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Gingrich in 2012?

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He would wipe the floor with Obama and ANYONE who debates him, he is a master at that. Good orator, too. If it werent for his past, hes be a terrific candidate. But he's too divisive, his "brand" still suffering from the partisan ranklings of the 90s.

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Knows how Washington works and is the ultimate insider, but he is too polarizing.


I tend to agree with you about his polarizing affect. I've listened to him lecture and he is a superb communicator, extremely well-versed in history and the Constitution. His problem is his propensity to make off-the-cuff statements once in awhile rivaling Joe Biden. Remember the giraffe comment?

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He would wipe the floor with Obama and ANYONE who debates him, he is a master at that. Good orator, too. If it werent for his past, hes be a terrific candidate. But he's too divisive, his "brand" still suffering from the partisan ranklings of the 90s.


Agree. He's very intelligent, understands how Washington doesn't work but he's got baggage. He's #1 on my list of those that to this point have even been mentioned. I'd prefer to get a sharp and tough leader with a business background for once. We need somebody that has successfully navigated through choppy waters. Somebody who will make tough principled decisions.

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BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :thumbsup::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:




And in case anyone missed it the first time




I just realized how funny you were. I mean I always thought your avatar was just a non-stop laughter riot, but this right here...it's gold. Comic gold.


Seriously though, why are you laughing? Do you know anything about Gingrich, or do you just faintly remember seeing him negatively portrayed in the news in the 90's?

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I'd prefer to get a sharp and tough leader with a business background for once. We need somebody that has successfully navigated through choppy waters. Somebody who will make tough principled decisions.

What does that even mean? You should write inspirational posters.

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Need a real conservative to implement real change. Not just lip service to get elected and then continue the same ole same ole once elected. My sense is that Newts just part of the tired old Washington gang that really doesn't want to change things. Just wants to get in power like the rest of em. I hope we just don't bite for anyone that isn't Obama. We need someone that actually wants to help the country not suck it dry.

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Please. No. Man's a hypocrite and a snake. The ultimate Washington insider to bring "change"? I'd rather throw my support behind a Romney (who I'm not a big fan of either).


EDIT: And after reading the article I want to vomit even more. Asked whether he is running for Pres, he says its up to God? Are you friggin' kidding me? That crap is why the Republicans were marginalized and mocked in the first place. Stick with the small gov't, less spending platform and they will do well. Bring religion into it and they are toast. Again.

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Please. No. Man's a hypocrite and a snake. The ultimate Washington insider to bring "change"? I'd rather throw my support behind a Romney (who I'm not a big fan of either).


EDIT: And after reading the article I want to vomit even more. Asked whether he is running for Pres, he says its up to God? Are you friggin' kidding me? That crap is why the Republicans were marginalized and mocked in the first place. Stick with the small gov't, less spending platform and they will do well. Bring religion into it and they are toast. Again.

You want him to leave God out of it? Because it's "crap" that gets the GOP marginalized?


I think you underestimate how many people believe in God's will.

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You want him to leave God out of it? Because it's "crap" that gets the GOP marginalized?


I think you underestimate how many people believe in God's will.

I think he's afraid that he'll bring more religion into government, which is exactly where it doesn't belong.

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I think he's afraid that he'll bring more religion into government, which is exactly where it doesn't belong.


Im not sure about that. Hes a strict Constitutionalist, so he understand the Seperation Clause better than anyone.


And besdies....goverining from a Judeo/Christian ethic does not necessarily mean "bringing more religion into government"

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Nobody with a ( D ) or ( R ) next to their name is ever going to bring change to Washington. One would hope that the drooling masses have figured this out by now given what has transpired between "hope and change" in '08 to what we are now saddled with.

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And besdies....goverining from a Judeo/Christian ethic does not necessarily mean "bringing more religion into government"

Kill the fags and don't eat shellfish. It's also ok to kill non-fags, so long as they've already been born. Pedophilia, while widely ignored/supported in the past, will no longer be tolerated (if you get caught).

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Please. No. Man's a hypocrite and a snake. The ultimate Washington insider to bring "change"? I'd rather throw my support behind a Romney (who I'm not a big fan of either).


EDIT: And after reading the article I want to vomit even more. Asked whether he is running for Pres, he says its up to God? Are you friggin' kidding me? That crap is why the Republicans were marginalized and mocked in the first place. Stick with the small gov't, less spending platform and they will do well. Bring religion into it and they are toast. Again.

I'm not 100% sure on this but didn't he say that he either liked Obama's health care bill or he would do one similar? That in itself is a BIG NO to me.

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That crap is why the Republicans were marginalized and mocked in the first place. Stick with the small gov't, less spending platform and they will do well. Bring religion into it and they are toast. Again.

I couldn't agree more. It is pathetic that the GOP allows its voice to be all the God crap rather than educating people about why the left wing agenda is suicide for the country. Anyone who cares more about abortion than the budget needs to STFU (or be punched in the head).



I think you underestimate how many people believe in God's will.

The problem is those people want to bring 'God's will' into gov't. And they will lose every non-local election as a result. No one is getting elected President on a God platform.

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I couldn't agree more. It is pathetic that the GOP allows its voice to be all the God crap rather than educating people about why the left wing agenda is suicide for the country. Anyone who cares more about abortion than the budget needs to STFU (or be punched in the head).


Or retire. Like Stupak. :thumbsup:


The problem is those people want to bring 'God's will' into gov't. And they will lose every non-local election as a result. No one is getting elected President on a God platform.


I agree. I just find it unfortunate that discussing God in public is a detriment. And as I think you know, I ain't no Bible thumper. But it just seems like the very mention of God by a public official gets them in hot water. You can say cops acted stupidly, and that's okay. But suggest you believe in God, people freak out. Which is funny, because the minute the schitt hits the fan, everyone is on their knees.

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