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Tim Hortons coffee


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Has anybody noticed a drop in the quality of their coffee? Maybe it's just the one I go to, but it used to be great, but now it's average almost every time. Average at best.


I don't know who to complain to.

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Has anybody noticed a drop in the quality of their coffee? Maybe it's just the one I go to, but it used to be great, but now it's average almost every time. Average at best.


I don't know who to complain to.


I havent experienced it myself since we dont get Tim Horton's down south, but Ive had a number of fellow die-hard Horton's coffee fans tell me they stopped drinking it because it isnt as good anymore. I didnt really believe them, but Im hearing it from more and more people.


Too bad. That used to be liquid crack, it was soooo good.

Edited by DrDankenstein
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I havent experienced it myself since we dont get Tim Horton's down south, but Ive had a number of fellow die-hard Horton's coffee fans tell me they stopped drinking it because it isnt as good anymore. I didnt really believe them, but Im hearing it from more and more people.


Too bad. That used to be liquid crack, it was soooo good.


Thanks for telling me that. I wasn't sure if was my tastebuds were screwed up. My secretary agreed with me, but she complains about most products anyway. But, I've asked a few other people who said they didn't notice a difference.


It really was liquid crack. Now, I think I'm going to go back to just making my own.

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I think if the Bills didn't draft corner backs this would have never happened. As long as we keep doing this we will have smaller, weaker coffee and that is no way to sell donuts. We need to draft clods like Mallett to get good coffee back.

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Has anybody noticed a drop in the quality of their coffee? Maybe it's just the one I go to, but it used to be great, but now it's average almost every time. Average at best.


I don't know who to complain to.


I had it Saturday in N Falls Canada. I was really weak, no coffee taste. Hasn't coffee gone up a lot? Maybe they changed their formulation. But the hot chocolate the wife had was great


Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds are much better any way

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It's very inconsistent, IMO. Some days I'll get a cup and it will be absolutely amazing then the next day it will be terrible.


Yeah, that's how this started out with me....Now, in the last few weeks it's best days are mediocre.


Do you feel this inconsistency is new? I don't think I ever had a bad cup until a few months ago. I was shocked that it was a bad cup from TH's, because it used to be amazing how consistently awesome it was!

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I would actually talk to the manager of the restaurant you go to I feel that face to face is the best way and typically chains listen to their management.


I think I'm going to do that. I'm trying to get enough evidence that it's not just me, before I do.

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I would actually talk to the manager of the restaurant you go to I feel that face to face is the best way and typically chains listen to their management.


Tim Horton's are franchised too so the manager is often the actual owner of that building. The Timmy's by my place is still great but that's because the owner is extremely diligent in the coffee prep (exact amount of grinds, water, etc.) and no pot stays on the burner for an extended period of time.


The coffee at one isn't going to be as good as another. My solution - by the grinds from them and make it yourself. I keep a tin here at work.


I will say though McDonald's coffee has come a long, long way. I really like their joe now.

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I think I'm going to do that. I'm trying to get enough evidence that it's not just me, before I do.


You don't need evidence from others. As a regular customer your tastebuds are all the evidence you need. Restaurants are always looking at ways to cut costs. Ten cents per cup of coffee over a year in a coffee shop really adds up. And with commodity prices rising their taking it in the pants in some restaurants.

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