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Thank You / How is Wall Imprtant To You

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This is an awesome place and I have to give many thanks to Scott and the team… and to millbank for starting this thread.


Like most of you, this place is part of the daily ritual and an important one at that.


The standards here are pretty high for a sports forum and there are some exceptionally smart, funny, and good people here… more than most places I think.


Personally it's really a joy to be able to read and post here and be a part of this community.

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no wine for Mead!!!!!


How else would I appear to be be busy if not for this Board? Even though I work from home..need my kids to at least think I am working hard LOL


Really do enjoy the discourse here..OTW more in the offseason..TSW more in season. Love hearing the different opinions on how guys playedlay calls etc..and keeps me out of the bars whilst doing so!


Miss some of the older posters..Guys like Stuck, SmokingandJoking, Dean, but suppose that is part of life.



Such a diverse people have came and posted this forum daily and i also miss very much a number of people . Have thought that in some cases they still present but have changed their screen names, some visit but now just lurk, and as you stated people do move on with life , have responsibilities, change that is simply the normal course of life. But I also believe there be a number who because of misunderstandings, contentions, perhaps at times some hurtful comments and such we all miss out in mutually sharing with many outstanding excellent people. I have thought would it not be in place that we as a group , as people, given life is far to short to carry around baggage of bad feeling ill will, misunderstandings and contentions, a Amnesty period where ll concerned may have opportunity to lay down the past, for those who wish to make their apologies like adult men and ladies do so and move forward anew. I also miss Stuck, and others , often am concerned where many fine people are , In the end I would like to think we a group of people who are welcoming, having desire to lift each other. I do ask that we give some thought each of us the notion that we far to often carry things best laid down and simply do better to focus on the what is good, and do what we can to build each other, not a single one of us needs the angst and negative in our lives. I do ask with respect that we do take time , to ponder, to lay down the past , a number of fine people are missed very much by all, this poster asks that you do consider returning that we simply forgive and forget and begin anew.

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I know who Tom really misses - Steely Dan.


And amnesty period? Mill, are you crazy? Apologizing and/or admitting you're wrong is a sign of weakness. Everyone on the internet knows that.


And in all seriousness - this board is fairly awesome. I am especially grateful to Alaska Darin for his laissez-faire approach to moderation, which allows for ceaseless entertainment on the slightly more volatile section of TBD. :D


As to the other mods - some people might complain, but I think the moderating overall is pretty darn ok.

Edited by LeviF91
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I know who Tom really misses - Steely Dan.


And amnesty period? Mill, are you crazy? Apologizing and/or admitting you're wrong is a sign of weakness. Everyone on the internet knows that.


And in all seriousness - this board is fairly awesome. I am especially grateful to Alaska Darin for his laissez-faire approach to moderation, which allows for ceaseless entertainment on the slightly more volatile section of TBD. :D


As to the other mods - some people might complain, but I think the moderating overall is pretty darn ok.

No-Conner. Yes the moderating is good but I sure would like to know why my account was"suspended" last week with no explanation.

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With respect I ask if it be possible that we each take time to pause and ponder , give thanks to those who make this site available to us and are responsible for its workings. For many "The Wall" has become a at least daily visit , if not hourly . We gain information, a great deal of fun and humor, the blessing of gaining special acquaintances and friendships from literally all over the world.

Would it be possible to tell how is the Wall important to you? What do you appreciate most about Wall?


, I came here at the beginnings, a nervous, apprehensive person as internet technology and such a thing as a forum a entirely new and frankly scary venture. Over time I have gained the blessing of having exchange with a great number of most excellent people , folks to me now very much so friends. Life has its bumpy times , its difficulties , this forum for me a respite from that.

So much personally I have gained from this privilege, what I appreciate most is the sense of connection, of community, with a group of people with a dream of a community doing better, of having success, and two teams each having their special season at top of their respective sports of football and hockey.

I do at times close my eyes and remember when, Paul and Kelly were here, both gone but not forgotten. I remember also those not allowed anymore, Spiked, Ice, a few others, with no disrespect intended I count them friends also.

As I ponder , at times it seems to me, much time is taken to say and do many things , we do not take time to simply say Thank You,.


Could type a long post full of my unimportant thoughts, so much I would like to say in appreciation, but my wish more so to read and hear what others have to say, for me I wish to say sincerely


My apologies to any I may have offended, my desire is to do better

Thank you


So how is this place special to you?


Thanks for a wonderful thread. It isn't a big surprise either coming from a long term great guy such as you.

This site was here for me through some of the best and toughest times of my life. It has enabled me to make personal friends, something that isn't really so easy for me to do. And, it has provided me with a forum to express my views week to week on a passion of mine, the Buffalo Bills football team.

Yes, there are posters that I truly do miss. Some of them, such as Badolbilz and Lori, know more about this team, and even football in general, than most noted "experts." And where is "stuck in cincy?"

In summary, I thank SDS and the mods for doing the work. They provided the opportunity for friendships and dialogue.

Maybe we will win some day. It could happen. Then, we will look back upon the days of sorrow, frustration and even anger. I will do so fondly and appreciatively.

Thanks again for a great post, and being a long term friend, and may God bless you and your loved ones.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I remember lurking here for the entire season last year. I wanted to join but knew I would get my head kicked in and, in worst case scenario, create an age limit for joining the board.


But the Mario Williams thread, that was the turning point. Spending 4 days of my spring break reading that thread and realizing that we have a few comedians on here and everybody is pretty cool.


I signed up and when I posted my first post, everything felt different. I was part of the Buffalo Bills "in" crowd and it felt pretty good.


Now, 4 months later, I've gotten my a** kicked a good amount of times but I'm learning; I've caught on to what makes people laugh and what ticks people off. I've witnessed the different personalities on the board and don't hate many of them.


I look forward to the day when I can get to one of the TBD Tailgate parties. Maybe it'll be soon, but I imagine it'll be later; the folks aren't much for meeting people they have never met. Its my dream to get myself into a college around the WNY area and if I make that happen, I'll have to sneak my way over there.


I'm glad I found my way over here. There's no other place I could procrastinate on studying/homework/important stuff than right here. :cry:


P.S. Hope I didn't just ruin my street cred on here.

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