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Who is Patrick Moran? Supposedly major news.


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You know what's really funny? There's a very good chance that any trajectory this story has been started by a 30+ page thread on this board giving this retard Moran credibility.


The strength of internet social media. All hail the power of stupid people in large groups.


Disagree. It got wheels when Shawne commented.

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Note I pegged him as blogger not as espn reporter. He definitely didn't release high quality piece, but I'm talking in general - have access to something as fact but can't release how you know it.... I think a blogger gets by on that but it's also part of why they are bloggers and not journalists. In regards to pats piece- put together sloppily, and we have no idea what he has backing it.


Except he's a blogger with pretensions of being a sports reporter...and if he's going to try to scoop everyone with "Breaking news!" he better have at least a semblance of having his **** together.


Otherwise...he gets his nuts cut off. By the community that reads him...i.e., us, what we're doing now. It's not even about the story - hell, the story could very well be true. Doesn't matter. Moran's a total shitbag even if he's right.

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That's my point.


You can rest assured that established, "reputable" news outlets will now be reporting this story and that of course is an upward trajectory.


Then there's the current state of the story itself… if there's an investigation… whether the case is still open… what was found and whether it's been identified yet…


I'll stick to my original belief that this story is ramping up, not fading away.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking more in terms of the story itself.


Ironic that minutes after my response another poster linked us to the Buffalo News article. I wish I would have read that before my post. For whatever trajectory it had, I think the News article pretty much snuffs it out. There was never any there there apparently.



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Here is what happened, in my opinion, based on everything I have read, which is a lot, and some things I have heard, from very good sources.


Everyone involved, to some degree, is right, and everyone involved, to some degree is wrong.


What happened, in my opinion, and back up by a lot of legitimate sources on and off the record is this: Shawne Merriman was pulled over at the border, they searched his bags like they would anyone, and after they decided there wasn't anything illegal there, they let him go. No confiscation, no arrest, but he was pulled over and detained.


Moran hears from someone, and that someone may be the real culprit here, that Merriman was pulled over at the border and detained and they checked his bags, Maybe they thought they had something and found out it was nothing. Who knows what they looked at, what we know is that he wasn't arrested, and (I have on very good authority) they didn't confiscate anything.


Moran jumps on the story, because Merriman was pulled over and detained and his stuff was looked through. That part is true. He never says, in the article, that he has been arrested or steroids were found, His mistake, and it's a huge one, is his headline, which says "Merriman busted". That is total bull ****, irresponsible, if not reprehensible. There is no way that Moran should have said Merriman was "busted" because that implies he was arrested. And for that he should be vilified.


He will say, and somewhat rightfully, that everything he reported is true. And most of it seems to be. That Merriman was pulled over and detained. But they didn't find anything. Nothing was confiscated (I have this on good authority), so it really is a non story.


Ultimately, it was a clear rush to judgment, about a public figure, with sensational headlines. In reality, it was a routine check at an international border, with authorities doing their jobs, finding nothing, and letting an innocent man go, after a short inconvenience.

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Disagree. It got wheels when Shawne commented.


It went from twitter to here to the video chat to WGR...and then Shawne commented on it via twitter.


And Moran was the third blogger to write on it. Why'd it get trajectory now? Oh, yeah, because no one cared about the first two. We here gave the story exposure. If Moran's tweet never gets posted here, this story goes nowhere.

Edited by DC Tom
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Note I pegged him as blogger not as espn reporter. He definitely didn't release high quality piece, but I'm talking in general - have access to something as fact but can't release how you know it.... I think a blogger gets by on that but it's also part of why they are bloggers and not journalists. In regards to pats piece- put together sloppily, and we have no idea what he has backing it.


I think we have a pretty good idea what was backing Moran's story; the original blogger of 8/1. He just regurgitated the same rumor.


I think the News article puts the story to bed. Sounds like someone in a government office in Buffalo heard Merriman's bags were checked on a routine inspection and after a few rounds the story became they found steroids.



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It went from twitter to here to the video chat to WGR...and then Shawne commented on it via twitter.


And Moran was the third blogger to write on it. Why'd it get trajectory now? Oh, yeah, because no one cared about the first two. We here gave the story exposure. If Moran's tweet never gets posted here, this story goes nowhere.



I think pft nailed it referencing that absent more proof or a comment from merriman, they weren't touching it.

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You know what's really funny? There's a very good chance that any trajectory this story has been started by a 30+ page thread on this board giving this retard Moran credibility.


The strength of internet social media. All hail the power of stupid people in large groups.

Well I guess we're all co-conspirators if we posted in this topic then. But this story will live and die by its own merits.


@San Jose Bills Fan, I think this story can now fade away.


Thanks for posting this DollarBills!


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking more in terms of the story itself.


Ironic that minutes after my response another poster linked us to the Buffalo News article. I wish I would have read that before my post. For whatever trajectory it had, I think the News article pretty much snuffs it out. There was never any there there apparently.



As a huge Bills fan, I am sometimes an apologist for the team on this forum… and I tend to take the optimistic view… and treat posters I don't like (because of perceived negativity) with disdain.


So please believe me when I say that I hope there's nothing to this story and that Merriman is being truthful to Gaughan and that there is nothing in motion behind the scenes that we don't know about.




It went from twitter to here to the video chat to WGR...and then Shawne commented on it via twitter.


And Moran was the third blogger to write on it. Why'd it get trajectory now? Oh, yeah, because no one cared about the first two. We here gave the story exposure. If Moran's tweet never gets posted here, this story goes nowhere.

Yes… we did.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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I think we have a pretty good idea what was backing Moran's story; the original blogger of 8/1. He just regurgitated the same rumor.


I think the News article puts the story to bed. Sounds like someone in a government office in Buffalo heard Merriman's bags were checked on a routine inspection and after a few rounds the story became they found steroids.




If, as the posters here this morning alleged, the supplements were street legal but not NFL legal it would totally 100% still mesh with the article.


I'm not saying it's true, or not - I'm saying nothing has been established on either side.

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As a huge Bills fan, I am sometimes an apologist for the team on this forum… and I tend to take the optimistic view… and treat posters I don't like (because of perceived negativity) with disdain.


So please believe me when I say that I hope there's nothing to this story and that Merriman is being truthful to Gaughan and that there is nothing in motion behind the scenes that we don't know about.


Well, between what the US District Attorney's Office, the U.S. Border Patrol, and Merriman have ALL told Gaughan, I think they are all on the same page and it's safe to say that there is nothing more to the story.


Our optimism is intact.



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I get that it was a sloppy article


I get that we haven't had anything proven by Moran


I get that it was not journalistically sound


I get that he went sensational instead of safe/conservative


I think his daughter comments were wildly inappropriate.



But I also get that every word of it COULD be true still. We just don't know.

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I missed shawne's comments, where can I find that?


From Merriman's Twitter account:


"To answer your question guys im disappointed by a story that was written by a Buffalo writer regarding a routine stop at the Canadian border a few weeks ago. To clarify, there was Absolutely NO steroids found in my vehicle & there were NO charges against me. I've received a great welcome by the community and fans. I've worked my butt off to have a great season."

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Well, between what the US District Attorney's Office, the U.S. Border Patrol, and Merriman have ALL told Gaughan, I think they are all on the same page and it's safe to say that there is nothing more to the story.


Our optimism is intact.




No ones said he would be arrested, and it would clearly make it harder to report on if what he had was legal (ie officers not allowed on record, possibly no written record)

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If, as the posters here this morning alleged, the supplements were street legal but not NFL legal it would totally 100% still mesh with the article.


I'm not saying it's true, or not - I'm saying nothing has been established on either side.


Per the Gaughan article in the News, it's been pretty well established by the U.S. Attorney's Office, the U.S. Border Patrol, and Merriman that there was NOTHING to the reports of ANY supplements, street legal, NFL legal, or otherwise being found in Merriman's luggage. There is simply nothing left to establish.



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I get that it was a sloppy article


I get that we haven't had anything proven by Moran


I get that it was not journalistically sound


I get that he went sensational instead of safe/conservative


I think his daughter comments were wildly inappropriate.



But I also get that every word of it COULD be true still. We just don't knowcare. FIXED

But the story now has no legs, per the Buffalo News post. Unless Merriman tests positive for anything, we will have to accept his word. Moran looks like a complete fool for rehashing this and making it out to be such a huge dramatic happening at OBD. I suggest we let it die here at TBD.

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I get that it was a sloppy article


I get that we haven't had anything proven by Moran


I get that it was not journalistically sound


I get that he went sensational instead of safe/conservative


I think his daughter comments were wildly inappropriate.



But I also get that every word of it COULD be true still. We just don't know.


I get this argument, I studied philosophy. Its basically an Ad Hoc argument.


But its like saying, Santa Clause is real. And maybe we just haven't discovered his technology or how he gets around etc.


You can keep saying til your blue in the face that maybe, just maybe its still true.


When reputal sources confirm that there is nothing to see here, it's time to put this story to bed and move on.

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