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Schobel is now 70/30 on playing this year

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I think it's more like this - he's saying to himself, "I can come into camp at any time I choose, learn or not learn the system, and as long as I show up, they're on the hook to pay me 8 million. If they don't want to trade me, maybe I'll just show up when I please and if I can adjust, then I do, but it'll be on my terms. If they don't like it, they can cut me, or trade me."

I really think this is his way of fighting them. Why would they want to pay him 8 million if he shows up late, hasn't put in anywhere near the time everyone else has, and maybe isn't that good at OLB? To me, it's a silent war between player and team, and the side I'm leaning on here is the Bills. Schobel signed a contract. He commited himself to playing. If he didn't want to play, he should've said so before the draft. Really, by doing this, he's putting the team on the hook for 8 million or so that could be going somewhere else - like a good LT, or a pretty good QB salary. For that kind of money, I think you owe the team everything you can give them.

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Unless they're planning on using him in a lot of coverage schemes I'm not sure how much system knowledge you need to do what Schobel does. Line up and rush the passer. He'll just be coming from a different point on the field.

I wonder if he was studying the playbook while "retired?" Although I think I know the answer.


Actually, I don't see anyone here saying that. The more obvious point is that this guy has had a very long time to make up his mind. He still can't figure this out?? Why is it now that he knows it will be resloved in "ten days"? He really needs another 10 dyas to think about it?

I agree. Either spit or get off the pot.

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It is obvious to me that he wants to be traded or even cut. Imo he doesn't care about making 8 million, and would be happy to play on another team for a lot less.


It is tough to blame him. He has been here since 2001, watching the organization screw up virtually every draft, and signing bad free agents. I know he was well paid, and imo he deserved it. In the last 10 years, Schobel was one of the handfull of players who could, at least on occasion, take over a game. Now, he is nearing the end of his career and wants to be near his family.


I for one hope they keep him. He is one of the few players on this defense who has shown any ability to rush the qb. I also am against the Levy/Jauron mentality of accomodating the desires of players who want to leave town.

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It is obvious to me that he wants to be traded or even cut. Imo he doesn't care about making 8 million, and would be happy to play on another team for a lot less.


It is tough to blame him. He has been here since 2001, watching the organization screw up virtually every draft, and signing bad free agents. I know he was well paid, and imo he deserved it. In the last 10 years, Schobel was one of the handfull of players who could, at least on occasion, take over a game. Now, he is nearing the end of his career and wants to be near his family.


I for one hope they keep him. He is one of the few players on this defense who has shown any ability to rush the qb. I also am against the Levy/Jauron mentality of accomodating the desires of players who want to leave town.

He'll get no sympathy from me. He either plays for the Bills or retires, unless someone is willing to give-up a 3rd round or better draft pick.

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I love how people want to see all these violent hits that lead to concussions and other horrible injuries. Then they don't think that the players have the right to take their time and decide whether they want to come back or not.


The players owe the fans- NOTHING! Fans need to get over themselves!

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He'll get no sympathy from me. He either plays for the Bills or retires, unless someone is willing to give-up a 3rd round or better draft pick.


I would like an early pick too Doc, but I have issues with good players, such as Schobel and Peters, leaving town as they see fit. It sets a really bad tone. If we are going to right this sunken ship, talented players should not be free to walk away at their whim.

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The more this saga drags on, the more Schobel is turning into a diva.

Bupkis. If Wawrow doesn't interview him, what exactly is different today than yesterday.


Last I checked, football isn't played in the offseason. So other than missing a few walkthroughs in his underware, what exactly has Schobel missed of the 2010-11 NFL season?

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I would like an early pick too Doc, but I have issues with good players, such as Schobel and Peters, leaving town as they see fit. It sets a really bad tone. If we are going to right this sunken ship, talented players should not be free to walk away at their whim.

I agree to an extent. I don't think that anyone will offer a 3rd rounder or higher for Schobel, so basically he either plays or retires. As for Peters, with the way he mailed-in 2008 and with the Eagles willing to give up a 1st, 4th, and a 6th this year, it was worth the trade. And his play and even the play of the Bills' LT's last season did nothing to make me regret that trade (I blame the cutting of Walker just 10 days before the season).

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Who is going to make up his 10 sacks from last season, Maybin?? We better hope he comes back.


What you mean those 10 quarterback takedowns when the games are all but over?


Out of his career 78 sacks I guarantee he doesn't have more than 10 that came in important, have to get a sack, situations.


Schobel is the epitome of what is wrong with the Bills defense this decade, just like Connolly is the epitome of what is wrong with the Sabres.


If he doesn't come back, who cares. If he does, well the Bills have another linebacker.


I don't see it as a game changer this season.

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Bupkis. If Wawrow doesn't interview him, what exactly is different today than yesterday.


Last I checked, football isn't played in the offseason. So other than missing a few walkthroughs in his underware, what exactly has Schobel missed of the 2010-11 NFL season?


Borrowing a quote from Mike O.: "If Schobel does come back, it doesn't mean he'll get another 10 sacks this season. With transitioning from DE to OLB, plus not showing up at all for the OTA's, mini-camps and part of training camp, do you really think Schobel is going to be an effective ROLB like he was at RDE? Do you really think he's going to learn not only the new position, but the new defense that quickly before the start of the season?"


So, do you really think Schobel is going to be proficient in the 3-4 defense come September 12th?

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You expect Schobel to have 10 sacks when he just waltzes into camp with no time to learn the new defense? Dick(less) Jauron may have been okay with that but somehow I don't think it sits too well with Chan. He expects 100% commitment to his system and he expects 100% execution. Unless Chan thinks Schobel is going to dramatically make the Bills better just by showing up, then I have my doubts that he's going to have a big role, if any, on this team.



Thank you. If he's 70/30 on coming back, then what will he be if he shows up?


I know this isn't easy to do these days, but if I'm Chan, I tell him that he's under contract and if he's the least bit unsure about playing, then don't show up at all. I don't want someone who's 70% willing to play.

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First, he said he needed a couple of months, then that time past. In June, he clearly stated that the Bills can move on without him and he doesn't plan on coming back. If the Bills needed him, they could call on him, but otherwise he was planning on hanging it up.


Now, he's saying 70/30? The guy is pulling a Brett Favre, so I'd agree with the diva comment. It's clear he's vying for a trade and trying to avoid as much of training camp as possible.


I have to agree with this. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't, because I have gone from a Favre fan to, frankly, a Favre hater, over the last few years due to this type of behavior. Roger Clemens the same way. Just because you hate spring training, or training camp, doesn't make you an exception. You're part of a team.


Think about it. Do you pull this sh** at work? Got news for ya...if you do, you're a diva.


I majored in Computer Science at Yale, and I can code rings around most of the people I work with, but, man, I still sit in every boring-ass meeting I have to, because I am part of teams that do this sh**, and any one of us is nothing without the rest.


I say wait for Schobel to say he wants to come back, then cut his butt.

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The more this saga drags on, the more Schobel is turning into a diva.


I don't think he is a diva he fully informed the team that he is going to consider retirement. He isn't trying to attract attention to himself like others. All he is is a veteran who has earned the right to contemplate retirement and sit out of certain off-season workouts. As long as he doesn't miss any meaningful portions of training camp/pre-season I am fine with it.


I think that Schobel is still our pass rush and I want to see him on the team to help out this new 3-4.

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Schobel may very well get 10 sacks. He could move around like Bruce Smith did but as a linebacker. Schobel coming off the edge with a head of steam is scary. Schobel coming up the middle is too because he is strong and fast. He just knows how to get to the QB and now he won't have to always take on a big tackle to do it.

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Williams and Kelsay offer their input after talking with Schobel





I just spoke to Schobel on my way up here and we hope he comes back. I think he wants to (play). He’ll miss parts of it. He’s quite an individual. We hope he comes back because he could help us out a lot. Him being able to play in this defense could help him, not just our team. I know he said he’s leaning toward it, but I’m sure he’ll take his time. He’s going to make up his own mind.



He’s weighed both sides and I’m not completely sold that he’s made a decision one way or another yet. Time is running out and he realizes that, but when he makes up his mind 100 percent he’ll let everybody know and he’ll be here. I talked to Aaron a lot throughout the week and the offseason, but very seldom do we talk football. He’s going to do what’s best for him and his family and the organization. He’s definitely not being selfish about it despite what some people might think.
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I agree to an extent. I don't think that anyone will offer a 3rd rounder or higher for Schobel, so basically he either plays or retires. As for Peters, with the way he mailed-in 2008 and with the Eagles willing to give up a 1st, 4th, and a 6th this year, it was worth the trade. And his play and even the play of the Bills' LT's last season did nothing to make me regret that trade (I blame the cutting of Walker just 10 days before the season).


I think that for the most part we are on the same page.


Where we may differ is that I am of the opinion that Peters, despite a drop off in play, was a professional level LT, unike Meredith, Bell, etc. As for Walker, he was a so-so RT, and nowhere near athletic enough to play LT. The Peters trade in itself might prove to be a good deal down the road; I don't throw away this possibility. A lot obviously depends on Wood. Still, teams simply do not trade away a good LT. Doing so is senseless.


As for Schobel, I wouldn't trade him unless we got a tremendous offer (which is not in any way likely). I don't even think I would trade Lynch, and I am sickened by his antics. A new mentality has to be installed. Players cannot simply leave as they choose. The Levy/Jauron philosophy must be entirely purged for this team to succeed.


Fwiw, I think that Schobel could thrive in a 3/4. Jauron already had him in coverage in the sickening defense that we employed. As an OLB, AS would have to be accounted for, ala Bryce Paup. Honestly, I like it.


Btw, it is great that you still post here. SO many old timers are gone, but it's great to have your insightful posts as a constant.

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I think that for the most part we are on the same page.


Where we may differ is that I am of the opinion that Peters, despite a drop off in play, was a professional level LT, unike Meredith, Bell, etc. As for Walker, he was a so-so RT, and nowhere near athletic enough to play LT. The Peters trade in itself might prove to be a good deal down the road; I don't throw away this possibility. A lot obviously depends on Wood. Still, teams simply do not trade away a good LT. Doing so is senseless.


As for Schobel, I wouldn't trade him unless we got a tremendous offer (which is not in any way likely). I don't even think I would trade Lynch, and I am sickened by his antics. A new mentality has to be installed. Players cannot simply leave as they choose. The Levy/Jauron philosophy must be entirely purged for this team to succeed.


Fwiw, I think that Schobel could thrive in a 3/4. Jauron already had him in coverage in the sickening defense that we employed. As an OLB, AS would have to be accounted for, ala Bryce Paup. Honestly, I like it.


Btw, it is great that you still post here. SO many old timers are gone, but it's great to have your insightful posts as a constant.

Thanks and likewise. And I mostly agree with what you've said and think that Schobel should be licking his chops at his role in this defense, while making $8M. But we'll have to agree to disagree on Peters. IMHO he's damaged goods, both mentally and physically.

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If it makes you guys feel any better, Schobel is sorry for irritating you :blink:


"I know I'm probably annoying people, but you've got to be 100% committed to this," Schobel said. "I apologize to the people I've irritated. But I guess I can't please everyone."





And I agree, Aaron might not have 10 sacks this year, but guess what, he might. The point is no one knows how he's going to play in this D. If Nix and Gailey say he can come back if and when he asks to, I have no problem with it...

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