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Romney Booed by NAACP

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I actually saw a bit of the speech...and it was condescending..."Obamacare" issue aside. He went to pains to remind everyone numerous times, "if you could see what is in my heart, you would see..." Really Mitt? How come you can't tell anyone?


I don't think he gave any other speech telling everyone that he would be the best president for African American families...where else did he say that? He wanted to get booed... I have little doubt. The poor old white guy getting booed by a bunch of blacks is going to play well for him in some places. To me, it was a cynical move, and not nearly as dumb as it seems...

Condescending? LOL!

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GG... perhaps I explained my point poorly... obviously it was lost on you.





You are being naive 3rd... your point would make more sense if he didn't say, twice, that he was the best candidate for African American families...


Sorry I missed your point. Yes, I missed your point. Romney is the best for blacks future in this country. Obama wants their vote, Romney wants their admiration for doing a good job.

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Earlier today on The Situation Room on CNN, Wolf Blitzer told viewers:


"Here is something I’d like to say to President Obama: You should have attended the NAACP convention in Houston today. Mitt Romney did. It was the right thing to do. The Republican knows the nation’s oldest civil-rights group isn’t exactly friendly turf but went anyway. On the whole, got a polite reception, but was booed when he said this: [from videotape] “I’m going to eliminate every nonessential expensive program I can find, that includes Obamacare.” Despite the boos, it was a smart political move for Mitt Romney to address the NAACP. He knows he is not going to win over a lot of black voters, but attending these kinds of events is important in reassuring a lot of the suburban white voters that he is a moderate, decent politician, someone that wants to work with all Americans.


I’m surprised the president was a no-show. He is sending Vice President Joe Biden, will send a video. I checked the president’s schedule for today. He is here in Washington, D.C., over at the White House. He’s got meetings. I assume those meetings are very important. but he could have found time to pay his respects to the NAACP. The president should not take the African-American vote for granted. Let’s not be under any illusions. He received 95% of the black vote four years ago. He’ll do almost as well this time around for sure. But his problem is voter turnout. The president needs excitement, he needs enthusiasm in the African-American community, especially in the battleground states he carried in 2008. Fewer African-Americans may go to the polls this time. They might not vote for Romney, but might not show up, especially now that black unemployment has risen to 14.4%. It’s a lot higher than the 8.2% for all Americans.


So in my opinion, the president missed an opportunity today. My bottom line is this: Romney did the right thing on this day, the president did not. Now some folks will disagree with me, Kate. That’s just me offering my sense of what’s going on".





Mitt Romney gave a quality speech, with confidence, to a group that’s not exactly debating its endorsement. And, once he was booed, he hit some kind of stride. I harbor no delusions about Romney running away with the black vote, but maybe, just maybe, he made some progress there today.

As Blitzer noticed, it was respectful. He even got a standing ovation — a Republican, at the NAACP convention — besides the applause he received for his commitment to defend traditional marriage.



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Are you implying that Romney is racist? If so, you suck.



I saw the speech and really thought this was an interesting moment.


"if you want a president who will make things better in the African American community, you are looking at him"


They naturally booed and he defiantly quipped


"take a look"


I gotta say, that was ballsy, and my guess is that he got some respect from some african Americans and I sure as hell can tell you thati have a new found respect for him, never had seen that side from him.



No, you're voting for Obama because you always vote democrat, retard.


Really this is why the PPP is a mine field. I have never voted Democrat until the last election. I'm still a registered Republican voter although I am going to change my affiliation. I could not vote for a Republican again with their lets bomb and invade another country attitude. Hell the next country is Canada.

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Really this is why the PPP is a mine field. I have never voted Democrat until the last election. I'm still a registered Republican voter although I am going to change my affiliation. I could not vote for a Republican again with their lets bomb and invade another country attitude. Hell the next country is Canada.

BO's supported a fair share of bomb and gouge too. And he's taken the Neocon baton of targeting Syria and Iran fter iraq. Bottom line: both parties are infected by the special interest war machine

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Really this is why the PPP is a mine field. I have never voted Democrat until the last election. I'm still a registered Republican voter although I am going to change my affiliation. I could not vote for a Republican again with their lets bomb and invade another country attitude. Hell the next country is Canada.

I don't believe you

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Obama camp cites 'scheduling conflict' for NAACP convention no-show


Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama's re-election campaign insisted a "scheduling conflict" is behind the president's decision to skip this year's NAACP convention.


"We declined a few weeks ago and [the] NAACP was pleased [Vice President Joe Biden] was able to attend," a campaign official told CNN.



While the president's schedule appeared to be wide open for Thursday–raising questions as to why his campaign cited "scheduling conflicts"–CNN confirmed Thursday morning that Obama and his wife, Michelle, are sitting down for an interview with CBS News.




A check of White House log shows no real"conflict". I suppose that CBS would refuse to move the interview................lol


Perhaps we should refer to them as "stone cold liars" .....lol


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A check of White House log shows no real"conflict". I suppose that CBS would refuse to move the interview................lol


Perhaps we should refer to them as "stone cold liars" .....lol




He doesnt want to miss his Tee time. FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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regarding the 'media' coverage;


Naturally, most of the coverage about Romney’s speech to the NAACP focused on the boos. It reflected badly on Romney, we are meant to understand.


Question: Is there any doubt that if a liberal Democrat addressed a gathering of conservatives (I know, impossible to imagine, but stay with me), and was booed for his trouble,


that the press narrative would be how badly this reflected on the audience? - Mona Charen



I think that we all know how the press would have "reported" that...........................



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That is Romney's whole schtick. I havn't heard one idea or plan come out of Romney's mouth. Perhaps the worst Republican candidate in 75 years. I'm voting for Obama because Mitt is just plain pathetic.


Then you are really not paying attention.


Enjoy the soundbites.

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Really this is why the PPP is a mine field. I have never voted Democrat until the last election. I'm still a registered Republican voter although I am going to change my affiliation. I could not vote for a Republican again with their lets bomb and invade another country attitude. Hell the next country is Canada.


So that's how you view the Republican party?

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So that's how you view the Republican party?

Let's see. On one hand, you have the party of "let's destroy another country." On the other hand, you have the party of "let's destroy our own country." Choices, choice.

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A check of White House log shows no real"conflict". I suppose that CBS would refuse to move the interview................lol


Perhaps we should refer to them as "stone cold liars" .....lol





“Seats are pretty empty minutes before Biden is set to speak,” CBS reporter Rodney Hawkins tweeted along with this photo. Hawkins added that an “NAACP representative” told him “the rain is to blame…People are slowly coming in.”


Maybe they couldn't find a way to get there?

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“Seats are pretty empty minutes before Biden is set to speak,” CBS reporter Rodney Hawkins tweeted along with this photo. Hawkins added that an “NAACP representative” told him “the rain is to blame…People are slowly coming in.”


Maybe they couldn't find a way to get there?


Black people don't like water. Duh. :rolleyes:

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Maybe they couldn't find a way to get there?

Black people have a hard enough time just getting to and from work. How the hell are they able to make it to a Joe Biden speech? Not to mention, it has to be expensive to attend the NAACP convention. Most black people would have to tap into their savings account, if only they understood what a savings account was.

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Yes he was at a NAACP meeting and mentioned blacks. Shocking!



And implied that blacks would only be motivated to vote for Obama because he would give them entitelments. It is a common view here, it seems, so, not surprisingly, not all that controversial to you.


Think of it the way that some of you get riled up when somebody implies that all Republicans/conservatives are racists. Of course, you know that is not true, so you resent being lumped in with that.

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