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Attn guys : Katy Perry is available

Just Jack

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And I thought Russell Brand was the crazy one in this relationship...




But last night sources close to Brand, who has carved out a successful Hollywood career starring in films such as the 2011 remake of Arthur, blamed the marriage breakdown on the fact his 27-year-old wife was not prepared to put motherhood ahead of fame. One said: ‘I don’t think Katy really understood what marriage was about. I don’t think she was prepared to give up her career. ‘This wasn’t one of those occasions when Russell was mucking about, he wanted to settle down and have a family.

‘I don’t think that’s what Katy wants. I think she’s very confused. They’ve been speaking a lot.

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Can't stand Russell Brand, Its too bad in that relationship that he couldn't be the one to step away and have the children. But I guess how will the world ever make it without his wonderful acting skills and comedy? You never know what you are gonna get with his acting, wil he play a recovering addict rock star? or will he play a drugged up Rock Star? maybe his next big role will be a drugged up rock star who goes into re-hab and becomes a rcovering addict rockstar? Such amazing range he has. Atleast his ex was easy on teh eyes to look at

Edited by apuszczalowski
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And from what I heard yesterday, she asked him to file for divorce because she wanted it to look like he was divorcing her so her christian parents wouldn't have a daughter going against the religion and divorcing. Then on the radio, the DJ read some of the lyrics from one of her classic songs (something about having a 3-way, then getting arrested, partying all night) and said that divorce is what would embarass/shame your parents?

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Katie Perry is the only artist who can give Nickleback competition as all time worst. Firework is just God awful


But it did make it to Beavis and Butthead, so it's got that going for it.

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