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Had a beer with my son in our neighborhood bar for the first time

The Poojer

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...he turned 21 on January 1 and was in Richmond until last night....it was surreal seeing him order drinks....and drink them....I'm old.....


Must have been a moment. I turned 21 last year. Never used a fake ID so ordering a drink for the first time was pretty cool. Magic Hat #9 at the local pizza restaurant.

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he never drank before that, or at least i believe he didn't...i offered....it was pretty cool to sit there with him....


Must have been a moment. I turned 21 last year. Never used a fake ID so ordering a drink for the first time was pretty cool. Magic Hat #9 at the local pizza restaurant.

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funny you should ask...Mr. Big Shot asked for a shot of cake vodka, the bartender asked if he wanted it chilled, Cameron declined, the bartender asked if he was sure and he stuck by his guns...i laughed as he shot it and it was much stronger than he expected....shortly after we ordered another beer and he chose the dogfish head fort which chimes in at a whopping 18% ABV...I actually advised him against it but asked the bartender if we could have a sample of it...he drank the sample and even that little amount brought tears to his eyes and laughter to me..... :w00t:


Did you make him cry, than laugh at him?



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funny you should ask...Mr. Big Shot asked for a shot of cake vodka, the bartender asked if he wanted it chilled, Cameron declined, the bartender asked if he was sure and he stuck by his guns...i laughed as he shot it and it was much stronger than he expected....shortly after we ordered another beer and he chose the dogfish head fort which chimes in at a whopping 18% ABV...I actually advised him against it but asked the bartender if we could have a sample of it...he drank the sample and even that little amount brought tears to his eyes and laughter to me..... :w00t:

You cruel man!


Very cool for you POOJ! My oldest turns 24 in a couple months...

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funny you should ask...Mr. Big Shot asked for a shot of cake vodka, the bartender asked if he wanted it chilled, Cameron declined, the bartender asked if he was sure and he stuck by his guns...i laughed as he shot it and it was much stronger than he expected....shortly after we ordered another beer and he chose the dogfish head fort which chimes in at a whopping 18% ABV...I actually advised him against it but asked the bartender if we could have a sample of it...he drank the sample and even that little amount brought tears to his eyes and laughter to me..... :w00t:

but of course he never had a drink before that :w00t:

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funny you should ask...Mr. Big Shot asked for a shot of cake vodka, the bartender asked if he wanted it chilled, Cameron declined, the bartender asked if he was sure and he stuck by his guns...i laughed as he shot it and it was much stronger than he expected....shortly after we ordered another beer and he chose the dogfish head fort which chimes in at a whopping 18% ABV...I actually advised him against it but asked the bartender if we could have a sample of it...he drank the sample and even that little amount brought tears to his eyes and laughter to me..... :w00t:


Wow, I've never even heard of an 18% beer. Strongest I've ever had was a 13.2% coffee stout.


Anyway, that's a funny story. Any man who tells you he didn't nearly choke on his first shot of liquor is a liar.


EDIT: You can tell your son he tried the 43rd strongest beer in the world



Edited by SageAgainstTheMachine
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enjoy EVERY moment...he'll turn 21 and you won't believe the time went by so fast...I think I heeded that advice pretty well...still pretty surreal!


My boy is 17mths........so I got a long way to go.....and plenty of other issues I'm sure lol

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...he turned 21 on January 1 and was in Richmond until last night....it was surreal seeing him order drinks....and drink them....I'm old.....

Call me a softy, but your post inspired me to take my son out for a drink. He made it about halfway through his first Manhattan before throwing in the towel. He went home and passed out face down in his coloring books. I know he's only 5 but still, what a lightweight.

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Call me a softy, but your post inspired me to take my son out for a drink. He made it about halfway through his first Manhattan before throwing in the towel. He went home and passed out face down in his coloring books. I know he's only 5 but still, what a lightweight.

Keep at it, by time he hits 21 he'll be able to go through a case during a Bills game.

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18 was legal when I was in WNY. My dad owned a restaurant and when we had a busy night he'd "buy" me a beer even when I was 16. That was the coolest thing. I also remeber him taking me to the local bar one day after we closed the restaurant. I was probably 18. When we walked in one of the local businessmen said "hey it's the _______ brothers". That was a looooong time ago but a couple of things I'll never forget.

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