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Decadence is the first lady Michelle Obama amazingly taking a gaudy vacation with forty of her friends and family to a five star hotel in Spain while America has a 9.5 unemployment figure and is currently going through the worst recession it it's history. Millions of people have lost their homes in foreclosure. 40 million people are on food stamps, largest ever. And the fact that the American taxpayer is on on the hook for $250,000 of it, which just adds another log to the deficit bonfire that our children and children's children will eventually have to pay off, sickens me to the core...



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Ya, she spent .000000000000001% of the GDP on that trip. That B word.



How do you crazies manage to take yourselves serious and make threads like this one at the same time?

Riddle me this: if it were Laura Bush or Liz Cheney making the same trip, would you hold the same opinion?

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Ya, she spent .000000000000001% of the GDP on that trip. That B word.



How do you crazies manage to take yourselves serious and make threads like this one at the same time?

I bet there are a few resorts in, oh say the US maybe? that would have loved to accommodate that little"family vacation" for such a "insignificant" amount of GDP. But of course Spain is much more exciting. As long as Michelle is happy.

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Decadence is the first lady Michelle Obama amazingly taking a gaudy vacation with forty of her friends and family to a five star hotel in Spain while America has a 9.5 unemployment figure and is currently going through the worst recession it it's history. Millions of people have lost their homes in foreclosure. 40 million people are on food stamps, largest ever. And the fact that the American taxpayer is on on the hook for $250,000 of it, which just adds another log to the deficit bonfire that our children and children's children will eventually have to pay off, sickens me to the core...




And Bush took vacations in the middle of a war.



This is such a complete non-issue. :P

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Ya, she spent .000000000000001% of the GDP on that trip. That B word.



How do you crazies manage to take yourselves serious and make threads like this one at the same time?


It's the flaunting of their lavish lifestyle while Obama warns about tightening our belts and raising taxes. It's about just doing whatever they want and to hell with the rest of you peasants. Sort of like driving around with your windows wide open with you radio blaring or parking in the fire lane or stopping your car in the middle of the street to "chat" with your cousin. I'm talking about that kind of arrogance. Now do you get it?

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Ya, she spent .000000000000001% of the GDP on that trip. That B word.



How do you crazies manage to take yourselves serious and make threads like this one at the same time?

Not to mention people don't realize that when they go to Martha's Vineyard for their post-vacation vacation next week, it'll cost a WHOLE lot less than this trip to Spain.


People need to remember that governing is hard. Really hard. You have to stand there and tell people to tighten their belts and cut costs to get by...before going to Spain.


You have to stand there and encourage people to go to the Gulf Coast to vacation and help that economy...before heading back to Martha's Vineyard.


Geez, to quote our president, "You'd THINK they'd be THANKING me." But no. B word, B word, B word.

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And Bush took vacations in the middle of a war.



This is such a complete non-issue. :P


Are we not still at war did I miss something? It is an issue, turnabout is fair play in politics, they clobbered Bush over taking trips to Sweathole Texas. The Obamas should be held to the same standards their party has sets for the Republicans. Democrats are not more equal than Republicans, they both suck @ss.

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I bet there are a few resorts in, oh say the US maybe? that would have loved to accommodate that little"family vacation" for such a "insignificant" amount of GDP. But of course Spain is much more exciting. As long as Michelle is happy.


Obama's are certainly governing and living like a 1-term President and first lady. Get it done now while they can. Belt tightening is not evident at any level in the Federal Government, including vacations.

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Had we only chosen McCain, nothing would have been hard...

Gotta give you credit for at least not looking at Bush for the blame. But if you give it thought, that's the beauty of the administration's "Summer of Could Have Been Worse" Campaign Tour. You can blame Bush for everything, and just when you think people are tired of that storyline, you can whip out the "Could Have Been Worse; Could Have Been McCain" theory.


You may also want to know that many conservatives looked at the John McCain option and wanted to puke. I actually started cheering for Obama because both of them were crappy options, but if someone was going to make a public fool out of himself and ideology, I'd prefer it to be the hard-core no-track-record educator lib from Chicago. And believe me...Obama and his family do NOT disappoint.

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Its "arrogant" to listen to your radio tuned up and stopping to say hi to a neighbor?


Lighten up, Francis.


Stopping in the middle of the street and not giving a damn about blocking traffic or driving through a neighborhood blasting music is not only arrogant but rude and inconsiderate. You don't think so? Flaunting a royal lifestyle while talking about tightening belts is arrogant too but really shows poor leadership.

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Stopping in the middle of the street and not giving a damn about blocking traffic or driving through a neighborhood blasting music is not only arrogant but rude and inconsiderate. You don't think so? Flaunting a royal lifestyle while talking about tightening belts is arrogant too but really shows poor leadership.


I often fling my fastfood cartons out my sunroof while driving through the neighborhood at 2MPH blasting Slayer.

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Stopping in the middle of the street and not giving a damn about blocking traffic or driving through a neighborhood blasting music is not only arrogant but rude and inconsiderate. You don't think so? Flaunting a royal lifestyle while talking about tightening belts is arrogant too but really shows poor leadership.


Yeah, the solution to a double-standard is to feed it. :P

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Gotta give you credit for at least not looking at Bush for the blame. But if you give it thought, that's the beauty of the administration's "Summer of Could Have Been Worse" Campaign Tour. You can blame Bush for everything, and just when you think people are tired of that storyline, you can whip out the "Could Have Been Worse; Could Have Been McCain" theory.


Considering that very few of this admin has any true expeirence and that everything they are doing should work "in theory", the theory that it could have been worse fits very well.


Hope and Change and Fairy tails. :P

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