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Tony Washington signs with Calgary

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Any one of 32 teams could have brought him in as a UFA. No risk involved. Why didn't one team out of 32 do that? IMO...fear of fan backlash.


That's the risk. If he pans out, no one cares and your GM of the year. If he doesn't you are the guy that brought in that sex offender that wasn't good at football. It seems no one was confident enough in him (or themselves) to pull the trigger.

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Very best of luck to Tony Washington.


The punishment didn't fit the crime.


Hopefully this is the first step towards him fulfilling his dream.


What was his punishment?

The punishment was being labelled a sex offender which considering he was 16 and his sister was 15 and it was consensual, is a joke, IMO.


The subsequent effects of this were that no Division I school as a result, was willing to take a chance on him and that after having to play in a Division II school (which further hurt his draft status and career aspirations), no NFL team was willing to take a chance on him.

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Good luck to him. There are NFL players who have killed people, so you know, the fact he was given the cold shoulder was a little hypocritical.




100% agree. Or committed DUI's, or hit people with their car. But utter the word "sex offender" and everyone gets crazy, even if the underlying offense was public urination. No one takes the time to find out what actually happened when someone has that label. If you read his story, he was treated unfairly and I don't the term "sex offender", as originally intended, fits what he did. Best of luck to him, and I hope to see him in a Bills uniform someday.

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Any one of 32 teams could have brought him in as a UFA. No risk involved. Why didn't one team out of 32 do that? IMO...fear of fan backlash.

I think it was more out of concern for team chemistry. NFL locker rooms aren't known for being real sensitive. Taboo crimes like incest probably won't be held in high regard.


I believe his sex offender tag also carried some travel restrictions and other legal implications which would make Tony an even bigger concern for NFL teams. I thought Canada wouldn't even let him in to the country last year, if I recall his story correctly.

Edited by Jauronimo
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I have no predictions to offer, but will say that I wouldn't be all that shocked if there was another incident of some sort of deviant behavior.


Sorry, but that's often the way this stuff works.


Do you have a psychology degree, or minor, or anything that qualifies you to make that statement besides the fact that you perhaps watch too much Law and Order SVU? The only psychological evidence that is relevant to sexual predators (not those charged with "sex crimes") like Tony, is the fact that adults who rape and molest little children have high rates of recidivism. There is NO evidence that someone who had consensual sex (even with their sister) as minors therefore become sexual predators or commit other deviant behavior later in life. This is further proof of my above statement that people jump to unfounded conclusions once someone is charged with a "sex crime."

Edited by RyanC883
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I think it was more out of concern for team chemistry. NFL locker rooms aren't known for being real sensitive. Taboo crimes like incest probably won't be held in high regard.


I believe his sex offender tag also carried some travel restrictions and other legal implications which would make Tony an even bigger concern for NFL teams. I thought Canada wouldn't even let him in to the country last year, if I recall his story correctly.

That's a good point, and it made me think of another. Can you imagine what he'd hear from the d-lineman across from him or at the bottom of a pile?

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That's a good point, and it made me think of another. Can you imagine what he'd hear from the d-lineman across from him or at the bottom of a pile?

That's guaranteed. Opponents and their fans would be all over that angle.


Pure speculation on my part, but I can imagine there are a lot of players in the NFL who wouldn't feel comfortable with a "guy like that" in the locker room. There's probably a good deal of caoches and GMs, that all emphasize character, who closed the book on Tony right after "Chapter 1: Incest."

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Do you have a psychology degree, or minor, or anything that qualifies you to make that statement besides the fact that you perhaps watch too much Law and Order SVU? The only psychological evidence that is relevant to sexual predators (not those charged with "sex crimes") like Tony, is the fact that adults who rape and molest little children have high rates of recidivism. There is NO evidence that someone who had consensual sex (even with their sister) as minors therefore become sexual predators or commit other deviant behavior later in life. This is further proof of my above statement that people jump to unfounded conclusions once someone is charged with a "sex crime."


You have no idea who you are talking to, so I take your snide comments with a grain of salt. Let's just say that I have a lot more professional experience with this type of stuff than you could imagine.


I get the feeling it is you who gains info from TV shows. But, I would love to read your resume. Then maybe we can compare notes wrt acts of domestic violence.

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Washington has the size and athleticism to be an effective offensive tackle but I worry that he may have some glaring weaknesses. If Tony is anything like the sexual predators I've seen on Dateline he can be easily neutralized by the suggestion "why don't you have a seat over there?" and is totally distracted by freshly baked cookies.


In other news, the Toronto Argonauts signed defensive end Chris Hansen to a one year deal today.

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First, I have to wonder if the fact that he is a registered sex offender and must identify himself as such wherever he goes plays a role in his ability to travel with a professional franchise. I would suppose not because I doubt that this situation is completely without precedent.


For as much as we think we may know about Tony Washington, there are decision makers at all 32 teams around the NFL who know infinitely more about him and his past than we do. During the pre-daft period, the scouts leave no stone unturned and delve much deeper into prospective players' backgrounds than any of us can imagine. After doing all this leg-work, 32 NFL teams did not feel that Washington was worth drafting. None of these 32 teams were even willing to take a chance on him as a relatively risk-free undrafted free agent.


Personally, I suspect that the notoriety that has followed this young man, has perhaps blinded many from his actual football playing abilities. That is to say, I have a feeling that if some NFL team really thought that this kid was the second coming of Anthony Munoz (or even Demetrius Bell), then I doubt that his past indiscretion would have chased them away.


The bottom line is that I have a feeling that real NFL scouts do not see the sort of upside in him that would merit the risk that goes with signing him.

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The punishment was being labelled a sex offender which considering he was 16 and his sister was 15 and it was consensual, is a joke, IMO.


The subsequent effects of this were that no Division I school as a result, was willing to take a chance on him and that after having to play in a Division II school (which further hurt his draft status and career aspirations), no NFL team was willing to take a chance on him.


Oh, I meant real punishment--you know, for having consensual sex with his 15 year old sister.


So he was sentenced to DivII football...AND he went undrafted. Brutal. You know how they treat child molesters in those DivII programs.


Mark Herzlich did not, as far as we know f**k his 15 year old sister (not lovingly or even "consensually"), yet he was sentenced to cancer after his junior year and went then went undrafted--and he can actually play.


You're right--it's a joke.

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Oh, I meant real punishment--you know, for having consensual sex with his 15 year old sister.


So he was sentenced to DivII football...AND he went undrafted. Brutal. You know how they treat child molesters in those DivII programs.


Mark Herzlich did not, as far as we know f**k his 15 year old sister (not lovingly or even "consensually"), yet he was sentenced to cancer after his junior year and went then went undrafted--and he can actually play.


You're right--it's a joke.

Easy for you to judge, WEO. Your sister is busted.


Maybe you should try to see it from Tony's perspective.

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Oh, I meant real punishment--you know, for having consensual sex with his 15 year old sister.


So he was sentenced to DivII football...AND he went undrafted. Brutal. You know how they treat child molesters in those DivII programs.


Mark Herzlich did not, as far as we know f**k his 15 year old sister (not lovingly or even "consensually"), yet he was sentenced to cancer after his junior year and went then went undrafted--and he can actually play.


You're right--it's a joke.

Child molester? They were both teenagers… one year apart. It was consensual. Only you would characterize it as child molestation.


Your "characterization" of the situation is so far from the truth that you again have zero credibility.


And bringing up Mark Herzlich… the ultimate straw man argument.


In addressing your straw man argument, why don't you consider the fact that New England drafted Marcus Cannon in the 4th round less than 1 week after he was diagnosed with cancer while Mark Herzlich went undrafted 25 months after being diagnosed and 19 months after being considered fully recovered and "cancer free."


Sadly, you are the first person I'll have to put on ignore in a long time.


Your argumentative nature is annoying as hell but your stupidity is just too too much to bear.



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Child molester? They were both teenagers… one year apart. It was consensual. Only you would characterize it as child molestation.


Your "characterization" of the situation is so far from the truth that you again have zero credibility.


And bringing up Mark Herzlich… the ultimate straw man argument.


In addressing your straw man argument, why don't you consider the fact that New England drafted Marcus Cannon in the 4th round less than 1 week after he was diagnosed with cancer while Mark Herzlich went undrafted 25 months after being diagnosed and 19 months after being considered fully recovered and "cancer free."


Sadly, you are the first person I'll have to put on ignore in a long time.


Your argumentative nature is annoying as hell but your stupidity is just too too much to bear.





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