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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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This is when it's REALLY nice to be a true independent. Someone cherry-picks a poll showing D with a huge lead, and polls suck. Someone else cherry-picks another poll showing R with a huge lead...and polls still suck.

Very true. I believe there is only one accurate poll and it won't be out for a bit.

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Maybe democracy isn't the best system?


The older I get, the more I think the old "You have to be a property owner to vote" idea had something to it. "Can stand upright and read at a third-grade level" doesn't seem to be cutting it...

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The older I get, the more I think the old "You have to be a property owner to vote" idea had something to it. "Can stand upright and read at a third-grade level" doesn't seem to be cutting it...

What? When did handicapped people not get the right to vote? I also believe retards have the ability to vote as well. Hell if this place is any indication, I believe they do it all the time.

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“One might have thought that the 2010 mid-term elections . . . would have convinced the Left that they had miscalculated. Instead, they placed their confidence in Obama’s ability to navigate the new environment . . .


“Everything seemed to be proceeding in accordance with those beliefs until Romney dismantled Obama in Wednesday’s debate — a psychological shock that has unhinged the Left, causing them to begin lashing out furiously and rather erratically at anyone who suggests that the dam has broken and that the ‘
preference cascade
’ may doom Obama to defeat in November.”







Edited by B-Man
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Yes but the comments are in true Huffington Post form.


I read an article in there earlier from, I think, Howard Fineman, and the premise of the article was "If Obama Loses, Here's What To Blame."


The comments section was a cornucopia of batschitt loony liberal dolts. How dare one of their own suggest Obama might lose. And if he does lose, they say, it won't be because of anything Obama did, but rather what the "corporate media" did to make Obama look bad in the first debate.


Seriously. Not kidding. Corporate media was responsible for Obama looking bad in that first debate.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I read an article in there earlier from, I think, Howard Fineman, and the premise of the article was "If Obama Loses, Here's What To Blame."


The comments section was a cornucopia of batschitt loony liberal dolts. How dare one of their own suggest Obama might lose. And if he does lose, they say, it won't be because of anything Obama did, but rather what the "corporate media" did to make Obama look bad in the first debate.


Seriously. Not kidding. Corporate media was responsible for Obama looking bad in that first debate.


Do they have any idea how to take responsibility for anything? Could you imagine if Bain took over some company and Romney spent four years blaming the previous management team for not being able to turn it around?

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Do they have any idea how to take responsibility for anything? Could you imagine if Bain took over some company and Romney spent four years blaming the previous management team for not being able to turn it around?


If Romney gets the opportunity tomorrow night this is exactly what he should indicate. Can you picture the look on Obama's face when Romney tells him he didn't have the luxury of blaming his predecessor when he turned companies around? That would be one of those debate moments that people remember.

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Seriously. Not kidding. Corporate media was responsible for Obama looking bad in that first debate.


Well, yeah. The moderator didn't control the debate, thereby allowing Romney to put Obama on the defensive, making Obama look bad.

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Quinnipiac poll shows Romney within 4 in PA.



Strategically this is a double edged sword for Romney. If PA is in play it signals a landslide. But if Team Romney diverts resources from Ohio, Virginia, Florida, etc it may give Team Obama enough of an opening to capture one of those states. Conversely these numbers may be cause for Team Obama to divert resources from swing states to shore up what should be a true blue state.

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