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Have you lost faith in Obama?


Where do you fall regarding the Prez?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. How has your opinion changed?

    • My faith is unwavering.
    • I have lost faith.
    • I never had faith to lose.
    • This is the most jacked up poll ever & your a idiot.

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Can you provide proof that the prior administration spent more? I'm not saying GWB didn't spend a lot of money, but the current pace of spending is staggering and unsustainable. Please provide me with proof of what you posted. I don't think you can because it's just not true.






very interesting bar graph at the bottom of that page.


do you honestly not know how much more the wars cost us versus the bailout money (and the bailouts werent even Obama's idea, they were started by the prior admin)? even if they were equal, does it not matter to you that we flush all that money away into a desert on no-contest contracts vs. spending it on our own people and American businesses?

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very interesting bar graph at the bottom of that page.


do you honestly not know how much more the wars cost us versus the bailout money (and the bailouts werent even Obama's idea, they were started by the prior admin)? even if they were equal, does it not matter to you that we flush all that money away into a desert on no-contest contracts vs. spending it on our own people and American businesses?


Sure, blame GWB. I can't believe that you can't just agree that our government (Republican and Democrat) needs to stop spending. Saying that GWB spent a lot doesn't make it right for Obama to spend more. It just has to STOP.

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Dr. Dank, Obama has spent much more than Bush. You expressed the opposite opinion in a previous post. That might be something interesting for you to look up. It should only take seconds to find that information.

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Sure, blame GWB. I can't believe that you can't just agree that our government (Republican and Democrat) needs to stop spending. Saying that GWB spent a lot doesn't make it right for Obama to spend more. It just has to STOP.


Sure it does! Partisan hack rule #1: It's only bad when the other side does it.

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Sure, blame GWB. I can't believe that you can't just agree that our government (Republican and Democrat) needs to stop spending. Saying that GWB spent a lot doesn't make it right for Obama to spend more. It just has to STOP.


that is true and fair. but id say the spending has to be REDUCED. it obviously cant be stopped completely.


my point was that Obama gets a ton of crap for the country being broke, but it was broke (and in the worst condition it's seen in decades) when he took over only about 16 months ago. and i dont get people's expectations that since it's not completely fixed by now, he must be failing. NO ONE would have it fixed by now. the best we can hope for is a small improvement year to year.

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Dr. Dank, Obama has spent much more than Bush. You expressed the opposite opinion in a previous post. That might be something interesting for you to look up. It should only take seconds to find that information.


on what?


i dont follow politics, or vote, or care to participate in this sham of a government anyways. i just know what ive observed and experienced and very general things. i dont have a horse in this race so I'm open to hearing anything.


i KNOW post facto that Bush will be known as one of the bottom 3 worst president's in the history of America. Democrat or Republican, I dont care.


i KNOW that Obama is the president now and deserves at least one term before i start demanding he be booted. ****, we gave Bush 8 years to scam the country, we owe the next guy at least 4 if not 8.


you can call me an idiot a la Magox, and i have no problem with that. but tell me WHY i am too please.

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that is true and fair. but id say the spending has to be REDUCED. it obviously cant be stopped completely.


my point was that Obama gets a ton of crap for the country being broke, but it was broke (and in the worst condition it's seen in decades) when he took over only about 16 months ago. and i dont get people's expectations that since it's not completely fixed by now, he must be failing. NO ONE would have it fixed by now. the best we can hope for is a small improvement year to year.


Obama is spending more than Bush. Period.


That is not a defense of Bush, who was about as fiscally responsible as a drunken sailor on a three-day pass in Bangkok. That is simply stating the simple, verifiable truth that the Obama White House and Pelosi/Reed Congress has a much larger budget and budget deficit than the Bush White House and congresses ever had.

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Obama is spending more than Bush. Period.


That is not a defense of Bush, who was about as fiscally responsible as a drunken sailor on a three-day pass in Bangkok. That is simply stating the simple, verifiable truth that the Obama White House and Pelosi/Reed Congress has a much larger budget and budget deficit than the Bush White House and congresses ever had.


again, if you guys say so, i dont doubt you (especially you Tom). at this point, I'm just interested in hearing why and where that money is going.

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Obama is spending more than Bush. Period.


That is not a defense of Bush, who was about as fiscally responsible as a drunken sailor on a three-day pass in Bangkok. That is simply stating the simple, verifiable truth that the Obama White House and Pelosi/Reed Congress has a much larger budget and budget deficit than the Bush White House and congresses ever had.

That's a good time.


But back to the OP, Obama reminds me of the rich father who keeps buying his spoiled rotten kids whatever they want in the hopes that they will actually grow up one day to be a useful human being. And then he can turn around and say "hey I tried my best as a parent/leader to quell the situation", when all you did was throw money at it.


It's not up to Obama to raise peoples children or to fix the employment crisis.

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I never had faith in Obama to begin with. I have hope that he will be an effective president,not faith. I only have faith in my family and God. With the current situation the country is in,it would be very difficult to be a popular president imo. Hopefully he has the political skills to work with both sides to get thru these tough times. If the Republicans are able to take the congress in the next election that would be a good thing. It seems our country works best with a split in power that makes the 2 sides work together.

I'll go one step further. I believe that the president and vice president should be from different parties. Let 'em duke it out instead of waltzing around all kissy-face.

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what about that prior administration? they not only spent way more money in a much dirtier manner, but also killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people AND we have absolutely nothing to show for it other than a bill which continues to grow...


at least most of this new spending is going to TRYING to improve the situation within the USA. spending money on the US is one thing. Flushing away a SURPLUS into trillions of dollars of ongoing debt should be a major crime.


I understand that Obama inherited the country in absolutely perfect condition. We had no problems and the economy was great. But it's Obama that ruined it in a matter of months. Probably spent all the US's money putting rims on Air Force One, right?




Give me a f-ckin break. Obama has shown he's a POS by side stepping the constitution and lying about EVERYTHING he promised he'd do. Bush was a douche bag as well, but that doesn't make Obama any better. He's a puppet just like Bush was, just like Clinton, and every other douche bag president we've had since Kennedy. We need LESS government in our lives not some BS health care jammed down our throats...he's a POS and I can't wait to see him outta office.

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