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Wifey stands up for poor wittle Tom Tom

The Big Cat

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Whether she was right or wrong - I cannot blame a wife for defending her husband in response to other people yelling insults at her.


It kind of reminded me of how Ruport Murdoch's wife (whether you like Murdoch or not) jumped in to physically defend her husband during those hearings in England.


Winner winner, chicken dinner.



A) Giselle was right


B) All the jizzbags whining about Giselle would be screaming "RIGHT ON!!!!" if it were, say, Jim Kelly's wife doing the same thing in the moments after one of his wonderful Super Bowl performances and a couple of !@#$ Cowboy fans were heckling her.



I say good for Giselle. A bunch of gorillas were heckling her and she told them to go !@#$ themselves.

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We (the masses) want to see dignity in defeat and yet very few people (here or elsewhere) will actually display the dignity they expect to see. Witness, Giants fans taunting a women and a wife of a player.


Gisele has it all .... looks, fame and money but really she is no different than anyone else.


I am not a Brady fan but he appeared to handle the defeat with class.


Bottom line is the Pats* are nowhere near the team that won three super bowls. They lack the veteran presence and the playmakers. Take Brady away and you have an average team.

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Winner winner, chicken dinner.



A) Giselle was right


B) All the jizzbags whining about Giselle would be screaming "RIGHT ON!!!!" if it were, say, Jim Kelly's wife doing the same thing in the moments after one of his wonderful Super Bowl performances and a couple of !@#$ Cowboy fans were heckling her.



I say good for Giselle. A bunch of gorillas were heckling her and she told them to go !@#$ themselves.


I disagree. If they were the subject of adulation when the Pats* were winning, then they will be the target when the tide turns. Such the price of fame. Being a celebrity is as much dedication to their craft as it is image management. An athlete can choose to concentrate on their game and not be a celebrity but once that line has been crossed - as in the case of the magazine spreads that Tommy boy did or the numerous ads that Peyton Manning did, then they are fair game. They will see the good and bad side of being in the public spotlight.

Hence, while it is nice and noble to defend her husband, I am not sure TB particularly appreciates it in retrospect considering what it does to his (and their) standing in the public's eye. Coming hard on the heels of a tough loss, this incident can really hurt TB.

Edited by Fan in Chicago
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Winner winner, chicken dinner.



A) Giselle was right


B) All the jizzbags whining about Giselle would be screaming "RIGHT ON!!!!" if it were, say, Jim Kelly's wife doing the same thing in the moments after one of his wonderful Super Bowl performances and a couple of !@#$ Cowboy fans were heckling her.



I say good for Giselle. A bunch of gorillas were heckling her and she told them to go !@#$ themselves.


For B) no, she didn't tell them to go f#@# themselves. If she did, I don't think it would have been a problem. Instead, she decided to open her mouth and throw Tommy's teammates under the bus for her little bitty boo's loss. With your incorrect example, how do you think Bills fans would feel if after a loss and some Cowboy fans decide to heckle Mrs. Kelly, she decides to blame Andre Reed for her husband's poor performance in the clutch.


That is what she did here and you can dam well know that Tommy's teammates aren't happy to hear his wife blame their peers. You think Welker is pleased to know Giselle thinks its HIS fault they lost?

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I disagree. If they were the subject of adulation when the Pats* were winning, then they will be the target when the tide turns. Such the price of fame. Being a celebrity is as much dedication to their craft as it is image management. An athlete can choose to concentrate on their game and not be a celebrity but once that line has been crossed - as in the case of the magazine spreads that Tommy boy did or the numerous ads that Peyton Manning did, then they are fair game. They will see the good and bad side of being in the public spotlight.

Hence, while it is nice and noble to defend her husband, I am not sure TB particularly appreciates it in retrospect considering what it does to his (and their) standing in the public's eye. Coming hard on the heels of a tough loss, this incident can really hurt TB.


And lest we forget, the next time the Brady-Bunchens have Gronk, Aaron, Wesley, Deion and the rest of the stone-hands brigade for Sunday dinner, things could get a teeny bit AWK-ward.


For B) no, she didn't tell them to go f#@# themselves. If she did, I don't think it would have been a problem. Instead, she decided to open her mouth and throw Tommy's teammates under the bus for her little bitty boo's loss. With your incorrect example, how do you think Bills fans would feel if after a loss and some Cowboy fans decide to heckle Mrs. Kelly, she decides to blame Andre Reed for her husband's poor performance in the clutch.


That is what she did here and you can dam well know that Tommy's teammates aren't happy to hear his wife blame their peers. You think Welker is pleased to know Giselle thinks its HIS fault they lost?


^What he said.


And btw, this point, more than her "sticking up for Tom" was the point of the thread--the fact that she publicly denounced his team mates has further reaching implications than her just being a 'b' and telling some drunken Giants fan to piss off, a move which would have also been inexcusable given how she--as the chief bread winner and celebrity in her own right--is expected to behave publicly.


Instead, her response verifies a subconscious suspicioun the united Brady-Bunchen haters share--WT thought it may be. By her more or less blaming it on his receivers, she's reinforced a visceral inference that the Brady-Bunchens think they're better than everybody else, that they're above scrutiny, crapping ice cream through platinum b-holes. Granted, we have the media to thank for planting these ideas in our heads, regardless of whether it was done intentionally or not.

Edited by The Big Cat
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Winner winner, chicken dinner.



A) Giselle was right


B) All the jizzbags whining about Giselle would be screaming "RIGHT ON!!!!" if it were, say, Jim Kelly's wife doing the same thing in the moments after one of his wonderful Super Bowl performances and a couple of !@#$ Cowboy fans were heckling her.



I say good for Giselle. A bunch of gorillas were heckling her and she told them to go !@#$ themselves.

Again, who gets the blame for Brady's INT? Gronk for not breaking it up for him?

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that ball was underthrown. "Gronk", life-threatening ankle injury notwithstanding, had a step on the LB.


True, but in crunch time, Welker dropped a poorly thrown pass that he made an incredible adjustment to get his hands on. Push, IMO, receivers get paid too, he probably should have made the catch.


On the last drive, Hernandez let one go right through his hands, as did Branch.


So, as for whether or not she was right to blame receivers, or who really DESERVES the blame (Tom or the receivers), I think a fair and balanced case can be made for either argument.

Edited by The Big Cat
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I have no problem with a wife defending her husband.


Problem is, you don't defend your husband by throwing his coworkers under the bus.


If Tommy-Boy had half the sack John Kruk has, he'd tell his wife to use her mouth for its intended purpose, which isn't talking.

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True, but in crunch time, Welker dropped a poorly thrown pass that he made an incredible adjustment to get his hands on. Push, IMO, receivers get paid too, he probably should have made the catch.


On the last drive, Hernandez let one go right through his hands, as did Branch.


So, as for whether or not she was right to blame receivers, or who really DESERVES the blame (Tom or the receivers), I think a fair and balanced case can be made for either argument.

This to me was the biggest drop. Hernandez was an easy catch but it was a short pass. The Welker "drop" involved an excellent adjustment by him to even get his hands on the ball. The Branch drop though... wow he had nothing but open field and would have at least set up a much shorter attempt for the game winning td. When he dropped that my friends and I looked at each other with the phew we dodged one there look. It was later in the game and much more worse than the Welker one imo. I wonder why it is getting as much pub.

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To me, it looked like the throw to Branch was a bit behind him. He should have caught it, but I'm not sure how much YAC there would have been.


The 10-yard pass that Brady completed to Hernandez after the 4th down conversion was a killer, IMO. Took almost 20 seconds, and only gained about 10 yards.

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Tommy gets the blame for the safety (he had at least 6 seconds on the play) and the INT. And not all of the dropped passes were pinpoint.


The question (for Brady's teammates) is whether what Gis said came from her, or through her from Tommy Boy And if it came from him...

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Tommy gets the blame for the safety (he had at least 6 seconds on the play) and the INT. And not all of the dropped passes were pinpoint.


The question (for Brady's teammates) is whether what Gis said came from her, or through her from Tommy Boy And if it came from him...


Precisely the minutia that makes this so "interesting."


Folks, the NFL season is officially over, FA period is just revving up, and we're still a ways away from the draft--YES, this qualifies as "interesting" these days. In response to a related post that popped up yesterday: I know we can/should talk incessantly about how great Fred Jackson is, but quite frankly: what else is there to say?


So, back to the matter at hand.


Given the exceptionalism Brady feels he's entitled to, as demonstrated by his non-stop whining to referees, is it really that far off to assume he goes home and whines to his beard about how his team mates just aren't good enough? Is that where this comes from?


Could it be that others and I have been validated by this quick glimpse, that in fact Tom Brady is a poor, pouty leader, that he's only strong and confident when the going is good?


Again, I resort back to player interviews. When an interviewer mentions Fitz, his team mates (offense AND defense) light up. They love him. He's "their" guy. Personally, I've never seen this response from a Patriots* team mate WRT golden boy.


Now, a lot of things are said and done that I never see, so it's hardly stone cold evidence, but I'd figure--again, given the time of year we're in--that I'd offer this anecdote to help build my case.

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Precisely the minutia that makes this so "interesting."


Folks, the NFL season is officially over, FA period is just revving up, and we're still a ways away from the draft--YES, this qualifies as "interesting" these days. In response to a related post that popped up yesterday: I know we can/should talk incessantly about how great Fred Jackson is, but quite frankly: what else is there to say?


So, back to the matter at hand.


Given the exceptionalism Brady feels he's entitled to, as demonstrated by his non-stop whining to referees, is it really that far off to assume he goes home and whines to his beard about how his team mates just aren't good enough? Is that where this comes from?


Could it be that others and I have been validated by this quick glimpse, that in fact Tom Brady is a poor, pouty leader, that he's only strong and confident when the going is good?


Again, I resort back to player interviews. When an interviewer mentions Fitz, his team mates (offense AND defense) light up. They love him. He's "their" guy. Personally, I've never seen this response from a Patriots* team mate WRT golden boy.


Now, a lot of things are said and done that I never see, so it's hardly stone cold evidence, but I'd figure--again, given the time of year we're in--that I'd offer this anecdote to help build my case.


My guess- she was excited to be the wife of the super bowl MVP, saw 3 late balls hit the ground, barely knows the game and was most likely having a few drinks or such that might loosen her tongue when heckled. I didn't take it as Tom secretly hating his receivers.

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