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Riddle me this: if it were Laura Bush or Liz Cheney making the same trip, would you hold the same opinion?


My only complaint is that the democrats keep harping on "the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes," but it seems the populace is stupid and isn't realizing that the democratic politicians are all RICH AND NOT PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES! (according to them).


If the dems really want to show how much "better" they are, why not get together and say, "We believe in what we say -- and therefore are not going to take a salary for the next year. All of that money will go towards paying down the deficit. Republicans, are you going to follow suit?"


But that will NEVER happen. They talk about all the poor people, pretend that they're in that same class and that they want to help the poor people, but do nothing about it other than "take from rich other than themselves."


Mark Dayton, a trust-fund baby who hasn't ever had a job, has been campaigning on that very topic - "If you make $150,000 or more a year, you're making more than 90% of Minnesotans! And you need to pay your fair share of taxes!" Give me a break.


Here's a couple of his advertising spots. The second one is priceless -- "Make the rich pay more so you can pay less!" :P I guess it worked for Obama... :lol:





Hopefully he'll lose the primary - there's one woman running that attacked him saying something like, "A police officer married to a nurse is NOT a rich family, even though they make $150,000."

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I dont consider this thread, nor you "intelligent."


Intelligent enough to know that stopping your car in the middle of the street and blocking traffic so you can "chat' with your cousin or blasting your radio so anyone can hear it for blocks is rude, inconsiderate and arrogant. You obviously think the opposite. Gotcha. Are you Robert Gibb's brother?

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You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, hot pink, with whale skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive around in that baby at 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon, sucking down quarter pounder cheeseburgers from McDonald's in the old-fashioned non- biodegradable Styrofoam containers! And when I'm done suckin' down those grease ball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth on the American flag and then toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side....


....and there ain't a God-damned thing you can do about it.

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Gotta give you credit for at least not looking at Bush for the blame. But if you give it thought, that's the beauty of the administration's "Summer of Could Have Been Worse" Campaign Tour. You can blame Bush for everything, and just when you think people are tired of that storyline, you can whip out the "Could Have Been Worse; Could Have Been McCain" theory.


You may also want to know that many conservatives looked at the John McCain option and wanted to puke. I actually started cheering for Obama because both of them were crappy options, but if someone was going to make a public fool out of himself and ideology, I'd prefer it to be the hard-core no-track-record educator lib from Chicago. And believe me...Obama and his family do NOT disappoint.


My post was a weiner joke.


Ya know...things not being hard...


McCain's old and not as hard as governing.


Please don't make me draw you a picture :P


Sure it ain't high brow stuff, but you play to your audience.

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You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, hot pink, with whale skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive around in that baby at 115 miles an hour, getting 1 mile per gallon, sucking down quarter pounder cheeseburgers from McDonald's in the old-fashioned non- biodegradable Styrofoam containers! And when I'm done suckin' down those grease ball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth on the American flag and then toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side....


....and there ain't a God-damned thing you can do about it.


Way to stay on topic. Is stopping your car in the middle of the street and blocking traffic and disturbing the peace rude, inconsiderate or arrogant or not? Answer the question, specifically please.

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Way to stay on topic. Is stopping your car in the middle of the street and blocking traffic and disturbing the peace rude, inconsiderate or arrogant or not? Answer the question, specifically please.


Where do you live?

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Way to stay on topic. Is stopping your car in the middle of the street and blocking traffic and disturbing the peace rude, inconsiderate or arrogant or not? Answer the question, specifically please.


I know you're trying to argue the case, but I feel like this is a bad metaphor to begin with and is completely overshadowing the original topic. What she did by going on this opulent overseas trip to Spain (with 40 friends and family/70 security agents in tow) is not rude, inconsiderate, nor arrogant...it is obscene given the circumstances our country has been faced with the last two years.


BTW, all of Washington DC is awash in decadence. The difference is that Mrs. Obama just took it to the highest in your face level yet. The thud you just heard was Obama's "we're just regular folk" line hitting the floor for good.

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I know you're trying to argue the case, but I feel like this is a bad metaphor to begin with and is completely overshadowing the original topic. What she did by going on this opulent overseas trip to Spain (with 40 friends and family/70 security agents in tow) is not rude, inconsiderate, nor arrogant...it is obscene given the circumstances our country has been faced with the last two years.


BTW, all of Washington DC is awash in decadence. The difference is that Mrs. Obama just took it to the highest in your face level yet. The thud you just heard was Obama's "we're just regular folk" line hitting the floor for good.


Yeah, I was also trying to figure out how hes managing to equate the 1st Lady taking a junket to Spain with someone stopping to chat with his neighbor for a few minutes.


I figured Id just !@#$ with him a bit, along the way,

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I bet there are a few resorts in, oh say the US maybe? that would have loved to accommodate that little"family vacation" for such a "insignificant" amount of GDP. But of course Spain is much more exciting. As long as Michelle is happy.

I sense sarcasm. C'mon don't be a hater. You know she's earned it. With all she has accomplished in life.

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Yeah, I was also trying to figure out how hes managing to equate the 1st Lady taking a junket to Spain with someone stopping to chat with his neighbor for a few minutes.


I figured Id just !@#$ with him a bit, along the way,


Well I'm cutting him some slack...I had to edit my reply because I completely !@#$ up a metaphor. I originally said "the thud you just heard was Obama's "we're just regular folk" line being flushed for good."





Gotta chuckle when you can around the PPP.

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I know you're trying to argue the case, but I feel like this is a bad metaphor to begin with and is completely overshadowing the original topic. What she did by going on this opulent overseas trip to Spain (with 40 friends and family/70 security agents in tow) is not rude, inconsiderate, nor arrogant...it is obscene given the circumstances our country has been faced with the last two years.


BTW, all of Washington DC is awash in decadence. The difference is that Mrs. Obama just took it to the highest in your face level yet. The thud you just heard was Obama's "we're just regular folk" line hitting the floor for good.


No, I simply said that Michelle's trip showed signs of arrogance, what with the statements coming out of th WH about tightening our belts etc. I likened it to the arrogance of the guy who stops his car in front of you and talks to friends, or drives down the street with his windows open and radio blasting. I added that it was also rude and inconsiderate. RKslow took exception and acted like an azz. It morphed into a pissing contest but all he could do was wet his pants with a bunch of bs and not answer the question that I originally asked him.

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It may not solve anything, but it is fun to hold a mirror up so they can see themselves chucking stones from the balconies of their glass palaces.


You guys act like we all don't know that the republicans are just as corrupt as the democrats. All of Washington DC politicians are living a ridiculously decadent lifestyle for people elected to a publicly held office. The republicans aren't the ones in power though. They haven't held majority over a congressional house/senate since jan 2007 or the presidency since jan 2009. WE ALL KNOW that the are republicans are corrupt too. The republicans now have a golden opportunity on their hands to change if they're given the nod by an ever growing angry American electorate in nov. Obama's clueless wife just gave the republicans a huge gift with her insanely insensitive trip to Spain.

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You guys act like we all don't know that the republicans are just as corrupt as the democrats. All of Washington DC politicians are living a ridiculously decadent lifestyle for people elected to a publicly held office. The republicans aren't the ones in power though. They haven't held majority over a congressional house/senate since jan 2007 or the presidency since jan 2009. WE ALL KNOW that the are republicans are corrupt too. The republicans now have a golden opportunity on their hands to change if they're given the nod by an ever growing angry American electorate in nov. Obama's clueless wife just gave the republicans a huge gift with her insanely insensitive trip to Spain.



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I don't know, are you on your bike. Oh BTW my wife got run over by a bicyclist on Saturday. Luckily for him it was 50% her fault.


I dont have a radio on my bike and I sure as **** dont eat fastfood on it. Ive been known to sing loudly and spid a mouthful of sports drink on the sidewalk from time to time, though.


I do occasionally ride slow past the neighbors, when riding. My shaved legs, green lycra and the smell of used chamois creme gets them all kinds of uncomfortable.


On the ride this past weekend, a guy in our group got clipped by some nimrod wo was putting on makeup. So we're even.

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No, I simply said that Michelle's trip showed signs of arrogance, what with the statements coming out of th WH about tightening our belts etc. I likened it to the arrogance of the guy who stops his car in front of you and talks to friends, or drives down the street with his windows open and radio blasting. I added that it was also rude and inconsiderate. RKslow took exception and acted like an azz. It morphed into a pissing contest but all he could do was wet his pants with a bunch of bs and not answer the question that I originally asked him.


Ah, I see....someone stopping a car to talk to their friends bothers you.....becuase you have no friends.


I got it now.


You should have told us you have no friends.


Im sorry.

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