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Riddle me this libs

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How come you chide to this day the Bush Administration for employing the philosophy of "any means necessary" to defend this Country in the wake of the worst attack against its citizenry, yet you have no problem with the Obama Administration using the same philosophy to pass this Health Care abortion?


How do you reconcile bitching about how wiretapping some raghead who acumulated 100,000 frequent flyer miles going between Yemen and JFK in six months is "not America" and violating the spirit of the Constitution, but ramming through a major piece of legislation through loopholes and buyouts is OK with you.

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Bush was a fear-monger. We're not.


Besides, don't you know that hundreds of thousands of Americans die every 15 seconds because they don't have health care insurance. EVERY 15 SECONDS!!!


You want these people to die. We don't. It's just that simple.


That's why we're going with Demon Pass. Because people are dying. Hundreds of thousands of them. Every 15 seconds.


[/DailyKos rant of the day]

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Bottom line, they can't or won't. These Statists don't care about process or the rule of law. They want to transform this country into the socialist haven they all love.


I tried to warn the people on this board about Obama during the election and was ridiculed as a nut job. Well, I was proved right. He actually is even worse than I had anticipated and that is due to the fact that the Dems had supper majorities in Congress.


This President is a true disaster and in a short 14 months has or may destroy the only country willing to stand up for freedom and liberty around the world. Not only are we weak international, we are weak financially and morally. He was supposed to be a new kind of politician that would mend fences and be more transparent but he is nothing of the kind. The American electric was duped by a populist Saul Alinsky radical that used his looks, speaking and demonetization of the establishment during difficult times to foster his image.


If you look at history and compare populist leaders of counties, they all have common traits. You figure them out.

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Bottom line, they can't or won't. These Statists don't care about process or the rule of law. They want to transform this country into the socialist haven they all love.


I tried to warn the people on this board about Obama during the election and was ridiculed as a nut job. Well, I was proved right. He actually is even worse than I had anticipated and that is due to the fact that the Dems had supper majorities in Congress.


This President is a true disaster and in a short 14 months has or may destroy the only country willing to stand up for freedom and liberty around the world. Not only are we weak international, we are weak financially and morally. He was supposed to be a new kind of politician that would mend fences and be more transparent but he is nothing of the kind. The American electric was duped by a populist Saul Alinsky radical that used his looks, speaking and demonetization of the establishment during difficult times to foster his image.


If you look at history and compare populist leaders of counties, they all have common traits. You figure them out.


Spell check can only do so much.

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I can't say that I've kept up on government procedure over the years, but has one party in Congress ever pushed-through a bill that only their party support (and not even all of their party support it) and is against the wishes of the American people?

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I thought this was for the libs. :worthy:


I said it when this board was beating the drums of war back in '02-'03 and I will say it now.


What Bush did was anything but defend our country. Actually he did the exact opposite. A bulk of our resources went to invading the WRONG COUNTRY and now our domestic health has to suffer.

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Rule #1 in the Partisan Lemming Handbook: It's only bad when the other side does it.

Very, very true


Bottom line, they can't or won't. These Statists don't care about process or the rule of law. They want to transform this country into the socialist haven they all love.


I tried to warn the people on this board about Obama during the election and was ridiculed as a nut job. Well, I was proved right. He actually is even worse than I had anticipated and that is due to the fact that the Dems had supper majorities in Congress.


This President is a true disaster and in a short 14 months has or may destroy the only country willing to stand up for freedom and liberty around the world. Not only are we weak international, we are weak financially and morally. He was supposed to be a new kind of politician that would mend fences and be more transparent but he is nothing of the kind. The American electric was duped by a populist Saul Alinsky radical that used his looks, speaking and demonetization of the establishment during difficult times to foster his image.


If you look at history and compare populist leaders of counties, they all have common traits. You figure them out.

How can we make supper with out electric?

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