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"Falling Skies"...New Show from S.Spielberg.


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That's pretty consistent with most of the criticisms I've read so far...that it's less character driven and more reliant on special effects and CGI. I'm not eagerly awaiting next week's episode like I was after the premier of The Walking Dead, but I'm gonna keep watching for sure.


I got thoroughly spoiled with LOST and now with TWD. I'm looking forward to the new season of Warehouse 13 and Fringe!

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Yeah, but it's not uncommon for new series to have flat characters and stilted dialog. A good series will grow into it by the second season (witness NCIS: LA - not a great show, but the second season was by far better than the first, just for that reason.)


Falling Skies has potential to do that; they pretty cleanly introduced the characters, the relationships between them, and the general setting and plot in one 2-hour episode, without being completely pandering or a total snooze-fest. That's about as much as you can ask for a series premire.





That would be great if it goes down that way...I'd love for this show to capture enough interest that we're all talking about S2 a ways down the road. I've been thinking about the show quite a bit and one thing I really like are all the REALLY loose ties between the characters. It's basically anarchy compounded by the need to fight off technologically advanced critters, so it's interesting to see the father/son, adult/child, military/civilian, officer/higher ranking officer, etc, etc. All these relationships carry over from society, but there is VERY little holding them together. You can see them unravel a bit as this person or that person becomes more bold and develops their own agenda. That part of it I really love and am looking to see how those dynamics work themselves out. :thumbsup:

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Noah the super librarian will grow and kick some major azz. This series has potential. I hope they put a decent amount of effort into character developement. Maybe all the skitters really want is the flower of life. This show could turn out to be a nice mix of well known past series. We shall see.

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  • 1 month later...

I was really looking forward to tonight's season finale...but that was some of the most boring two hours of television I've seen in a while. I couldn't believe how stupid it was. I felt like it was two hours of arguing about dumb crap. Until the last twenty minutes or so, they didn't show a single skidder or mech, and nobody had fired a single shot! The previews from the week before seemed to indicate the finale would be intense, non-stop action...it was the total opposite.


This series has really let me down...it's not even in the same ballpark as The Walking Dead. I'm sure I'll give it a chance next year when it continues, because there were some entertaining episodes here and there, but tonight was a joke. :thumbdown:

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I was a bit disappointed with the finale...especially when it will be another 10 months until the next episode. But I dig the new tall, skinny aliens that were shown. With those arms, I want them on my fantasy basketball team. I am not too fond of Will Patton's Capt. Weaver.

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Why? So we can waste 2 hours of our life listening to horrible dialogue, shoddy storytelling and an absolute waste of a great concept?


Not that I am bitter or anything;)

Oh, I see. Someone beat you to it. :nana:

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I was really looking forward to tonight's season finale...but that was some of the most boring two hours of television I've seen in a while. I couldn't believe how stupid it was. I felt like it was two hours of arguing about dumb crap. Until the last twenty minutes or so, they didn't show a single skidder or mech, and nobody had fired a single shot! The previews from the week before seemed to indicate the finale would be intense, non-stop action...it was the total opposite.


This series has really let me down...it's not even in the same ballpark as The Walking Dead. I'm sure I'll give it a chance next year when it continues, because there were some entertaining episodes here and there, but tonight was a joke. :thumbdown:


Yeah, I hear you. I stopped watching this show after about three episodes, because it was just so damn boring. I could not form an attachment to any of the people in the show. I agree with you that Walking Dead is LIGHT YEARS ahead of this dreck...

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Yeah, I hear you. I stopped watching this show after about three episodes, because it was just so damn boring. I could not form an attachment to any of the people in the show. I agree with you that Walking Dead is LIGHT YEARS ahead of this dreck...


I found myself not looking forward to it after a few episodes, too. Only reason I kept watching was because I'm a sucker for alien sci-fi. Last week they had what I thought was a really cool concept with regard to what they found inside the skidders, but they didn't develop it at ALL in the finale...wtf??


For 3/4 of the show all it was was arguing about stuff, and then every so often you'd have the, "...please don't go...it's dangerous." "...yes, I know it's dangerous...but I have to do what I have to do..." exchange...it was maddening!! lol I do agree with Mr Info about the new aliens...and I was majorly creeped out in a previous episode where that thing was looking through the peep hole in the door. But they totally dropped the ball last night...big, big downer.

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Very disappointed in the ending. The Librarian getting into the ship sets up a plot line of trying to negotiate and co-exist with the skitters and their masters.


Pffft, I was hoping this should would be about kicking alien ass. I don't care about the aliens, where they come from, or why they're here. This is our planet, now get the hell out of here!


Should have ended the episode with Weaver unloading on the alien and harnessed hottie

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I found myself not looking forward to it after a few episodes, too. Only reason I kept watching was because I'm a sucker for alien sci-fi. Last week they had what I thought was a really cool concept with regard to what they found inside the skidders, but they didn't develop it at ALL in the finale...wtf??


For 3/4 of the show all it was was arguing about stuff, and then every so often you'd have the, "...please don't go...it's dangerous." "...yes, I know it's dangerous...but I have to do what I have to do..." exchange...it was maddening!! lol I do agree with Mr Info about the new aliens...and I was majorly creeped out in a previous episode where that thing was looking through the peep hole in the door. But they totally dropped the ball last night...big, big downer.

Just speculating of course, but it's probably a combination of not wanting to reveal too much story in season one and shooting much of it before they got an order for the second season.


I agree though. I watched the entire season ... hung in there through the first four episodes (during which I could have easily dropped out at any point) and then got sucked in by the hints of good sci-fi/alien stuff -- only to be disappointed with a lame finale which centered more around a pill addiction rather than the fact that two divisions of human resistance have been wiped out.


The ending with getting on the ship was kind of cool for me -- but I would have wanted to keep the aliens more mysterious for longer. They did such a good job of hiding the tall aliens too ...

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Just speculating of course, but it's probably a combination of not wanting to reveal too much story in season one and shooting much of it before they got an order for the second season.


I agree though. I watched the entire season ... hung in there through the first four episodes (during which I could have easily dropped out at any point) and then got sucked in by the hints of good sci-fi/alien stuff -- only to be disappointed with a lame finale which centered more around a pill addiction rather than the fact that two divisions of human resistance have been wiped out.


The ending with getting on the ship was kind of cool for me -- but I would have wanted to keep the aliens more mysterious for longer. They did such a good job of hiding the tall aliens too ...


lol, I know, wtf was up with the pill thing?? Everyone goes apeshiit, Dr Carter gets locked up at gun point, and then ten mins later everything is fine?? I feel like they just took five or ten of their "filler" story lines, jammed them into the first 90 min of the finale, and then spent the last 30 min actually getting back to the story :wallbash:

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  • 10 months later...

lol, they go through all this effort to find a means to snuff out the heat signature on their vehicles for when they move the caravan 20mi down the road, and then they go taking off with all their headlights on :doh:


I'm glad this show's back and I'm sure I'll watch the entire season, but I really hope it gets better...

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  • 1 month later...



I can't believe i wasted an hour of my time watching that. Not a single damn alien the entire hour. If someone could have just said,

they met up with the others in Charleston

, that's all I needed to know. What a completely pointless episode.

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I can't believe i wasted an hour of my time watching that. Not a single damn alien the entire hour. If someone could have just said,

they met up with the others in Charleston

, that's all I needed to know. What a completely pointless episode.

I stopped watching after the 3rd episode of season 2. It has it's moments, but they're rare. IMO, just not a very good show. I really hope The Walking Dead comes out swinging.

Edited by Faustus
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