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Sarah Palin


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Explain why they are dumb. Is it because you feel they are dumb to support her position on the issues?



Because she clearly does not know what the issues are or how to respond. She is merely doing what it takes to keep the following... stroking peoples emotions. All in all, she's a fraud.

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And people love her.... why?


Because she's an infamous political figure who sounds like the "regular folk" in a time and place where the "cut off from reality" Ivy League types in the bubble of Washington, DC are destroying a once great and proud country.


...oh, and she's kind of cute too.




By 2012, this country will be in such shambles after "genius" Harvard Alum Obama's first term that an "outrageously stupid" outsider like Sarah Palin, who's widely considered by liberals as having only a first grade reading level, would beat him in a landslide if she ran.



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By 2012, this country will be in such shambles after "genius" Harvard Alum Obama's first term that an "outrageously stupid" outsider like Sarah Palin, who's widely considered by liberals as having only a first grade reading level, would beat him in a landslide if she ran.



That's not true, there is one common thread between her and Obama and that is that the independents don't like either one of the two. She will energize the Liberal base to go out and vote, and there are many independents that won't be able to muster up what it takes to vote for her, even if they do agree with her message over Obama's.


She is not what the GOP needs, don't get me wrong, if she wins the primary, which I hope to god she doesn't, then I'll vote for her. Anything that resembles a coherent conservatively fiscal plan will gain my vote over the disastrous Obama agenda.

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Just got done reading an interesting article from Doug Wilder, ex Democratic Governor from Virginia.




Where have I heard this before?




Funny, I just got done mentioning this, and look at the time stamp when this was written. Oh, and it didn't come from FOX :w00t:




No no no, it's not a substance issue, it's a communication problem. Where else have I heard this before? :lol:




Ya, just more FOX news drivel ;)




This is weird, how is FOX news channeling into what Wilder said after I've already pointed it out. Must be a conspiracy. That IS strange, the time stamp shows that the article was written at 2:10 PM. hmmmm and it's not from FOX. What the hell is going on here?


You see PBills, this is what it is like to be able to think for yourself. I see these things through rational observation, I've written many posts regarding health care, deficits and jobs through my own POV. I don't need to hear things from others to be able to have an informed opinion. I would suggest that you learn how to think for yourself, I know it is difficult specially when you come from a Union worker type of mentality, but you can do it. Hell if the Union workers from Massachusetts can break Union rank and vote for Brown, then I know you can do it too. ;)



I know very well what's like to think for myself. I am so proud of you for going back and looking at your own posts, two thumbs up for that. Whether or not you or anyone else believes me I could care less. Best thing is when you label me as far left. That is awesome and so not true. You state that you think for yourself... ok. I believe that. Time stamp or not. :thumbsup:


Nice dig at the union worker. Stating that they can not think for themselves. Typical point of view from someone on the right. First off, I don't work for a union anymore, secondly I will always be for the american worker/union or not. And that does include not agreeing with parts of administrations agenda. Did you hear and comprehend that because I have said it now COUNTLESS TIMES. I do not agree with everything that's being done or not done.


And anyone who would vote for Palin is dumb as a rock. No debating that, they would be stupid.

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That's not true, there is one common thread between her and Obama and that is that the independents don't like either one of the two. She will energize the Liberal base to go out and vote, and there are many independents that won't be able to muster up what it takes to vote for her, even if they do agree with her message over Obama's.


She is not what the GOP needs, don't get me wrong, if she wins the primary, which I hope to god she doesn't, then I'll vote for her. Anything that resembles a coherent conservatively fiscal plan will gain my vote over the disastrous Obama agenda.


I was mainly poking fun at the OP's characterizations. Palin has two years to either modify her folksiness or she can forget about being a real threat. My guess is that she's so polarizing that she's a very longshot to get the nomination. You do need the independents to get elected or you can forget it.

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Because she clearly does not know what the issues are or how to respond. She is merely doing what it takes to keep the following... stroking peoples emotions. All in all, she's a fraud.


So when she mentions the enormous amount of Federal spending as an issue, it really isn't an issue in your mind? Only in her mind and not others?

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And anyone who would vote for Palin is dumb as a rock. No debating that, they would be stupid.


What a great argument you have there.


I would say that anyone who voted for Obama is, in Rahm Emanuel's words "a !@#$ing retard" :w00t:

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Gibbs takes shot at Palin




To me this is a little beneath the office of POTUS.


Is it possible for this WH to be any more infantile?


Jesus. What an embarrassment.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Here is a comment from President Barack Obama today: "The people who sent us here expect a seriousness of purpose that transcends petty politics."

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Is it possible for this WH to be any more infantile?


Jesus. What an embarrassment.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Here is a comment from President Barack Obama today: "The people who sent us here expect a seriousness of purpose that transcends petty politics."


Wow... How times have changed but the story is the same. You sound just like the retarded Democrats when they were complaing about Bush.


Do you have no shame?




Obama bad!

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Is it possible for this WH to be any more infantile?


Jesus. What an embarrassment.

Is it funny? Sure.


Will it give something for the Liberals to crow over in which they've so desperately been starving for, on the blogs and liberal media? I would suppose so.


Will this make the highlight reel on Olberman and Madcow's show tonight and give all 37 of their viewers something to talk about around the watercooler tomorrow? I would say so


Does it show their total lack of political awareness towards middle America? Absolutely.


Will this further polarize and embolden much of the U.S electorate to vote this sort of liberal condescending attitude out of office come Nov. ? "You betcha" :wallbash:

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Wow... How times have changed but the story is the same. You sound just like the retarded Democrats when they were complaing about Bush.


Do you have no shame?




Obama bad!


I'm just happy to see the WH is focused. I'm reminded of the President's words just last week to the Democratic house members.


"I think if everybody here -- excuse all the members of the press who are here -- if everybody here turned off your CNN, your Fox, your -- just turn off the TV -- MSNBC, blogs -- and just go talk to folks out there, instead of being in this echo chamber where the topic is constantly politics -- the topic is politics. It is much more difficult to get a conversation focused on how are we going to help people than a conversation about how is this going to help or hurt somebody politically."


Leading by example. That's my president.

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Gibbs takes shot at Palin




To me this is a little beneath the office of POTUS.


Emanuel and Gibbs are the worst Presidential aides ever. Maybe Gibbs is aiming at getting a job at The Onion or The Daily Show after he's eventually fired. Americans have just about had it with the first adolescent administration in history.

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Wow... How times have changed but the story is the same. You sound just like the retarded Democrats when they were complaing about Bush.


Do you have no shame?




Obama bad!


Regardless of that, Gibbs should rightfully be criticized for stooping to that level, if only because it's at best a cheap campaign trick. It's nonsense like that that's why people call the administation "amateurish".

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She is not what the GOP needs, don't get me wrong, if she wins the primary, which I hope to god she doesn't, then I'll vote for her.

Please, God, NO!!!!

I had you pegged for a third party voter in the scenario outlined above...

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She is not what the GOP needs, don't get me wrong, if she wins the primary, which I hope to god she doesn't, then I'll vote for her. Anything that resembles a coherent conservatively fiscal plan will gain my vote over the disastrous Obama agenda.


I will eat my vote again. Her on McCain's ticket steered me off McCain. I certainly couldn't vote for her outright. She's dumb and basks in the glow of her own stupidity.

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