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Gingrich in 2012?

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Are you referring to the 1st Amendment, which allows for freedom of religion. For that amendment makes it clear that the Government shall not impose a state mandated religion on its citizens. Many of our laws were in fact drawn from religious laws and background, some good and some bad.


Bringing one's belief in God's will determining your decision as to running for public office or not, is not a new concept. It does in fact go back to the founding fathers. In addition to the fact that the Declaration of Independence uses the concept of rights endowed by a creator ( even though the Declaration is not a part of the Constiution).


To the point of hypocrisy, Gingrich or anyone else, we are all hypocrites simply because we are not perfect or infallible.

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For that amendment makes it clear that the Government shall not impose a state mandated religion on its citizens. Many of our laws were in fact drawn from religious laws and background, some good and some bad.





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Ever been in a foxhole fighting for your life? That's what I thought...

I'm a man of my convictions and there's no way I'm gonna spend my last moments as a hypocrite, no matter what you might think. The effect of prayer is something that can and has actually been studied scientifically and guess what...it's not effective in the least. Of course then you might say that the power of prayer can't be measured scientifically and then I might tell you you're only fooling yourself.

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I'm a man of my convictions and there's no way I'm gonna spend my last moments as a hypocrite, no matter what you might think. The effect of prayer is something that can and has actually been studied scientifically and guess what...it's not effective in the least. Of course then you might say that the power of prayer can't be measured scientifically and then I might tell you you're only fooling yourself.


Oh, do tell...how can "the power of prayer" be "measured scientifically?"


Or is this another "Frenkle Absolute" like "all Christians want to see homos killed."?

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I find it ironic that one of the tenets of atheism, their objection to what they claim is the "perseusions and exclusionionary practices of the faithful", are broken by them on a daily.


It seems atheists cannot get by for a second without taking guttersnipes at the Faithful whenever they can. Nor can they just live and let live. Its always "nevermind that the vast majoprity of the people where I live are beleivers....that cross offends ME....SO REMOVE IT NOW!!!"


You would think that a group of people who object to a practice wouldnt partake in it themselves.

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Oh, do tell...how can "the power of prayer" be "measured scientifically?"


Or is this another "Frenkle Absolute" like "all Christians want to see homos killed."?



I find it ironic that one of the tenets of atheism, their objection to what they claim is the "perseusions and exclusionionary practices of the faithful", are broken by them on a daily.


It seems atheists cannot get by for a second without taking guttersnipes at the Faithful whenever they can. Nor can they just live and let live. Its always "nevermind that the vast majoprity of the people where I live are beleivers....that cross offends ME....SO REMOVE IT NOW!!!"


You would think that a group of people who object to a practice wouldnt partake in it themselves.


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Hey, I'm just pointing out what a "Judeo/Christian ethic" tends to look like in practice.



HUGE chasm between "it seems" and "it is true", my boy.

There's also a big chasm between "tends to" and "absolutely."


I'm not defending what he said, just pointing out that generalizations are made by both sides.

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Oh, do tell...how can "the power of prayer" be "measured scientifically?"


Or is this another "Frenkle Absolute" like "all Christians want to see homos killed."?

There have been (at least) several double-blinded studies regarding this. I can find some links if Google is not working on your computer.


Are you sure I'm the one dealing in absolutes??? :devil:

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I have, and my atheism never wavered for a second.


* This should in no way be construed as a defense of either Gene Frenkle or his odious views.

I'm ashamed to say I had to look up 'odious', but in doing so I think I've finally found a word which personifies what I'm all about. :lol:

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You had to look that word up? :lol:

Well obviously I got the meaning from the context, but as to the exact definition, yes.


I have no inferiority complex with regard to my vocabulary, I realize that don't I know everything and I'm never afraid to admit what I don't know. But that's just me...

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