a way forward and I think an exciting one. We can be leaders for a change.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Niagara Falls would be a great location, closer to the Canadian market but without the crossing the Border problems (for US), BUT Milstein is a crook!


He's been BS'ing the Falls for years about HIS property and HIS development plans etc., etc. and nothing ever happens. Niagara Falls and Niagara County are full of potential stadium sites, without involving Milstein. Just the fact that the stadium could have a Niagara Falls address would be worth a lot for marketing the team as "regional," and the Niagara Falls name alone is already known world-wide. We would even get to use the unused Niagara Falls Airport for Team Charters etc.


If the city of Niagara Falls, or Niagara County would step up and offer the BILLS an acceptable staduim site(s), for an equivalent deal that they gave the dead-beat Seneca's, the BILLS would have to seriously consider it.


Putting $200 mil or more, that we don;t have, into Rich Stadium, is like putting a new dress on an old whore!

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Here's a newsflash - the Bills don't need to be linked to a "natural wonder" to market seats to locals who have already seen - ad nausem - every single hokey aspect of Niagara Falls NY, Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, etc., etc.


While putting the Bills there would certainly help the NF economy (when taking in a Bills game, visitors would surely be more inclined to stop for a quick look at some flowing water if the stadium was nearlby), it would do NOTHING in terms of making the Bills more marketable. Such a move benefits the City of Niagara Falls way more than it benefits the Bills, whose origins and history scream that the team's home base belongs firmly cemented in Buffalo.




18 and 1 baby!!!!! :beer:

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Here's a newsflash - the Bills don't need to be linked to a "natural wonder" to market seats to locals who have already seen - ad nausem - every single hokey aspect of Niagara Falls NY, Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, etc., etc.


While putting the Bills there would certainly help the NF economy (when taking in a Bills game, visitors would surely be more inclined to stop for a quick look at some flowing water if the stadium was nearlby), it would do NOTHING in terms of making the Bills more marketable. Such a move benefits the City of Niagara Falls way more than it benefits the Bills, whose origins and history scream that the team's home base belongs firmly cemented in Buffalo.




18 and 1 baby!!!!! :beer:


I'm going to agree with the Senator....



NF is a wasteland. No player would ever live there. There is a reason that Milstein's lump of desolate land ($1 million an acre!!) remains undeveloped. If there was to be a new stadium, it would be in Buffalo, where it belongs.

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Here's a newsflash - the Bills don't need to be linked to a "natural wonder" to market seats to locals who have already seen - ad nausem - every single hokey aspect of Niagara Falls NY, Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds, etc., etc.


While putting the Bills there would certainly help the NF economy (when taking in a Bills game, visitors would surely be more inclined to stop for a quick look at some flowing water if the stadium was nearlby), it would do NOTHING in terms of making the Bills more marketable. Such a move benefits the City of Niagara Falls way more than it benefits the Bills, whose origins and history scream that the team's home base belongs firmly cemented in Buffalo.




18 and 1 baby!!!!! :beer:

Exactly. Again, this "story" is not news. It is just someone spouting off more bull ****. When someone relevant comes forward and says he/she/they will be looking to purchase the Bills when they are on the market THEN it will be news. Not a millisecond before. Why do people give a **** about these bull **** stories?


I can write a story about how Antonio Pérez (CEO of Kodak) is going to build a stadium where Kodak Park stands today in Rochester and buy the Bills because it is largely empty and why would Kodak hold on to all of this empty land if they weren't planning on building a stadium there. Does that make it newsworthy? Of coure not, it is crap I pulled out of my ass just like the NF story.

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It's always a touchy subject, but the regionalization of this team is huge for them to stay.


Also, what is never talked about is the High Speed Empire Rail Corridor system in the works from NYC to--none other than in Niagara Falls, NY


It will go through Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester and Downtown Buffalo...


There is also another plan from Toronto to connect a High Speed Rail System connecting to the High Speed Empire Rail...


Where it meets of course is Niagara Falls


I don't know the details of fast the High Speed Empire Rail System goes, but the one being put in Utah right now can take passengers with an average speed from stop to stop at 120 mph.

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Name change is fine with me. "Niagara Rapids" ... it regionalizes the team and all existing fans will know exactly who there are/were. All legacy personel etc etc carries over. They'll be playing about 30 miles away as the crow flies, in the same state/country/region. If rapids win a super bowl I'm counting it as one for the bills .... period. I bet NFL official record keepers would agree to specify it as such.

Its a way forward and I think an exciting one. We can be leaders for a change.


What makes me want to vomit - even more than misguided reasoning that the Bills need to move from Buffalo in order to keep them viable in WNY - is the crazy notion that not only does one of the most stable franchises in the league need to be yanked from Buffalo to keep it viable, but that the name of this storied franchise should be changed from Buffalo Bills to some ridiculous name more reminiscent of an indoor lacrosse, arena football, or ladies soccer team!


The Niagara Rapids???? :sick: :sick: :sick:


Puleeeeze....the Buffalo Bills will remain the Buffalo Bills - and in Buffalo, NY - long after we're food for worms and the newest governor of NY has unveiled the lastest master plan to resurrect Niagara Falls from the ashes.

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Wow! This story has it all!


- "a new stadium is almost a given."

- 140 acres of "prime" real estate that they can't get anyone to develop (not even a "sports museum"!), yet it's worth $1 million an acre!

- an elderly man who is "the deal maker who brought Nik Wallenda to Niagara Falls"! And he is Jim Kelly's form er agent!

- Jim Kelly!

- the Mayor "declined to comment"!

- Indian Casinos!

- the Montreal "Canadians"-- of the NHL!

- a 2 time unsuccesful potential NFL team buyer---from New York City!

- "the cataract city"!

- the potential for Orchard Park to be developed into some thing more valuable than the home of an NFL franchise! (finally!)


Nothing but awesome in this article.


When Milstein won the bid to buy the Redskins the owners refused to allow him into their club. His extortionist and rough house business tactics were well known. His method is to sue and crush anyone who disagrees with him into subsmission. When he was attempting to buy the franchise he made it known that he was willing to sign a statement that he wouldn't resort to suing when there was a disagreement regarding the league and the franchise. He still was not allowed to buy the franchise. Thus, Danny Snyder, a minority stake holder in the Milstein faction was able to regroup with other partners and buy the franchise. The end result was that Milstein ended up suing the former owner's son! LOL

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This could be the reason to have 2 games in Toronto the next five seasons


or not...


Sep 19, 2012 - Despite recent reports to the contrary, the Buffalo Bills will not be playing more than one game per season in Toronto. Bills CEO Russ Brandon...was quick to assure Buffalo fans that Toronto would not see any increase in regular season appearances by the Bills.


Link - Bills Won't Play Multiple Games In Toronto

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What makes me want to vomit - even more than misguided reasoning that the Bills need to move from Buffalo in order to keep them viable in WNY - is the crazy notion that not only does one of the most stable franchises in the league need to be yanked from Buffalo to keep it viable, but that the name of this storied franchise should be changed from Buffalo Bills to some ridiculous name more reminiscent of an indoor lacrosse, arena football, or ladies soccer team!


The Niagara Rapids???? :sick: :sick: :sick:


Puleeeeze....the Buffalo Bills will remain the Buffalo Bills - and in Buffalo, NY - long after we're food for worms and the newest governor of NY has unveiled the lastest master plan to resurrect Niagara Falls from the ashes.


How about the Batavia Muck Dogs?

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What makes me want to vomit - even more than misguided reasoning that the Bills need to move from Buffalo in order to keep them viable in WNY


Puleeeeze....the Buffalo Bills will remain the Buffalo Bills - and in Buffalo, NY


You do know the Bills haven't actually played in Buffalo for 40 years? How far away do you think Niagara Falls is?



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