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Sarah Palin


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I'm not one for hyperbole, but BO has got to be one of the worst possible presidents that this country could have realistically elected. He is an idealogue despite his claims of not being one and the proof is in his cabinet selections.


Palin definitely isn't my first, second or for that matter third choice, but I'd much rather have her as our president than this idealogue who wants nothing more in life than to retransform this country into something other than what made this country great.



After one year? And with your Palin statement I have lost A LOT of respect for you. No one in their right mind can EVER believe she would be a good President. She wouldn't know how to spell President or know what her VP does even if it was written on her hand.

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I posted about Palin because whether you believe it or not. People will follow her. She will gain more momentum and push her way further into our government. With all of our other problems, we don't need her out there too. Also, anyone who says it is ok for her to read notes from her hand all the while bashing Obama for his use of a teleprompter is a hypocrite. Plus, do you really want her as your spokesperson against policies? I would hope not.


Personally, I am glad that things are moving in Washington. With that being said I am not entirely happy with everything that is being pushed forward. I am hoping that BOTH sides can pull the fingers out of their butts and do what is right for the country. Not just for the wealthy and the corporations and not just for the low and middle classes. Everyone. It's funny though, the people that bash the loudest also have nothing to add to the conversation and most likely are out for their own political agenda.


I like what Palin stands for but I don't think she's Presidential material.


This country is the land of equal opportunity and not the land of equal achievement. The American Government needs to never lose sight of this.

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After one year? And with your Palin statement I have lost A LOT of respect for you. No one in their right mind can EVER believe she would be a good President. She wouldn't know how to spell President or know what her VP does even if it was written on her hand.

Nowhere in his post did he say Palin would be a good President.


He said she'd be better than what we've got now.

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After one year? And with your Palin statement I have lost A LOT of respect for you. No one in their right mind can EVER believe she would be a good President. She wouldn't know how to spell President or know what her VP does even if it was written on her hand.

Do you think I give a flying !@#$ what you think of me? And to answer your question yes. It's not the results you nitwit that I am judging him by, I already know what the results will be, it's his actions and the direction that he is so desperately trying to take us and failing miserably I might add. Never did I believe that a president could turn from hero to zero in one short year. It's not because of who he is, people generally like the guy, it's his policies that they hate.


Independents are bailing on him and in a big way.


President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats are suffering with independent voters, a new, independent poll found Monday.


The latest edition of the Marist Poll found that independent voters had soured on the president in recent months, and wish to use this fall's midterm elections to send a message to the president and congressional Democrats.


A 47-44 plurality of voters said they disapproved of the job Obama is doing, according to a nationwide poll, that also showed nine percent undecided.


But the most noted shift may be among independents, of whom 57 percent said they disapprove of Obama's job performance and 29 percent say they approve. Those numbers are virtually the inverse of independents' view of the president in Marist's April 8, 2009 poll, which found independents approving of Obama, 53-28.


This is not the only poll that shows this, and why do you think that is? Oh, I know, it's because he hasn't been able to get his message out properly. Nevermind that he spoke about health care reform and the need to pass it over 30 different times. So what does that tell you? Is he not smart enough to explain it to us or could it just be that we don't like the substance of his policies?


I don't want Palin to be the GOP nominee, she is just as polarizing as Obama is. The Liberal base is lacking energy, they feel that the president hasn't accomplished anything in his first year. So voter turnout from their base has been low which is a part of the reason in why they have been getting clobbered in the elections. The other reason why they have been getting destroyed in the elections is because the Conservative base has been super energized. Why? Because OBama's policies are extremely polarizing and people want to send a message to Washington that this is not the sort of change that we can all believe in.


The only thing that can energize the Liberal base right now isn't Obama, he has proven so far to be a weak leader, is Palin. There is nothing that makes the Liberals wet their pants more than hearing her name. Libs hear Palin and immediately they get into a frenzy.


If the GOP can produce a candidate that isn't such a divisive figure, that isn't socially conservative and presents to the American public a clear message of fiscal conservatism through lowering taxes to stimulate the economy, cutting out wasteful government spending and small government policies, than there is little doubt that BO will be a one term president.

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After one year? And with your Palin statement I have lost A LOT of respect for you. No one in their right mind can EVER believe she would be a good President. She wouldn't know how to spell President or know what her VP does even if it was written on her hand.

See, this is why the people are quickly getting tired of your party. You joke that she can't spell President, but elected a guy who thinks there are 57 states and a vice president who thinks the word "jobs" is "a three-letter word." (See how ridiculous this all sounds?)


You really should try to elevate the discourse, because it's becoming increasingly clear that there is an excessive amount of hatred toward a woman critical of the president, and nothing but a lawyer, hotel room, meal, shower and shave for a guy who tried to blow up a plane in Detroit. America isn't as stupid as you're trying to paint them.

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See, this is why the people are quickly getting tired of your party. You joke that she can't spell President, but elected a guy who thinks there are 57 states and a vice president who thinks the word "jobs" is "a three-letter word." (See how ridiculous this all sounds?)


You really should try to elevate the discourse, because it's becoming increasingly clear that there is an excessive amount of hatred toward a woman critical of the president, and nothing but a lawyer, hotel room, meal, shower and shave for a guy who tried to blow up a plane in Detroit. America isn't as stupid as you're trying to paint them.

Or for that matter,



It's something to laugh at, but really is just a trivial matter. Of course, the bar is set extremely high when it comes to the hypocritical liberal double standard.

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Do you think I give a flying !@#$ what you think of me? And to answer your question yes. It's not the results you nitwit that I am judging him by, I already know what the results will be, it's his actions and the direction that he is so desperately trying to take us and failing miserably I might add. Never did I believe that a president could turn from hero to zero in one short year. It's not because of who he is, people generally like the guy, it's his policies that they hate.


Independents are bailing on him and in a big way.




This is not the only poll that shows this, and why do you think that is? Oh, I know, it's because he hasn't been able to get his message out properly. Nevermind that he spoke about health care reform and the need to pass it over 30 different times. So what does that tell you? Is he not smart enough to explain it to us or could it just be that we don't like the substance of his policies?


I don't want Palin to be the GOP nominee, she is just as polarizing as Obama is. The Liberal base is lacking energy, they feel that the president hasn't accomplished anything in his first year. So voter turnout from their base has been low which is a part of the reason in why they have been getting clobbered in the elections. The other reason why they have been getting destroyed in the elections is because the Conservative base has been super energized. Why? Because OBama's policies are extremely polarizing and people want to send a message to Washington that this is not the sort of change that we can all believe in.


The only thing that can energize the Liberal base right now isn't Obama, he has proven so far to be a weak leader, is Palin. There is nothing that makes the Liberals wet their pants more than hearing her name. Libs hear Palin and immediately they get into a frenzy.


If the GOP can produce a candidate that isn't such a divisive figure, that isn't socially conservative and presents to the American public a clear message of fiscal conservatism through lowering taxes to stimulate the economy, cutting out wasteful government spending and small government policies, than there is little doubt that BO will be a one term president.




Again, I think to say that he is the worst President after one year - making it clear that you are basing it on results... give me a break. What President accomplished major agendas in one year? Anyone with a half a brain would know that fixing the problems this country faces would take more than a year. I hope you have more than half a brain. Nitwit? Really?

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Or for that matter,


It's something to laugh at, but really is just a trivial matter. Of course, the bar is set extremely high when it comes to the hypocritical liberal double standard.

Funny, really. I wonder if Hooked on Phonics has a TOTUS edition?


But hey...that Palin...she's pretty stoopid. You'd think the Tingles of the world would get their house in order before stowing thrones.

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See, this is why the people are quickly getting tired of your party. You joke that she can't spell President, but elected a guy who thinks there are 57 states and a vice president who thinks the word "jobs" is "a three-letter word." (See how ridiculous this all sounds?)


You really should try to elevate the discourse, because it's becoming increasingly clear that there is an excessive amount of hatred toward a woman critical of the president, and nothing but a lawyer, hotel room, meal, shower and shave for a guy who tried to blow up a plane in Detroit. America isn't as stupid as you're trying to paint them.



Raise my level of discourse? I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with a woman becoming President. And really, if you look at the people who follow her, love her... yes, it's sad... a lot of Americans are that dumb.

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Raise my level of discourse? I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with a woman becoming President. And really, if you look at the people who follow her, love her... yes, it's sad... a lot of Americans are that dumb.

Sad? Maybe. But what's even more sad is that the lemmings (you included) believed that Obama could deliver on his promise of "hope" and "change we can all believe in." :w00t:


How silly do you feel now? :thumbsup:

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Or for that matter,


It's something to laugh at, but really is just a trivial matter. Of course, the bar is set extremely high when it comes to the hypocritical liberal double standard.


Wasn't a trivial matter when Bush was president. The Democrats set the precedent in his administration, now they have to live with it...


Which is really what you should be worried about w/r/t the Obama Administration, pBills. Lots of precedent being set that can come back to bite the Democratic base in the ass. You think !@#$ing over the GM bondholders in favor of the UAW was a good idea, because it gave unions more power in the industry? It also threw out a couple hundred years of financial practice and an important underpinning to the nation's financial health in subordinating a senior interest to a decidedly junior one on nothing more than a whim. That practice - whimsical government interference in private matters - can just as easily come back to bite the UAW in the ass later on.


Which is also why you can't even understand why people would consider Obama's presidency to be one of the worst ever - it's not his accomplishments they're considering, it's the philosophy behind his actions that's turning the federal government into a much larger - and in some cases much more arbitrary - controlling force (which is doubly concerning if you consider "government" to be fundamentally parasitic). One doesn't have to measure his accomplishments to be philosophically opposed to him to the point of thinking him the "worst ever".


But...whatever. Continue focusing on what you think the argument is, pBills, rather than what it actually is.

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Sad? Maybe. But what's even more sad is that the lemmings (you included) believed that Obama could deliver on his promise of "hope" and "change we can all believe in." :w00t:


How silly do you feel now? :thumbsup:




I don't feel silly at all. I voted for him mainly because I would NEVER vote for McCain or Hillary. You are a shining example of why nothing gets done in DC. All hate, no change, no ideas are good unless they are yours or from your side of the aisle. And you call me the fool. Too funny!!


Maybe all politicians should deliver a promise of government as usual? That way the bar is always low and people like you would be happy if anything changed. Oh wait a minute, no you wouldn't.

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Raise my level of discourse? I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with a woman becoming President. And really, if you look at the people who follow her, love her... yes, it's sad... a lot of Americans are that dumb.


Explain why they are dumb. Is it because you feel they are dumb to support her position on the issues?

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You are a shining example of why nothing gets done in DC. All hate, no change, no ideas are good unless they are yours or from your side of the aisle.

Is it just me or does anyone else believe PBills is incapable of having an original thought? :w00t:

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I don't feel silly at all. I voted for him mainly because I would NEVER vote for McCain or Hillary. You are a shining example of why nothing gets done in DC. All hate, no change, no ideas are good unless they are yours or from your side of the aisle. And you call me the fool. Too funny!!


Maybe all politicians should deliver a promise of government as usual? That way the bar is always low and people like you would be happy if anything changed. Oh wait a minute, no you wouldn't.


You're supporting your decision to vote for and support Obama because you don't like the alternatives rather than you like what Obama is doing. If you aren't feeling "silly" now, explain why you support Obama's agenda. What's good about it, who benefits and how so?

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Is it just me or does anyone else believe PBills is incapable of having an original thought? :thumbsup:



Really? And this is coming from someone who has little or no ideas unless they heard it on Fox News? Ok. :w00t:


If that makes you feel better.

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You're supporting your decision to vote for and support Obama because you don't like the alternatives rather than you like what Obama is doing. If you aren't feeling "silly" now, explain why you support Obama's agenda. What's good about it, who benefits and how so?



I never said I believed in everything he is doing or wants to do. Examples would be healthcare and the spending freeze. I feel both those issues have parts that will hurt the middle-class instead of actually helping. At the same time, I'm not a fool where I am going to say that he is a failure after one year. Hell many of you gave Bush eight, yet you can't give Obama one. Funny.

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Really? And this is coming from someone who has little or no ideas unless they heard it on Fox News? Ok. :w00t:


If that makes you feel better.


I love it when people, when accused of being a parrot, retort with parroting "You're a parrot." :thumbsup:

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Just got done reading an interesting article from Doug Wilder, ex Democratic Governor from Virginia.


I backed Obama not because of skin color but because he convincingly made the case that he stood for “change” that this country needs. Now, across many fronts — in public policy and politics alike — people have rightly been questioning whether the change has been for the better. Unfortunately, the answer so far is clear: Not yet.


Where have I heard this before?


The need is becoming more obvious by the day: He must overhaul his own team, replacing the admittedly brilliant advisers who helped elect him with others more capable of helping him govern.


Getting elected and getting things done for the people are two different jobs.


The changes must go much deeper. Obama’s West Wing is filled with people who are in their jobs because of their Chicago connections or because they signed on with Obama early during the presidential campaign.

One problem is that they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level.


Funny, I just got done mentioning this, and look at the time stamp when this was written. Oh, and it didn't come from FOX :w00t:


Hearing is one thing; listening is another.


Some are even questioning whether Mr. Obama has forgotten how he got elected and the promises he made to the people who elected him.


Don't take my word for any of this. Look at the clear message the American people have been sending at the polls these past few months.


Indeed, even before Bob McDonnell’s resounding victory the canary had been dead on the floor for months. In Virginia's most Democratic friendly regions, the Democrats had been narrowly winning - - or out-right losing - - special elections that should have been taken easily.



The same trends that are evident in Virginia are obvious elsewhere—even in states that historically are much more Democratic. New Jersey voters, given a chance to reelect a Democratic governor who promised to be the president's partner in the state capital and for whom Obama vigorously campaigned, instead chose a Republican prosecutor who had been appointed to his job by George W. Bush.



After both these debacles, people at the DNC and the White House insisted these were local results with no deeper meaning.


Then came Massachusetts. When Scott Brown promised voters he would be the 41st vote in the U. S. Senate to halt the Obama agenda, generally - - and the health care plan in particular, his rise in the polls was meteoric.


No no no, it's not a substance issue, it's a communication problem. Where else have I heard this before? :thumbsup:


The President was elected to lead, not the people around him. He was elected to be in front, to take charge. Leadership is a tautology, it defines itself.


Ya, just more FOX news drivel :lol:


President Obama's job approval ratings are sliding, but we Democrats are told not to worry. We are told that he remains personally popular with the American people.


It would be a grave mistake for the president and those around him to misread the current polls and analyses. They suggest that (1) the American people do not like the direction in which the country is heading; (2) they do not believe that either Democrats or Republicans are showing that they get the message and are doing the business of the people; (3) that they hold the Congress in very low regard; but (4) they really LIKE the President. Yet, they keep going to the polls at every chance presented to rebuke him resoundingly every chance it is presented.


When the time comes for the voters to show how they really feel about the President, his policies and the messages he sends directly or through the people around him, unless changes are made at the top, by the top, the President will discover that Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts were not just temporary aberrations, but rather timely expressions of voters who always show that they are ahead of the politicians.


The President should keep uppermost in his mind the biblical admonition as to what happens to those trees that do not bear "good fruit". The axe is already at the tree.


This is weird, how is FOX news channeling into what Wilder said after I've already pointed it out. Must be a conspiracy. That IS strange, the time stamp shows that the article was written at 2:10 PM. hmmmm and it's not from FOX. What the hell is going on here?


You see PBills, this is what it is like to be able to think for yourself. I see these things through rational observation, I've written many posts regarding health care, deficits and jobs through my own POV. I don't need to hear things from others to be able to have an informed opinion. I would suggest that you learn how to think for yourself, I know it is difficult specially when you come from a Union worker type of mentality, but you can do it. Hell if the Union workers from Massachusetts can break Union rank and vote for Brown, then I know you can do it too. ;)

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