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An example as to why politics suck

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makes me want to puke


oops wrong board


Is your post that example? Finding fault with everything the Obama's do? Funny, I don't recall this much hatred of Laura Bush when she did education or women's health projects while she was first lady. But I guess when you are the first non-white resident of the White House certain people have to find every reason to hate on you. Oh, but it has nothing to do with race. I know.



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makes me want to puke


oops wrong board

Well done. You have proven why politics sucks. People focus on the truly trivial and are blind to the various acts of bribery that politicians partake in on a daily basis. By the way, the Fed just announced that the money you possess and will possess in the near future will be worth less even faster than usual because...


Is your post that example? Finding fault with everything the Obama's do? Funny, I don't recall this much hatred of Laura Bush when she did education or women's health projects while she was first lady. But I guess when you are the first non-white resident of the White House certain people have to find every reason to hate on you. Oh, but it has nothing to do with race. I know.



Perceptive as always, he is clearly a racist.

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makes me want to puke


oops wrong board


Agreed 100% It is such BS that Michelle Obama says kids should eat healthier. We should continue to allow our kids to be the fattest in the world. That is what our founding fathers had in mind when they talked about freedom. Why can't we get back to more reasonable first lady initiatives like Nancy Reagan's war on drugs? That worked really well.

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Whats your problem with Mrs. Obama? It seems completely fine to me? What makes me want to puke is listening to Mitt Romney slam Obama constantly without saying one constructive thing himself. The republicans are a pathetic organization right now and dont stand a chance of winning the white house.

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You don't have to be a fan of Obama or his wife, but the only thing retarded here is knocking her efforts to improve children's diet. Providing unhealthy food for kids -- particularly in schools -- is a travesty that has been ignored for far too long.



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I lean to the right, but I haven't listened to one right wing radio show (my days of listening them to were dwindling anyway) since I heard them mocking out the First Lady's efforts in this area...........For the most part, politics do suck.

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Is your post that example? Finding fault with everything the Obama's do? Funny, I don't recall this much hatred of Laura Bush when she did education or women's health projects while she was first lady. But I guess when you are the first non-white resident of the White House certain people have to find every reason to hate on you. Oh, but it has nothing to do with race. I know.



Oh, man, I hate it when people I dig think race is the reason people criticize the current administration.


Just out of curiosity, if so many people hate colored people, how did this country elect one to the highest office in the world? Did you know that when he was elected in 2008, Barack Obama won the largest share of white votes in a two-person race since 1976? How is it possible that a full 46% of whites (including 54% of young white voters) voted for a colored man to be president, and the minute someone criticizes him or his wife, it's immediately because he's the first non-white resident of the White House? In what world does that blanket statement even make sense to anyone? Not to mention, there IS a measured amount of racism in this world, and wasting that label on this kind of stuff has the exact opposite effect of what you're trying to accomplish.


C'mon, PTR. I've been reading your stuff for years. You're way too smart to fall for this garbage.

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I lean to the right, but I haven't listened to one right wing radio show (my days of listening them to were dwindling anyway) since I heard them mocking out the First Lady's efforts in this area...........For the most part, politics do suck.

It would be one thing if she was just encouraging parents to be responsible for making sure their kids have a healthy diet. She's not, that's not what she gets ripped for, so let's not pretend that it is.


Oh, man, I hate it when people I dig think race is the reason people criticize the current administration.


Just out of curiosity, if so many people hate colored people, how did this country elect one to the highest office in the world? Did you know that when he was elected in 2008, Barack Obama won the largest share of white votes in a two-person race since 1976? How is it possible that a full 46% of whites (including 54% of young white voters) voted for a colored man to be president, and the minute someone criticizes him or his wife, it's immediately because he's the first non-white resident of the White House? In what world does that blanket statement even make sense to anyone? Not to mention, there IS a measured amount of racism in this world, and wasting that label on this kind of stuff has the exact opposite effect of what you're trying to accomplish.


C'mon, PTR. I've been reading your stuff for years. You're way too smart to fall for this garbage.

This echoes my sentiments exactly. It's always disappointing to hear someone claim racism when their only evidence is that a black person is involved.


It tells you nothing about the reality of the situation, but tells you undoubtedly that the person making the accusation is always looking for racism - seek and you shall find.


It also kills the credibility of charges of actual racism.

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C'mon, PTR. I've been reading your stuff for years. You're way too smart to fall for this garbage.

Thanks, but I look at the crazy crap people say about Obama and have to wonder. We get it. He's a Democrat A "lib", though I could debate that. And we know Clinton was accused of crazy schitt too...even whispers of being Vince Foster's murderer. But I have never seen this birther crap with anyone else. And you have to admit the level of disrespect shown to our current president is unprecedented. I really feel that much of this starts from a visceral reaction to having a black man as president, and those who run campaigns are just seizing an opportunity. Rob, LA, can you point to another reason that makes more sense?



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Really, Chef? Is that the best retort you can come up with? Let me raise you two more recent examples:


Birthers challenge Obama on 2012 ballot.

Fox News legitimizes GA Birther case.


Yep, I can see how that NY Times article is every bit as evil. Poor John McCain. :doh: When was that article published? 2008? Any more brilliant current examples you'd like to cite to bolster your argument?



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Thanks, but I look at the crazy crap people say about Obama and have to wonder. We get it. He's a Democrat A "lib", though I could debate that. And we know Clinton was accused of crazy schitt too...even whispers of being Vince Foster's murderer. But I have never seen this birther crap with anyone else. And you have to admit the level of disrespect shown to our current president is unprecedented. I really feel that much of this starts from a visceral reaction to having a black man as president, and those who run campaigns are just seizing an opportunity. Rob, LA, can you point to another reason that makes more sense?


Yeah. He's a lousy president.

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