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Jerry Sullivan - Show Stevie The Money

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i happen to enjoy both the celebrations and the twitter account. the guy is having fun and its great to see a bills player show some confidence. the guy had a pretty good game against what many people call the best cb in the nfl. pay the man. unless his tweeting or antics hurt the team i see no problem with them

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As long as it's #2 WR money and not #1 I'm good with that.

I could give a **** about his twitter account.



I would like to see Stevie returned at a wr2 salary with boosters for production to give him a shot at wr1 money. While twitter may have some affect on a game it seems to have a much more pronounced affect on the reaction to players in the public sphere. I do not care much at all about a players tweets (are players in anyway your moral compass?) but would like to see a maturity to Stevie Johnson that seems lacking. That being said, nice work making fun of Plaxico the moron. If we can't make fun of a guy who carries a loaded hand gun to a NY club and then shoots himself resulting in two years of jail time, what can we make fun of?



Amen on that. Larry Fitzgerald he ain't.


It seems many people are failing to realize he will get No. 1 money. If not from the Bills, then from somebody else. Deion Branch, Peerless Price, T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Roy Williams, Bernard Berrian and a bevy of others that don't immediately come to mind were No. 2s who got paid like No. 1s. You're kidding yourselves if you think Johnson will stay in Buffalo and get paid like a second-tier player.

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Jerry just wants to call Nix stupid for resigning Johnson in some future column.





Yeah definately an alterior motive!


What makes people think the team should be in control of and sensor his entire life? Just because he plays in the NFL!


Please just catch the damn ball, or find someone who can!




BTW Come on back Lindell, you dont need a shoulder to kick

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Yeah definately an alterior motive!


What makes people think the team should be in control of and sensor his entire life? Just because he plays in the NFL!


Please just catch the damn ball, or find someone who can!




BTW Come on back Lindell, you dont need a shoulder to kick


Never seen lindel make 56 yarder look easy let alone a 53 yarder...but I've neven seen lindel botch a kick off either

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Actually this is pretty brilliant if you ask me. Sullivan was saying you get Ralph, Nix and Gailey to sit down with him. Tell him we are going to pay you but the shennanigans on the field must MUST STOP and put stipulations in the contract to close the twitter account.


I'm all for that. I would be pretty happy giving him the big money going forward dealing with his contract like that.

Actually, I want Stevie to keep his twitter account. That way we have insight into the mind of the man who refuses to accept that he was the goat yesterday. Read his tweets and tell me he wasn't better off keeping those thoughts to himself. I would have been halfway blissful thinking he is having a tough night thinking about his errors. But NO ! He had to open his virtual mouth and proclaim to the world how stupid he is

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It seems many people are failing to realize he will get No. 1 money. If not from the Bills, then from somebody else. Deion Branch, Peerless Price, T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Roy Williams, Bernard Berrian and a bevy of others that don't immediately come to mind were No. 2s who got paid like No. 1s. You're kidding yourselves if you think Johnson will stay in Buffalo and get paid like a second-tier player.

This is what I've been saying all year.


And it's why I don't think he'll be with the Bills for very long.

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It seems many people are failing to realize he will get No. 1 money. If not from the Bills, then from somebody else. Deion Branch, Peerless Price, T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Roy Williams, Bernard Berrian and a bevy of others that don't immediately come to mind were No. 2s who got paid like No. 1s. You're kidding yourselves if you think Johnson will stay in Buffalo and get paid like a second-tier player.


NAME 10 WR under 26 .....better than him when he is healthy...ready...set... go!

These guys are right, IMO.


There are 32 teams in the league.


All it takes is one team to think he's worth #1 money and when that happens, he'll get the money… either from the Bills or from that team.


It's critical that the Bills maintain/remediate/salvage the relationship with Stevie… oh, and re-sign him at a fair deal.


For those that don't understand why this is important, view highlights of Marshawn Lynch and Willis McGahee running for 100 yards yesterday… and think about the #9 pick the Bills spent on CJ Spiller…


The Bills should be wise, fair, and paternalistic with Stevie. This could be a huge win-win for both player and organization and it will be, if it's handled without silly fan emotions affecting things.






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Yes, that's the Buffalo Bills Way. :blink:


Yes. See Jason Peters, Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements, Will Wolford, Shane Conlan, Cornelius Bennett, etc etc etc.

Edited by Mr. Wonderful
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These guys are right, IMO.


There are 32 teams in the league.


All it takes is one team to think he's worth #1 money and when that happens, he'll get the money… either from the Bills or from that team.


It's critical that the Bills maintain/remediate/salvage the relationship with Stevie… oh, and re-sign him at a fair deal.


For those that don't understand why this is important, view highlights of Marshawn Lynch and Willis McGahee running for 100 yards yesterday… and think about the #9 pick the Bills spent on CJ Spiller…


The Bills should be wise, fair, and paternalistic with Stevie. This could be a huge win-win for both player and organization and it will be, if it's handled without silly fan emotions affecting things.



You got it right. Antics and just plain stupid behavior aside, when's the last time you saw a reciever tear up Revis Island? Stevie is 25 with a ton of talent. Growing up can be accomplished and mature behavior taught - deke'ing out the premier defensive player of the league cannot. Lock'em up and let's move on.

Edited by Green Lightning
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You guys can wish that SJ will return for #2 money, but some stupid team will pay him to be a #1. Oakland might believe he fits their bad-boy image or something. The Bills, however, have a bad penchant for letting guys walk w/o anyone to replace them. Easley's injuries may have forced them to re-sign SJ...

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I disagree. He drops waaaaaaay to many balls to be a starting NFL wideout. If he goes to FA and no one takes him, then I'd offer him a low ball contract and draft a WR and sign an FA and he can be the 4th guy we bring in on 5 WR sets. No more go to guy stuff for this guy after this year. next year we should be seriously going after the playoffs and can't afford his yearly blown game. Knocked us pretty much out of the playoffs this year. We can't have that again.

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Like a previous poster mentioned, the argument goes beyond twitter. Twitter is just one of the many off and on field distractions. Many people believe his energy should be focused elsewhere than social media and branding himself especially if he gets the big bucks contract.


Many people? Why do they get to decide how a man lives his life? Twitter and off field stuff have nothing to do with why he dropped the ball. He lost concentration during a game. I'm sure his number of tweeps didn't run through his mind when the ball hit his hands. Probably thinking of running with it before he looked it in. The guy is in the NFL, starting, being productive and is about to get paid handsomely. All that for a guy taken in the last round of the draft. Must have some type of focus.

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Twitter has nothing to do with the fact that Stevie can't seem to catch passes when it matters most. Drops are the problem; not tweets.


Somehow this is too hard for some to understand. Twitter didn't stop him from pulling out a bag of tricks to get open on Revis but it stops him from catching the ball when he's wide open. Umm ok, makes sense.

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Some very prescient comments (from an extremely brilliant coach) regarding Twitter, made back in 2009...


Coach Mike Leach said Monday he has banned his players from using Twitter...Leach said players don't need Twitter or Facebook, calling them "stupid" distractions...


"I think that a guy who plays... football gets enough attention," he said. It's "a bunch of narcissists that want to sit and type stuff about themselves all the time. We'll put mirrors in some of their lockers if that's necessary but they don't have to Twitter." - Mike Leach



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