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"Falling Skies"...New Show from S.Spielberg.


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I'll pretty much watch anything with aliens in it, so I'm pretty psyched about this show. This should help fill the latter part of the gap before the next season of Walking Dead, since I know a lot of us are in major withdrawal.


Check it out...


Falling Skies

Edited by ajzepp
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I'll pretty much watch anything with aliens in it, so I'm pretty psyched about this show. This should help fill the latter part of the gap before the next season of Walking Dead, since I know a lot of us are in major withdrawal.


Check it out...


Falling Skies


Looks like what the new "V" should have been if they did it right...and stole from Independence Day, Predator, District 9, etc.


Interestingly, too...it's a significant break from Spielberg's stereotypical "cute, cuddly, innocent aliens just want to be friends and eat Reese's Pieces/kidnap Richard Dreyfuss" theme.

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Looks like what the new "V" should have been if they did it right...and stole from Independence Day, Predator, District 9, etc.


Interestingly, too...it's a significant break from Spielberg's stereotypical "cute, cuddly, innocent aliens just want to be friends and eat Reese's Pieces/kidnap Richard Dreyfuss" theme.


Amen...I still can't believe how much of a let down V was...I was really excited when I first heard about the reboot, so hopefully you're exactly right about this being a more fulfilling version of an alien/sci-fi series. Using Noah Wylie in the lead has a good feel about it, so I like that casting decision...should be interesting!

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Amen...I still can't believe how much of a let down V was...I was really excited when I first heard about the reboot,


"What? She turned the sky red? I sat through twelve episodes of boring-ass story and Morena Baccarin with an ugly-ass haircut for this monkey-ass bull **** ending?"


Just curious...was that your reaction to the season "finale", too? :wallbash: It's like the producers said "Hey, that's a great idea...let's build suspense by introducing absolutely no meaningful storyline or dramatic tension, then viewers will keep coming back just to see if anything's ever going to happen! It worked for Lost, didn't it?" How V got picked up for another season absolutely confounds me.


I'm half-hoping it turns out that the aliens in "Falling Skies" are coming to Earth with the simple mission of hunting down and killing everyone involved with the production of "V" (except for Baccarin's hair stylist, who should be hunted down and tortured for a very, very long time - perhaps by watching "V" reruns).

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"What? She turned the sky red? I sat through twelve episodes of boring-ass story and Morena Baccarin with an ugly-ass haircut for this monkey-ass bull **** ending?"


Just curious...was that your reaction to the season "finale", too? :wallbash: It's like the producers said "Hey, that's a great idea...let's build suspense by introducing absolutely no meaningful storyline or dramatic tension, then viewers will keep coming back just to see if anything's ever going to happen! It worked for Lost, didn't it?" How V got picked up for another season absolutely confounds me.


I'm half-hoping it turns out that the aliens in "Falling Skies" are coming to Earth with the simple mission of hunting down and killing everyone involved with the production of "V" (except for Baccarin's hair stylist, who should be hunted down and tortured for a very, very long time - perhaps by watching "V" reruns).


:lol: If that ends up beign the plot for Falling Skies I know for sure I'll be tuning in!


I never even made it to the damn finale, lol...I ended up moving right around the time it started up again, and by then I was just like, "scrwe it..." I sort of feel like I'm falling for the same thing with The Event. I had just enough interest at first to give it a chance, and then just BARELY enough to get through the last episode before the break, so it wouldn't surprise me if I end up bailing on this one, too. For some reason it takes a lot for me to stick with a scripted show on tv...I really WANTED to love "V", but as you pointed out, the minute I saw what they did to lovely Morena's beautiful hair, it just didn't look promising at all lol. She was so amazingly hot on Firefly/Serenity...


I think what it is that I don't like is a show that gives the impression they are figuring out stuff as they go. That's why I tend to respect a guy like Josh-what's-his-name who wrote Firefly and Buffy and all that. He seems to have things pretty well worked out in his head, and then he goes and puts strong dialogue in the hands of good actors, and there you have it - entertainment. With Spielberg on board for this new show, I'm pretty psyched...I think it'll be of quality :thumbsup:


:lol: If that ends up beign the plot for Falling Skies I know for sure I'll be tuning in!


I never even made it to the damn finale, lol...I ended up moving right around the time it started up again, and by then I was just like, "scrwe it..." I sort of feel like I'm falling for the same thing with The Event. I had just enough interest at first to give it a chance, and then just BARELY enough to get through the last episode before the break, so it wouldn't surprise me if I end up bailing on this one, too. For some reason it takes a lot for me to stick with a scripted show on tv...I really WANTED to love "V", but as you pointed out, the minute I saw what they did to lovely Morena's beautiful hair, it just didn't look promising at all lol. She was so amazingly hot on Firefly/Serenity...


I think what it is that I don't like is a show that gives the impression they are figuring out stuff as they go. That's why I tend to respect a guy like Josh-what's-his-name who wrote Firefly and Buffy and all that. He seems to have things pretty well worked out in his head, and then he goes and puts strong dialogue in the hands of good actors, and there you have it - entertainment. With Spielberg on board for this new show, I'm pretty psyched...I think it'll be of quality :thumbsup:



Oh, I almost forgot...the interesting thing for this next season of V is that Jane Badler is back on the show. She was the Morena Baccarin of my youth...I used to have a HUGE crush on her. When I found out she was a lizard, I was thoroughly heartbroken :lol:

Edited by ajzepp
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Looks like what the new "V" should have been if they did it right...and stole from Independence Day, Predator, District 9, etc.


Interestingly, too...it's a significant break from Spielberg's stereotypical "cute, cuddly, innocent aliens just want to be friends and eat Reese's Pieces/kidnap Richard Dreyfuss" theme.


Stealing from Independence Day would be great. Interstellar spaceship with tiny weak spot that allows the entire thing to blow up. How original. Especially in science fiction. HAs that been done before?


I think it's going to turn out just fine when they realize that if they just throw water at the aliens, they die. I mean: They mastered interstellar space travel but forgot their downfall is that they travelled to a planet of water and forgot their rain coats. Oh, and they can't figure out how to turn a doorknob. /Signs

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Stealing from Independence Day would be great. Interstellar spaceship with tiny weak spot that allows the entire thing to blow up. How original. Especially in science fiction. HAs that been done before?


I think it's going to turn out just fine when they realize that if they just throw water at the aliens, they die. I mean: They mastered interstellar space travel but forgot their downfall is that they travelled to a planet of water and forgot their rain coats. Oh, and they can't figure out how to turn a doorknob. /Signs


Get it all out, my brother...we're here for you ;)

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Maybe the aliens will all die from the common cold? /War of the World


LMAO....how much more you got in there? What about Cloverfield? Exorcise those demons, dude!!! :)


Actually, I tell you what, War of the Worlds was one of the top ten most intense experiences I've ever had in my home theater. The sound effects in that film scared the BEJEEEEEEZURS outta me. I know a lot of people didn't care for it, but I geeked out to it big time...same with Cloverfield. If you have the chance to watch either of those in a home theater with a big, bad subwoofer and a projector, it's tough to beat. Grab a beer, kick off your shoes, and crank up the volume....good times!


Tom mentioned District 9 earlier in the thread...that film is easily one of my favorites of all time. I'm really looking forward to seeing it for the third time in the near future. I heard there was talk about making a sequel to it, so if they do then I hope Peter Jackson is on board....if not, it may be crap.

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LMAO....how much more you got in there? What about Cloverfield? Exorcise those demons, dude!!! :)


Actually, I tell you what, War of the Worlds was one of the top ten most intense experiences I've ever had in my home theater. The sound effects in that film scared the BEJEEEEEEZURS outta me. I know a lot of people didn't care for it, but I geeked out to it big time...same with Cloverfield. If you have the chance to watch either of those in a home theater with a big, bad subwoofer and a projector, it's tough to beat. Grab a beer, kick off your shoes, and crank up the volume....good times!


Tom mentioned District 9 earlier in the thread...that film is easily one of my favorites of all time. I'm really looking forward to seeing it for the third time in the near future. I heard there was talk about making a sequel to it, so if they do then I hope Peter Jackson is on board....if not, it may be crap.


Peter "why film a 90 second scene when you can drag it out for fifteen minutes?" Jackson? The guy whose remake of King Kong couldn't even achieve the pacing of the 70-year old stop-animation original? The man who makes 90 minute films last three and a half hours? The dude who filmed five different endings to The Return Of The King, couldn't decide whicih he liked best, so he used them all?


Pass. The man's films make Wagner's Ring Cycle seem peppy and engaging.


Maybe the aliens will all die from the common cold? /War of the World


Yeah, that H.G. Wells was a real hack. :rolleyes:

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Peter "why film a 90 second scene when you can drag it out for fifteen minutes?" Jackson?


Hey man, compared to Jim Jarmusch, my favorite director, Peter Jackson is hasty and impatient! lol

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Yeah, that H.G. Wells was a real hack. :rolleyes:

It offends modern sensibilities to think aliens would travel light years and overlook bacterial infections.


Wells was a visionary. In the 2005 movie, Speilberg needed to change the ending. Maybe a weak spot in the mothership?


Cloverfield was great as was District 9.

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...Jim Jarmusch, my favorite director...

Speaking of...


I just saw The Limits Of Control. Have you seen that one? I liked it very much. Definitely meant to vex the blockbuster crowd and to defy explanation. I can understand how some would hate it and call it slow & intentionally obscure, but I loved it. Every shot looked amazing. It would be a disservice to try to say any more about it.

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Speaking of...


I just saw The Limits Of Control. Have you seen that one? I liked it very much. Definitely meant to vex the blockbuster crowd and to defy explanation. I can understand how some would hate it and call it slow & intentionally obscure, but I loved it. Every shot looked amazing. It would be a disservice to try to say any more about it.


Dang, I keep forgetting to rent that one....thanks for the reminder! I LOVE Jarmusch's style of direction...the only time I started to wonder if he was screwing with me was during a (seemingly) twenty minute stretch in "Stranger than Paradise" where he filmed John Lurie lying around on his bed lol. Aside from that one scene, I've loved everything else he's done.


Where would you put Limits of Control on your "best of Jarmusch" list? So far mine would rank as follows:


1) Down by Law (one of my favorite films of all time...Roberto rules!!!!)

2) Night on Earth (Roberto rules even more!!!)

3) Mystery Train

4) Dead Man

5) Fishing with John (this series is hilarious at times!!)

6) Ghost Dog

7) Broken Flowers

8) Stranger than Paradise


Still need to see Limits of Control, Coffee and Cigarettes, and probably a couple of others I missed.

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Dang, I keep forgetting to rent that one....thanks for the reminder! I LOVE Jarmusch's style of direction...the only time I started to wonder if he was screwing with me was during a (seemingly) twenty minute stretch in "Stranger than Paradise" where he filmed John Lurie lying around on his bed lol. Aside from that one scene, I've loved everything else he's done.


Where would you put Limits of Control on your "best of Jarmusch" list? So far mine would rank as follows:


1) Down by Law (one of my favorite films of all time...Roberto rules!!!!)

2) Night on Earth (Roberto rules even more!!!)

3) Mystery Train

4) Dead Man

5) Fishing with John (this series is hilarious at times!!)

6) Ghost Dog

7) Broken Flowers

8) Stranger than Paradise


Still need to see Limits of Control, Coffee and Cigarettes, and probably a couple of others I missed.

It's always hard to rank, especially when I'm a big fan of them all. I guess I'd do it like this...


1. Down By Law

2. Broken Flowers

3. Night on Earth

4. Dead Man

5. The Limits of Control

6. Coffee and Cigarettes

7. Mystery Train

8. Ghost Dog

9. Stranger Than Paradise


3 through 7 are really all tied for me--I could have rearranged these any way at all. Coffee And Cigarettes is especially hard to place because it has really amazing moments but also some dead spots.


I agree with you on Stranger Than Paradise. It just doesn't really do it for me that much. A lot of critics gobble it up though. I'm willing to give it another shot.


I've seen Fishing With John and I like it, but that's really a John Lurie project. Jarmusch just appears in it.

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I'll pretty much watch anything with aliens in it, so I'm pretty psyched about this show. This should help fill the latter part of the gap before the next season of Walking Dead, since I know a lot of us are in major withdrawal.


Check it out...


Falling Skies

Looks like it has potential. Thing is, whats going to hold us over until this holdover? June? :wallbash:

My only concern is that its on TNT. Hopefully won't be neutered and vanilla.

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Looks like it has potential. Thing is, whats going to hold us over until this holdover? June? :wallbash:

My only concern is that its on TNT. Hopefully won't be neutered and vanilla.


:lol: Good point...hadn't thought it through that far lol


It's always hard to rank, especially when I'm a big fan of them all. I guess I'd do it like this...


1. Down By Law

2. Broken Flowers

3. Night on Earth

4. Dead Man

5. The Limits of Control

6. Coffee and Cigarettes

7. Mystery Train

8. Ghost Dog

9. Stranger Than Paradise


3 through 7 are really all tied for me--I could have rearranged these any way at all. Coffee And Cigarettes is especially hard to place because it has really amazing moments but also some dead spots.


I agree with you on Stranger Than Paradise. It just doesn't really do it for me that much. A lot of critics gobble it up though. I'm willing to give it another shot.


I've seen Fishing With John and I like it, but that's really a John Lurie project. Jarmusch just appears in it.


You're exactly right about Fishing with John...I thought for sure Jarmusch directed that, but guess not! :blush:


I felt as you did...I have pretty much liked all his films, so aside from "Law" being clearly in the top spot for me, the rest of them could easily have been shifted around. I used to rank Mystery Train a bit lower, but saw it again recently and really enjoyed it. I love that you just never have any idea what's going to happen next in a Jarmusch film. You can call him lots of things, but "predictable" isn't one of them :thumbsup:

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