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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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Remember in Star Trek IV, when Kirk and Spock are walking through SF, and someone calls Kirk a dumbass, and with a moment's hesitation he responds with the oh-so-clever "...double dumbass on you!"


I can never help but think of that scene when I see such witty comebacks as 1billsfan's.

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Remember in Star Trek IV, when Kirk and Spock are walking through SF, and someone calls Kirk a dumbass, and with a moment's hesitation he responds with the oh-so-clever "...double dumbass on you!"


I can never help but think of that scene when I see such witty comebacks as 1billsfan's.


Nobody would have called Picard a dumbass because people respect him and knew that if they did call him a dumbass, Worf would rip them a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sphincter

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Since the righties have agreed to disregard every poll, do you at least see the polling trend as worrying? At the very least, there growing problem in that the polls show Obama widening his lead. So assuming the oversampling is a true problem (and not that people are simply over-identifying as Dem), wouldn't you be hoping to see Romney holding the gap or closing it? Are you at all concerned about the widening?


Just trying to judge how deep your skepticism goes--is there at any point where you might acknowledge concern about the polls?


I've volunteered to stop posting forever here if Romney wins, if one of the Reps will take the other side of the bet. So far, no takers. (For me, if Romney wins, it's a win-win, no more Obama AND I exit this toilet that I wallow in...if Obama wins, I get rid of some dumbass poster for good).

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So, isn't it possible that the reason why the right-leaning polls (or the "objective" polls) are showing the race as a dead heat to make sure Romney's base goes to the polls?



Whoa, I totally missed your question somehow the first time, my bad.


Personally I think the phrasing of your question is problematic but I know I'm in the minority on this one. The "media" is such a broad term and the public's relationship with the media has changed drastically with the advent of cable news and the blogosphere. 60% of Americans don't trust the media -- that's an alarming statistic.


By in large the traditional media tends to lean left simply due to geography and the demographics of the journalists. Most are liberally educated, live in either New York City or Los Angeles, and driven by the muckraking history of their profession. Prior to cable and the internet, there were a limited number of options for the public to get their news. As such, the aura of journalistic integrity was more revered. Newscasters and journalists had to be more objective (or at least keep their cloak up) simply due to the limited nature of the medium they were working in. But now there's more freedom than ever for people to get their news and information. It accelerated the already competitive nature of the industry and created news that panders to its viewers. Entertainment passed off as information has become the norm. And Obama is inherently more flashy and sexy from an entertainment perspective than Mitt.


The right sees it as a liberal conspiracy. In reality it's a business decision plain and simple.


But again, I know I'm in the minority on that.


Thanks for your reply. Good answer, I 'd buy that for a dollar...

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Nobody would have called Picard a dumbass because people respect him and knew that if they did call him a dumbass, Worf would rip them a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sphincter


Because a grenouille is too damn weak to fight their own fights. Kirk would have done the ass kicking himself.

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I'll admit, when I see a link posted as being Breitbart.com, hughhewitt.com, and the like, I don't bother looking at them, just like I'm sure you do the same when it's HuffPost or MSNBC. If you want to convince people (in this case those commie brainwashed libs), maybe try a less biased source. Just sayin'...


Biased yes, but they're pointing to real data to back up their opinions. Thankfully, we only have a handful of weeks to find out who was right and who was wrong.

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It's pretty sad that some of you have just resorted to blaming the polls. Really? All of the polls are wrong except Rasmussen. Hahahahahahaha.


Denial. New CBS/Quinnipac - Obama up 10 in Ohio, 9 in Florida, and 12 in Pennsylvania.

Now...do I have to go find the LV and RV party identifications of those polls, and prove you to you that they are probably biased +10 in OH, +9 in Florida and +8 in PA...or are you going to do it yourself this time?


+9 in Florida :lol: :lol: :lol:


Not even close. Hehe. So now they are doubling down? Obama being oversampled = up by 4 in FL/OH wasn't good enough, and didn't increase the D enthusiasm...so now they are trying to make it up by 9?




Do you have any idea how pathetic this is? Obama won FL by 2.8 in 2008....and you think....he will win there by 9 this year? ROFL.


Unmitigated moron.


Seriously now. I don't want to see a fellow Bills fan be lied to, believe the lies, and then have their feelings hurt because they wanted to believe the lies. There's no pleasure in it for me.....unless they refuse to listen, call me names, and demand that we go along with their delusions. Then, and only then, it's quite funny watching the delusions all fall apart.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Since the righties have agreed to disregard every poll, do you at least see the polling trend as worrying? At the very least, there growing problem in that the polls show Obama widening his lead. So assuming the oversampling is a true problem (and not that people are simply over-identifying as Dem), wouldn't you be hoping to see Romney holding the gap or closing it? Are you at all concerned about the widening?


Just trying to judge how deep your skepticism goes--is there at any point where you might acknowledge concern about the polls?


I've volunteered to stop posting forever here if Romney wins, if one of the Reps will take the other side of the bet. So far, no takers. (For me, if Romney wins, it's a win-win, no more Obama AND I exit this toilet that I wallow in...if Obama wins, I get rid of some dumbass poster for good).

The only trend here that is consistent: however much the nonsense poll says Obama is up by = the amount of oversample of Ds. And, this has been consistent for every poll I have looked at.


So, what we are seeing, and is being confirmed over and over: this looks to be a very, very tight election right now. The only thing that remains to be seen: will the 3-5% swing vote, that historically goes to the challenger at the end, show up? If it does, and all things stay the same as they are today, Romney wins.


These clowns know this...that's why they are so desperate to try and manufacture any kind of lead for Obama, in hopes that the artificial lead will be replaced by a real one, by sheer momentum. It's the only thing they can do.


What these clowns apparently don't know: momentum doesn't come from polls, or gaffes from the other guy. Momentum comes from the candidate saying the key things that are both truly meaningful, and truly memorable, but, both must be based on some tangible result/belief from the candidate that people can relate to.


In that: these clowns are well and truly F'ed....because that isn't coming from Barry. Not this time. Candidate Empty Vessel is not designed for these things.


"Kill Romney" has merely made the election close. If you notice: Obama isn't getting above 50% in any of the swing states...or the national polls. There may be one or two...but again...that's only because they know what I am about to say is true: An incumbent who isn't polling above 50% at this point in the election = a dead duck.


And, nobody cares whether you post here or not. But, yeah....I'm the narcissist. :lol:

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Hilarious add just ran on my tv. Campaign voice sounding like it was selling something cheap on an infomercial came on saying "attnetion patriots! if the election was held today Obama would win and continue the spread of socialism. donate now and pledge to vote for romney at xxx-xxxx"


hehe....got to love that

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Now...do I have to go find the LV and RV party identifications of those polls, and prove you to you that they are probably biased +10 in OH, +9 in Florida and +8 in PA...or are you going to do it yourself this time?


+9 in Florida :lol: :lol: :lol:


Not even close. Hehe. So now they are doubling down? Obama being oversampled = up by 4 in FL/OH wasn't good enough, and didn't increase the D enthusiasm...so now they are trying to make it up by 9?




Do you have any idea how pathetic this is? Obama won FL by 2.8 in 2008....and you think....he will win there by 9 this year? ROFL.


Unmitigated moron.


Seriously now. I don't want to see a fellow Bills fan be lied to, believe the lies, and then have their feelings hurt because they wanted to believe the lies. There's no pleasure in it for me.....unless they refuse to listen, call me names, and demand that we go along with their delusions. Then, and only then, it's quite funny watching the delusions all fall apart.


Explain the gap WIDENING in all polls. Was Romney way ahead when polls were saying Obama +2?? Even if what you are saying is true about oversampling by EVERYBODY then the trend is still bad for Romney no matter how you spin it.


I'm trying to look at some 2004 polls to see their samples. Seems impossible to find them though. Maybe I'll try 2008 at least.




Some reading for all you whiners about polling. The polls are scientific, you guys are the ones trying to make them biased....

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