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Trayvon Martin Case


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From the perspective of a kid growing up in VA in 1992 I was blown away by the OJ accusations. We read about him in 3rd grade overcoming a disability and going on to break records; He was Nordberg, the likeable guy from Naked Gun; He was that seemingly friendly guy on the SB pregame show and the guy running through the airport in commercials. My parents couldn't tell you who Joe Montana was but they knew who OJ was.


By contrast, I'd never even heard of Robert Blake or Phil Specter.


The point is, OJ was someone that people felt like they knew. Not just a name and a face, but his personality, and he was widely known across the country and across generations. Those other guys were just guys a lot of people had heard of.


This is what I thought. OJ was still in the public eye. Spector was a producer, a genius producer for sure, but guys like him aren't really celebrities. I'm 49 and I had no idea what he looked like until the crazy photos of him in court, etc. (I also don't know what Quincy Jones looks like - another great producer) Robert Blake hadn't been heard from in probably 30 years or so when he got charged.



OJ was a star and a beloved one at that.


Maybe it's just me and growing up with OJ as my hero, but I didn't think of race in that case until it started becoming an issue - months later. And, then I thought nobody is going to buy into that.


Also, I will dig it up, but on a...uh...less then social website that is a forum of anonymous posters there is a lot of information on him, including screenshots of his twitter, facebook, and such.


A lot depicting that he was active in dealing weed.


edit: For now, this is pretty fun


Did you did up that less than social website?

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No, that's the whole point. Pictures of Zimmerman and Martin have nothing to do with what happened. We all know and agree that there was media bias in the pictures show to us yet for some reason when we start getting to what actually happened that night someone starts steering the thread back to the pictures.

Au contraire. If what Martin looked and acted like as a 17-year old had nothing to do with what happened, or more precisely had no bearing on people's perception of what happened that night, they would be showing his most recent pictures to give you a better sense of who was killed. Not using a picture from 4 years ago when he looked like an innocent tween.

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Yeah I know what you're trying to steer the thread to since you don't have a case anywhere else. The fact of the matter is it doesn't have anything to do with the shooting and is a moot point. The racial killing ship sailed quite a while ago. I don't know why you feel the need to keep plugging at it.




What? Are you really this stupid? Never mind I shouldn't need to ask that.


No, that's the whole point. Pictures of Zimmerman and Martin have nothing to do with what happened. We all know and agree that there was media bias in the pictures show to us yet for some reason when we start getting to what actually happened that night someone starts steering the thread back to the pictures.

So what? I addressed the media bias in the pictures and gave it a pass to the extent that it had some legal ramifications. All you need to do is say "hey none of us know what really went on and the best people to determine that are the Police and the new State Prosecutor". After that stfu and let the legal system work, unless you want to be responsible for more racial killings.

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I don't see the stuff on your 4th link which is supposed to be from your 3rd link actually on your 3rd link.

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She's great. I've seen her on tv in interviews regarding Obamacare. She was one of the leaders in the states' suit against the feds. The ID thing had to be a not so subtle slap at the DoJ. I love it.


The line about needing an ID has since been removed :rolleyes:

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Yeah I know what you're trying to steer the thread to since you don't have a case anywhere else. The fact of the matter is it doesn't have anything to do with the shooting and is a moot point. The racial killing ship sailed quite a while ago. I don't know why you feel the need to keep plugging at it.


What?!?! I'm plugging the racial killing? No it doesn't have anything to do with the shooting. I has everything to do with the media hype and their misinformation. You're even thicker than I thought.

Edited by Chef Jim
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What?!?! I'm plugging the racial killing? No it doesn't have anything to do with the shooting. I has everything to do with the media hype and their misinformation. You even thicker than I thought.

He never get's that. IT'S ABOUT THE THE MEDIA! "Whats that got to do with the shooting?" :wallbash: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE SHOOTING, IT'S THE MEDIA! Repeat 6x. No change.

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Group of blacks beating the crap out of a white guy is not a hate crime



I wonder if any of Obama's fictious sons look like them?

Terrific article here from CNN.


We need more articles like this and fewer idiots trying to advance a self-serving narrative in the face of embarrassing hypocrisy.

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He never get's that. IT'S ABOUT THE THE MEDIA! "Whats that got to do with the shooting?" :wallbash: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE SHOOTING, IT'S THE MEDIA! Repeat 6x. No change.



You mean ..........like this?


Associated Press “forgets” inconvenient part of Zimmerman story


In a story by Associated Press writer Kyle Hightower, the news network seems to have purposefully omitted a detail that would undermine the mainstream media’s attempt to lynch George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain that shot Trayvon Martin.


See if you can spot what’s missing.


Eddie Jones, a 58-year-old black man and lifelong resident of Sanford, said Zimmerman’s arrest is paramount to keeping the protests peaceful.


“They need to go ahead and arrest this guy before something happens,” he said. “Sanford is screwed up. This place just didn’t get corrupt.”


While tensions are high, some think this city of about 53,000 — around 57 percent white and 30 percent black — will come through the crisis without violence, as it did during similar uproars.


Two years ago, after a black homeless man was beaten by the son of a Sanford policeman, passions soon cooled. The assailant, Justin Collison, initially wasn’t charged but eventually was arrested after footage of the episode went viral on YouTube. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and received probation.



Do you give up?


The “black homeless man” in the previous scandal was Sherman Ware. do you want to take a wild guess who led the charge to bring the policeman’s son to justice?


Was it Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, or Barack Obama claiming that “if he had a son” he’s look like Ware? Absolutely not. The effort to bring Justin Collison to justice was spearheaded by none other than GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.Yahoo News



Funny how a major news organization could miss such a well-documented detail. It’s like they didn’t want to muddy the narrative with facts…........


Bob Owens




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Official: Prosecutor plans to charge George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin


A Florida special prosecutor plans to announce charges against neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting of Trayvon Martin as early as this afternoon, according to a law enforcement official close to the investigation.

It was not immediately clear what charges he will face.



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I wonder what new evidence, if any, they found?


We'll soon find out:



Breaking News Alert

The New York Times

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 -- 3:04 PM EDT



Special Prosecutor Schedules Announcement in Trayvon Martin Case


The Florida special prosecutor investigating the shooting death of Trayvon Martin has scheduled a news conference for 6 p.m. Eastern, officials said on Wednesday. It was not yet clear whether the prosecutor, Angela B. Corey, had decided to charge George Zimmerman, a crime watch volunteer, who fatally shot Mr. Martin.


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