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Prostate Cancer screening at RWS


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Here's what's sad: Of course, the Jills aren't doing the exams. But someone is, and they are reaching out to guys, 40-70, to get a health check done. More dudes get prostate cancer than women get breast cancer, but who gives a !@#$. right? There is less research money at it, no serious approach to prevention (as proven by the first page here). Look. If you're 40, get screened. If you're male, DEMAND ATTENTION. I'm glad the NFL does its pink month or whatever, and I love me the tittys, but WTF when it comes to ourselves?

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Here's what's sad: Of course, the Jills aren't doing the exams. But someone is, and they are reaching out to guys, 40-70, to get a health check done. More dudes get prostate cancer than women get breast cancer, but who gives a !@#$. right? There is less research money at it, no serious approach to prevention (as proven by the first page here). Look. If you're 40, get screened. If you're male, DEMAND ATTENTION. I'm glad the NFL does its pink month or whatever, and I love me the tittys, but WTF when it comes to ourselves?

+1. As an *almost* 49 year old male, If I was in Buffalo I'd be doing this. I'm not shy when it comes to discussing stuff with my PCP.

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Government is recommending not to get screened due to test being ineffective, painful and can lead to other issues. Basically due to a strange characteristic, some even call a design flaw, men's prostate glands never stop growing throughout their life. Likely because it was never an issue due to most guys dying in their early 30s during caveman days...with us living a long time now it becomes an issue and is the number one reason women live longer than men. Eventually all men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough...

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