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MDP dating advice thread...

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So what your saying is its a 6 and a 4.5? I refuse to believe the 9. Unless photos are involved, and even then if it's a photo of a 9 I'm going to accuse you of googling for it.



honestly man, they are both hot. im not a bad looking guy, many times girls come up to me. its when i get all nervous that they run...

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one is a 7.5, the other is a 9


the one 9 sent me a friend request and now messaged me twice. i messaged back and said this my number. she said she would call and she was supernervous about the test... blah blah...


she would be cool to bang, but i like the girl i went out with on friday. w/e...


i literally have no !@#$ing clue why this chick is hitting so hard... random as !@#$ this never happens, ever

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If she has women parts, if she is actually a standard 9, if you are heterosexual, and if you treat every girl like you did with the other one, she would not be "cool" to bang, she would be amazing to bang.

Edited by Teen Insight
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so i ask for this girls number, we talked for a good hr or 2, and she gives me a fake num lol...


this rejection thing sucks man, getting old

It doesn't matter how many times you get rejected.


Does. Not. Matter.


You can get rejected 100 times in a day. But if the 101st girl says "yes," you're getting laid that night.


Or you're getting a number. Whatever. I don't know how fast you're looking to move.

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so i ask for this girls number, we talked for a good hr or 2, and she gives me a fake num lol...


this rejection thing sucks man, getting old


There comes a time when you simply have to start considering the possibility that you're butt-ugly.

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There comes a time when you simply have to start considering the possibility that you're butt-ugly.

Could be that, but I suspect it had more to do with the talking.


Or following some poor girl for like 2 hours. You'd think she'd get away sooner.

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so i ask for this girls number, we talked for a good hr or 2, and she gives me a fake num lol...


this rejection thing sucks man, getting old

I dont think i could count how many times ive been rejected man. im 24, im not that old. I'd go to a bar have a great night with a girl dancing, talking, buy her drinks and then shed just leave. But then I found a good one, shes awesome and Im glad I never got that B word's number because I might not have met my current GF and someone i can legit see myself with for a long time. Dont be discouraged, just enjoy the ride (and hopefully get laid once or twice)

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in all seriousness, its like you have to be a jerk in order to get laid... especially with girls you like. its just not in my blood. i just treat people the way i would want to be treated.



You need to stop pampering yourself.

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in all seriousness, its like you have to be a jerk in order to get laid... especially with girls you like. its just not in my blood. i just treat people the way i would want to be treated.




Tough love time.


You're buying into the already pervasive attitude that women owe men sex for displaying kindness. Attraction isn't something you attain through deeds. Attraction doesn't follow logic or old tales of chivalry.


Look...you openly state that you want to 'get laid'. That's your motivating factor. Not being a nice guy. If you had the confidence to do what the "jerks" do, you wouldn't be complaining about them. And what makes them jerks, exactly? A willingness to state what they want and take it? Think about it.


Give this a spin. Next time you're with a girl and there's some rapport, say the following (preferably whisper it into her ear). "We're not going to have sex tonight because, frankly, you haven't earned it yet. But I feel compelled to warn you...the first time we !@#$, it may intimidate you. Because I'm a man. And I know how to do things."


Then you walk away. If she doesn't text you later that night to come over, it's because she already took care of herself.

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in all seriousness, its like you have to be a jerk in order to get laid... especially with girls you like. its just not in my blood. i just treat people the way i would want to be treated.


You give blow jobs, whenever you're asked?





(No, I'm REALLY not asking.)

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