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Don't blame Ralph for not hiring Marty


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just posted this in another thread, things are pretty spread out right now on these boards, and please take it for what its worth:


tim graham was on wgr 550 this morning.


he said: fassel, martz, billick,and trestman all wanted , and he stressed wanted, the job along with marty. none were interviewed.


also, TG says it WAS without a doubt ralph's call not to hire marty, regardless of what the bills are currently spinning.


also said he's meeting with little shotty today in new jeru and will press him as to the real reason he turned down the bills interview.

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just posted this in another thread, things are pretty spread out right now on these boards, and please take it for what its worth:


tim graham was on wgr 550 this morning.


he said: fassel, martz, billick,and trestman all wanted , and he stressed wanted, the job along with marty. none were interviewed.


also, TG says it WAS without a doubt ralph's call not to hire marty, regardless of what the bills are currently spinning.


also said he's meeting with little shotty today in new jeru and will press him as to the real reason he turned down the bills interview.


Well, other than Trestman, that's the same list of sorry self-promoting blowhards who show up for every coaching vacancy like homeless wedding-crashers. I could care less about that group. But glad that someone in the local media is finally chasing the real scoop here.

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Thanks NGU...


One possibility is Marty was fired after going 14-2, because of an alleged rift with AJ Smith... Nix and Marty may be friends. They might have a barbecue, even golf once in a while... Nix would know what really happened in SD. Not many coaches get canned after a 14-2 season. Maybe he didn't like the prospect of trying to rebuild a franchise with Marty at the helm, for whatever reason it is you fire a 14-2 HC. Does this mean they can't be friends? No. Buddy may have seen it to be better off left at that, and really looked for somebody he believed could work with him to overcome the daunting challenges laid out in front of him.


We wanted a splashy coach...the Bills never said that. They made an attempt at Cowher, but when he wasn't given total control, he wasn't really interested. Giving an HC total control proves disastrous time after time. We, the fans, are so hungry for a winning team, that we didn't want to face the facts, and viewed Cowher as something more than he is capable of being (myself included,) which Nix never did. We'll give you $, but total control....not so much. Cowher didn't NEED the job, and probably wasn't sure if he wanted the job, and that was enough to deter him.


I have some faith in Nix. It may have been a fast hire by RW, but I think he might be the lightning in a bottle.


Just an opinion.

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just posted this in another thread, things are pretty spread out right now on these boards, and please take it for what its worth:


tim graham was on wgr 550 this morning.


he said: fassel, martz, billick,and trestman all wanted , and he stressed wanted, the job along with marty. none were interviewed.


also, TG says it WAS without a doubt ralph's call not to hire marty, regardless of what the bills are currently spinning.


also said he's meeting with little shotty today in new jeru and will press him as to the real reason he turned down the bills interview.

Given Schottenheimer's celebrity status, it makes no sense at all that Wilson would be kept completely in the dark. The final decision may have been kicked back to Nix, but who goes against the desires of their boss 18 days into a new job?

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NGU, thanks for your information. I, and other fans, appreciate it.


It's still not that clear cut to me. Having served in management in various jobs personally, I know that big decisions are a consensus forming process with the big boss. Hiring who will probably be Mr. Wilson's last HC and last chance is a big decision (to say the least) and Buddy is going to do what Mr. Wilson is comfortable with regardless of whether it is nominally "Buddy's decision" or not and regardless of his personal druthers. Now, Buddy may have never even talked to Ralph about Marty's interest for whatever reason or they (plural) decided not to pursue the matter. Whatever the case it is quite strange as Mr. Nix did pursue (and eventually hired) coaches directly or indirectly from the Marty Schottenheimer coaching tree: Cowher, Brian Schottenheimer, and Chan Gailey (via Cowher).


One last point, if this was 100% Buddy's decision, given the negative backlash of that information, I have to question his suitability for the job he now holds. To not even run one of the most respected names in the coaching profession by the boss would be really mind boggling and an action someone could be fired for in many businesses.

yes and completely at odds with rw's glorious history
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Doesn't hurt Graham's story at all. His story was from Schottenheimer's camp. The Bills turned him down, and Marty's camp believed it's because of Ralph. I would guess that they got that impression from Nix, who didn't want to directly turn down a friend himself. Graham reported it as their belief, nothing else.


How does it not hurt TG's story?

TG claimed Ralph said no to Marty. NGU is saying that is not true. If NGU is right, then TG is full of crap.

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For what its worth, I recall quite blatently when Limp Dick was canned (and all the new potential HC ideas started flying)... that there were OODLES of people on this very board who DID NOT WANT MARTYBALL.


A lot of you people need to do exactly what Bud Nix is doing. Get a clue and stick with it- from day one. There's so much flip-flopping around here- it's sickening. Grow balls people.

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NGU...thanks. Much appreciated, as always.


I can't say I'm happy with Chan, I was a Grimm or Shanahan guy.


But Nix is a "football" guy, which is what we have wanted all along. The "football" guy chose Chan to run his team. I will give him a shot.


Hopefully, Modrak and Nix can put together another strong draft and we can fill at least one big hole in free agency.

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How does it not hurt TG's story?

TG claimed Ralph said no to Marty. NGU is saying that is not true. If NGU is right, then TG is full of crap.

Reading comprehension: "But the Bills couldn't consider Schottenheimer a candidate because Wilson wasn't comfortable with him, the sources said. "


Tim merely reported what he was told, by someone close enough to Schottenheimer to make him think the story was worth writing. NGU is giving you the story coming from a source inside One Bills Drive. You decide which one you want to believe... or neither.

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Reading comprehension: "But the Bills couldn't consider Schottenheimer a candidate because Wilson wasn't comfortable with him, the sources said. "


Tim merely reported what he was told, by someone close enough to Schottenheimer to make him think the story was worth writing. NGU is giving you the story coming from a source inside One Bills Drive. You decide which one you want to believe... or neither.



You can believe Tim Graham if you like. When he finds out who the GM and coach is maybe he can let us all know. He had no clue that Gailey was even in the mix. If there is any spin it is from the "ESPN Insider" who was completely left in the dust on this entire process.


I have nothing against Tim Graham. Seems like a decent person and a good journalist. But he is just flat out wrong on this piece. I am sure Marty was told it was Ralph by Buddy or whomever. What would you expect? Again, if Buddy wanted Marty he could have had him. Not sure why anyone would want a coach that the GM wasn't comfortable with anyway. We have seen how that has worked out.


I guess it doesn't really even matter. Sorry to start a controversey. Again, I am just trying to contribute some information. I will back off the topic.

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You can believe Tim Graham if you like. When he finds out who the GM and coach is maybe he can let us all know. He had no clue that Gailey was even in the mix. If there is any spin it is from the "ESPN Insider" who was completely left in the dust on this entire process.


I have nothing against Tim Graham. Seems like a decent person and a good journalist. But he is just flat out wrong on this piece. I am sure Marty was told it was Ralph by Buddy or whomever. What would you expect? Again, if Buddy wanted Marty he could have had him. Not sure why anyone would want a coach that the GM wasn't comfortable with anyway. We have seen how that has worked out.


I guess it doesn't really even matter. Sorry to start a controversey. Again, I am just trying to contribute some information. I will back off the topic.

If he's wrong, it's because a source he trusts is wrong. That's the only point I'm trying to make -- this isn't Graham's opinion, he's merely reporting something he was told. So there are two different versions of how this played out, depending on which side you listen to? Gee, there's a shock.

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Oh that makes since, It was Buddy who wanted Chan Faley. Ralph is just the owner.. it it's not his call or anything.



why even bother posting - just use your avatar - it clearly states every opinion you have on the bills


and btw your avatar is pathetic

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Seeing Nix and Gailey on the stage yesterday, I knew both of them were happy to just be in the NFL. Sure they wanted to be here in Buffalo and that's admirable. But as has been pointed out, Nix doesn't strike me as the type who would reward Ralph's hiring him by going contrary to him in the all important coach search.


Nix chose Marty's side in the latter's ongoing feud with AJ Smith in SD. That sort of loyalty either went out the window since early 07 when Schottenheimer was fired, or someone intervened to shoot down Marty. I can't see two friends (and Nix wanted someone he was on the same page with) being unable to work with.


Regardless, Gailey has an even bigger hole to climb out of since this report no matter who decided against it.

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How does it not hurt TG's story?

TG claimed Ralph said no to Marty. NGU is saying that is not true. If NGU is right, then TG is full of crap.


TG is full of crap and, like most of the media, not happy about getting every bit of inside info THEY think they should


soooo - what do the media do when they are not happy - stir the pot and as much as possible cause trouble

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just posted this in another thread, things are pretty spread out right now on these boards, and please take it for what its worth:


tim graham was on wgr 550 this morning.


he said: fassel, martz, billick,and trestman all wanted , and he stressed wanted, the job along with marty. none were interviewed.


also, TG says it WAS without a doubt ralph's call not to hire marty, regardless of what the bills are currently spinning.


also said he's meeting with little shotty today in new jeru and will press him as to the real reason he turned down the bills interview.

How does he know? Was he in the room during the conversation? It's just he says/she says at this point and really, who cares anyway? Gailey is the coach. Let's move on to finding a staff and then free agency.

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You can believe Tim Graham if you like. When he finds out who the GM and coach is maybe he can let us all know. He had no clue that Gailey was even in the mix. If there is any spin it is from the "ESPN Insider" who was completely left in the dust on this entire process.


I have nothing against Tim Graham. Seems like a decent person and a good journalist. But he is just flat out wrong on this piece. I am sure Marty was told it was Ralph by Buddy or whomever. What would you expect? Again, if Buddy wanted Marty he could have had him. Not sure why anyone would want a coach that the GM wasn't comfortable with anyway. We have seen how that has worked out.


I guess it doesn't really even matter. Sorry to start a controversey. Again, I am just trying to contribute some information. I will back off the topic.


Nevergiveup, ignore the haters. Thanks again for the information. I think Nix and Gailey are a good combo. For the first time in a while I think most Bills fans have a good feeling about the draft, and Gailey's history with offensives is impressive.

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You can believe Tim Graham if you like. When he finds out who the GM and coach is maybe he can let us all know. He had no clue that Gailey was even in the mix. If there is any spin it is from the "ESPN Insider" who was completely left in the dust on this entire process.


I have nothing against Tim Graham. Seems like a decent person and a good journalist. But he is just flat out wrong on this piece. I am sure Marty was told it was Ralph by Buddy or whomever. What would you expect? Again, if Buddy wanted Marty he could have had him. Not sure why anyone would want a coach that the GM wasn't comfortable with anyway. We have seen how that has worked out.


I guess it doesn't really even matter. Sorry to start a controversey. Again, I am just trying to contribute some information. I will back off the topic.


Don't go running off, now. It's nice to have someone with a clue as to what the oracles at OBD are doing for a change, since they are TERRIBLE at communicating anything with the public (I suspect, by design). Can you tell me: does Ralph do things to intentionally tweak the fans? He HAD to have known that the fans wanted some big names in the front office. He HAS to understand the fans want Guy and Modrak out. And yet, none of these things happened, and he chose to emphasize that even though Nix was hired to "run" the football operations, he still reports to Brandon. I'm quite certain that NOBODY wanted to hear that little tidbit because we all know where that road leads....


Nix: I think we should bring in free agent "X"

Brandon: How much will he cost?

Nix: $X million

Brandon: Sorry, too expensive. How about a third-tier guy instead?


Sorry for the rant, just sick of the half-measures.

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