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Facebook Douche Renounces American Citizenship

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One of the bit players in the creation of Facebook just renounced his U.S. citizenship in advance of the IPO, so he can save the capital gains tax.


Welcome to reality, liberals. Rich people will take their toys and run. Because they can.


The state of Illinois recently raised the corporate profit tax rate. The result? Neighboring states are wooing Illinois businesses to cross state lines - and the companies are listening and taking the best offer. Once again, the inability of liberal politicians to understand a competitive market place will bite the middle class deeply in the ass. The consequences are going to be staggering.

As demonstrated in this thread over 120 times already - reality isn't something they have a grasp of. Staggering - yes, reality - no.

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As demonstrated in this thread over 120 times already - reality isn't something they have a grasp of. Staggering - yes, reality - no.



This is what the laffer curve is for. yes, no matter what type of political economy you have, if taxes are too high, there will be no incentive and wealth creation is crushed. the social contract does not nor should it encompass every aspect of our lives. this is why leninism failed. lack of accountablitly, and no vibrant market changes allowed. but there is a social contract. ie roads, military, ss, medicare, medicaid, unemployment insurance for a reasonable 6 months, police, fire...


leninism is a salient example of not wanting govt getting too big, so is the gsa corruption case on a micro level.


to big to fail banks, oligopolies, and brave new world is a salient example on why we dont want to much corporate influence...

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I was giggling reading this thread in bed and got elbowed for being too loud. Thanks for the laughs...especially now that I know my cows do not really exist and they are all hammers working off a interest rate that bill gates got from a DUI.

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I was giggling reading this thread in bed and got elbowed for being too loud. Thanks for the laughs...especially now that I know my cows do not really exist and they are all hammers working off a interest rate that bill gates got from a DUI.


Oh, your cows really do exist. But when you milk them, they assume all the business risk, since the milk is "indefinite interest"...

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Oh, your cows really do exist. But when you milk them, they assume all the business risk, since the milk is "indefinite interest"...

So, being beef cows, I eat them...I ....Uh....pass them. Does that mean their beef is indefinite interest as well?

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I was giggling reading this thread in bed and got elbowed for being too loud. Thanks for the laughs...especially now that I know my cows do not really exist and they are all hammers working off a interest rate that bill gates got from a DUI.

What you and your cows do is none of our business :unsure:

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How did a very good accountant help with inherited land?

My gramps estate plan was non-existent and we had to balance assets to show our true value but determine depreciation values and other costs, expenditures, etc that he never did. If we had not done a lot of this we would be owing a lot more then we do; although the accountant need was common sense. It helps with my F350, which is good news because it takes care of me taking care if cream puffs like you in your little Fiat. Or was it a BMW, I forgot....they're all foreign junk.

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If I was your accounting teacher, I'd kick your ass. When do you take accounting? Well, then you will learn this: capital creates equity, lending creates assets(loans). They are NOT the same thing. I am not here to educate you, your ****ty professors are. Perhaps it's time for you to ask them why they are doing such a poor job.

What're you talking about? They're doing a masterful job. They've got a young mind of mush they've sculpted to parrot their inane sociological theory (which normally can't survive outside the laboratory of academia and dies on contact when exposed to reality) and he's vitriolically spewing it like the faithfully fundamentalist true believer he is. He swallowed it whole and isn't looking back. He thinks he's figured it all out, gets something the rest of us (and everyone outside his little college circle) seem to miss, and it's now time for him to stop learning and start educating.

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So, being beef cows, I eat them...I ....Uh....pass them. Does that mean their beef is indefinite interest as well?


Of course it is. When the cow is slaughtered, it's dead forever, and you gain a continuing benefit from its death. Therefore, the cow is paying you indefinite interest, because it takes all the risk, because what's riskier than death?


Or something...


What're you talking about? They're doing a masterful job. They've got a young mind of mush they've sculpted to parrot their inane sociological theory (which normally can't survive outside the laboratory of academia and dies on contact when exposed to reality) and he's vitriolically spewing it like the faithfully fundamentalist true believer he is. He swallowed it whole and isn't looking back. He thinks he's figured it all out, gets something the rest of us (and everyone outside his little college circle) seem to miss, and it's now time for him to stop learning and start educating.


Point of note: he's not being taught this. He's parroting it from the anarchists' library online.

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Of course it is. When the cow is slaughtered, it's dead forever, and you gain a continuing benefit from its death. Therefore, the cow is paying you indefinite interest, because it takes all the risk, because what's riskier than death?


Or something...




Point of note: he's not being taught this. He's parroting it from the anarchists' library online.



you are a very , very sick person. this literally has nothing to do with what we are talking about...


No. It was passed down. A very hood accountant helped. I also have no debt.



how much is the land worth, and do you work the farm with your family? after overhead/business allocation, how much goes in your pocket?


if you dont mind me asking...


What're you talking about? They're doing a masterful job. They've got a young mind of mush they've sculpted to parrot their inane sociological theory (which normally can't survive outside the laboratory of academia and dies on contact when exposed to reality) and he's vitriolically spewing it like the faithfully fundamentalist true believer he is. He swallowed it whole and isn't looking back. He thinks he's figured it all out, gets something the rest of us (and everyone outside his little college circle) seem to miss, and it's now time for him to stop learning and start educating.



its not some big crazy concept. its simply surplus value. its a known fact.

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how much is the land worth, and do you work the farm with your family? after overhead/business allocation, how much goes in your pocket?


if you dont mind me asking...

About a dollar-two-fifty.


It's about a hundred acres, about 50 cattle, we harvest about 12 a year, and we don't put anything in our pocket. Asking a farmer those questions is like saying how much do you make a year and how much is in your savings account. Heh...yeah, it's like a golden rule in the farming circles don't ask those questions. You're supposed to ask how many momma cows do you have (17)? How many calves do you have due next year (12)? How much hay did you cut (400 rolls)? How many do you plan on harvesting next year (14)? It is a big aside, but farmers are the most paranoid collective group out there. It comes from, my belief, having all of your assets exposed and being so volatile to the economy, plus being screwed over so many times in the past with politics and bureacracy.

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Well then, how many hammers do you own? Hammers are the new currency. In fact, Greece, Italy, and Spain are abandoning the Euro in favor of the hammer.

19 that I can think of. At least one in each truck under the seat (K20, F150, S10, F350). One in both tool boxes (F350, K20). One in each building, with the barn and tractor shed having 2 or 3. And if you count ball peen and heavy hammers, add about 8 more, maybe. Of course, there none of them are mine, due to the debt of depreciation they belong to the nails.

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