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Don't blame Ralph for not hiring Marty


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I hope Nevergive up doesn't take too much offense to the posters defending Tim Graham's story (I think they are a little protective of him). I understand the point TG's defenders are making (that his information was given to him by Marty's camp and that is the only side he has), but clearly nevergiveup has the Bills inside info and I for one would much rather have that perspective.


Please keep this type of info coming nevergiveup -- I really value the insight that you have and look forward to reading your posts!

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I think Tim Graham and Wawrow are valuable TBDers and nevergiveup just joined that group by building up his credibility rather quickly and deservedly. I think there is space for friendly dialog, discussion and healthy disagreements here between reasonable and logical posters. I hope neither TG nor NGU is offended by the idiots on this board.

In this specific discussion, there appear to be two points of view - NGU's from inside the organization and TG's from (possibly) Marty's side. As some others have said, we can choose what we want to believe without vilifying either messenger.

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Nevergiveup, ignore the haters. Thanks again for the information. I think Nix and Gailey are a good combo. For the first time in a while I think most Bills fans have a good feeling about the draft, and Gailey's history with offensives is impressive.

Who's hating? I think I've made it clear that I believe NGU is dialed into One Bills Drive in a way our old friend Soprano only wishes he was. (For the young'uns here, the songstress claimed all sorts of "inside sources" ... but was wrong every time.)


I'm just tired of people taking potshots at a friend of mine, who simply passed along what he was told by someone in the Schottenheimer camp. Tim trusts his source, or he wouldn't have written about it. NGU trusts his, or he wouldn't have posted about it. You want to disbelieve Marty -- who, after all, spent the last three months publicly disavowing interest in the job? Fine. But why shoot the messenger?


Edit: or precisely what Fan in Chicago said.

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I know it's hard to believe, but it was not Ralph that shot down Marty. Yes, Marty wanted the job. He wanted it well before Buddy was even hired. But it was Buddy's call. I am sure Buddy did not want that to be public having worked with Marty. I don't know how it was spun back on Ralph. He makes his share of mistakes, but that one was not him.


I am not necessarily supporting the hire, But in the end, Buddy needs someone he can work with and if he thinks that is Gailey and not Marty, that probably has the best chance of working anyway.


Regarding Thurman, does anyone think that someone who goes on WGR every other day has access to any inside information from the Bills? I guess you can value his opinion. But he will likely never have any inside info.

I'm willing to give Nix and Gailey a helluva good shot to get things back on track. It's not going to be overnight and it might not pay dividends until the last quarter of the season, but they deserve a fair shot.


Me? I'm shutting out "The Sky is Falling" crowd's incessant yowling and marking game 8 next year as a turning point.


How's that?

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I think Tim Graham and Wawrow are valuable TBDers and nevergiveup just joined that group by building up his credibility rather quickly and deservedly. I think there is space for friendly dialog, discussion and healthy disagreements here between reasonable and logical posters. I hope neither TG nor NGU is offended by the idiots on this board.

In this specific discussion, there appear to be two points of view - NGU's from inside the organization and TG's from (possibly) Marty's side. As some others have said, we can choose what we want to believe without vilifying either messenger.






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TG is full of crap and, like most of the media, not happy about getting every bit of inside info THEY think they should


soooo - what do the media do when they are not happy - stir the pot and as much as possible cause trouble



Say what you will about Graham, but, honestly, he doesn't have any motive to cover up anything...HE ISN'T A BILLS EMPLOYEE!

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Guest dog14787
What did Thurman say?



One things for sure,Thurman Thomas did not like the idea of hiring Marty as the next Bills HC. This could be just one of multiple reasons why, but when I mentioned to Thurman about Marty's career regular season win percentage(.613) being up there with some of the best he made the same observation other folks have commented on, Marty's playoff win percentage (where it really matters) has been sub par at 5-13.(.384)


I come away with the impression Thurman did not think Marty was capable of getting us to the big dance and bringing home a Championship.

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I think Tim Graham and Wawrow are valuable TBDers and nevergiveup just joined that group by building up his credibility rather quickly and deservedly. I think there is space for friendly dialog, discussion and healthy disagreements here between reasonable and logical posters. I hope neither TG nor NGU is offended by the idiots on this board.

In this specific discussion, there appear to be two points of view - NGU's from inside the organization and TG's from (possibly) Marty's side. As some others have said, we can choose what we want to believe without vilifying either messenger.


Spot on.

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I think Tim Graham and Wawrow are valuable TBDers and nevergiveup just joined that group by building up his credibility rather quickly and deservedly. I think there is space for friendly dialog, discussion and healthy disagreements here between reasonable and logical posters. I hope neither TG nor NGU is offended by the idiots on this board.

In this specific discussion, there appear to be two points of view - NGU's from inside the organization and TG's from (possibly) Marty's side. As some others have said, we can choose what we want to believe without vilifying either messenger.



"Let's hug it out........."

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Don't go running off, now. It's nice to have someone with a clue as to what the oracles at OBD are doing for a change, since they are TERRIBLE at communicating anything with the public (I suspect, by design). Can you tell me: does Ralph do things to intentionally tweak the fans? He HAD to have known that the fans wanted some big names in the front office. He HAS to understand the fans want Guy and Modrak out. And yet, none of these things happened, and he chose to emphasize that even though Nix was hired to "run" the football operations, he still reports to Brandon. I'm quite certain that NOBODY wanted to hear that little tidbit because we all know where that road leads....


Nix: I think we should bring in free agent "X"

Brandon: How much will he cost?

Nix: $X million

Brandon: Sorry, too expensive. How about a third-tier guy instead?


Sorry for the rant, just sick of the half-measures.



Ralph does not do it intentionally. As many have suspected he just doesn't know what to do any more and even when he does he is not able to see it through to fruition. Really is that simple unfortunately. That does not mean this pairing will not work. Just let's you know how it happens. Don't completely panic. Buddy is a very good evaluator and Gailey will be an improvement over Jaroun. Should be able to add talent and it will be better coached. It's not a big name duo, but it's better than before. So let's hope it works.

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Ralph does not do it intentionally. As many have suspected he just doesn't know what to do any more and even when he does he is not able to see it through to fruition. Really is that simple unfortunately. That does not mean this pairing will not work. Just let's you know how it happens. Don't completely panic. Buddy is a very good evaluator and Gailey will be an improvement over Jaroun. Should be able to add talent and it will be better coached. It's not a big name duo, but it's better than before. So let's hope it works.

I agree - better than before!!

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Ralph does not do it intentionally. As many have suspected he just doesn't know what to do any more and even when he does he is not able to see it through to fruition. Really is that simple unfortunately. That does not mean this pairing will not work. Just let's you know how it happens. Don't completely panic. Buddy is a very good evaluator and Gailey will be an improvement over Jaroun. Should be able to add talent and it will be better coached. It's not a big name duo, but it's better than before. So let's hope it works.



No offense intended to Ralph, but c'mon.


Lets start with the obvious...


Paying Antoine Winfield, Pat Williams and Jason Peters would have been a good start. Letting Pro Bowl caliber players walk out the door and get riches from elsewhere reinforces the notion that all RW cares about is the bottom line, not winning. These guys were long-time Bills and Winfield and Williams (in addition to being good guys) would have taken hometown discounts to stay. Then, we don't spend draft picks replacing those guys and constantly spinning our wheels, never really getting any better.


Look at this year....we will spend either a 1st or 2nd round pick or a metric asston of money in the free agent market getting a LT. If we use the 1st on a LT, that means we don't take McClain or Cody. We just make the OL decent, but don't add valuable pieces to our D. If we had signed Peters, then we could have used the pick elsewhere.


It was reported that Shanahan and possibly Cowher asked the Bills to make a commitment re: amount of money spent on players. Was Ralph willing to do that? Did he do that for Nix/Gailey?


Players make the coach, not the other way around. That said, I agree we are better off with Nix/Gailey than we have been in quite some time.

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Ralph does not do it intentionally. As many have suspected he just doesn't know what to do any more and even when he does he is not able to see it through to fruition. Really is that simple unfortunately. That does not mean this pairing will not work. Just let's you know how it happens. Don't completely panic. Buddy is a very good evaluator and Gailey will be an improvement over Jaroun. Should be able to add talent and it will be better coached. It's not a big name duo, but it's better than before. So let's hope it works.

Thanks for all of the insight. I'll admit that my assessment is pretty negative right now (I sorta wanted Frazier), but no one will be happier than me if I'm forced to change my mind. To quote John Maynard Keynes: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

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That is a little deep for tonight. But I feel pretty comfortable there is no pressure from thr league. He wants the team to stay, but that doesn't mean he will do what it takes to keep it in Buffalo. He wants to win as well, how has that been working out?


Why doesn't he let someone like Jim Kelly or someone else who obviously wants the Bills to stay buy a small share in the Bills so they could have the right of first refusal or basically set up anything they want to ensure the team stays here. What needs to be done is so easy, it really makes me wonder how committed he really is to ensure this team stays here...

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Ralph does not do it intentionally. As many have suspected he just doesn't know what to do any more and even when he does he is not able to see it through to fruition. Really is that simple unfortunately. That does not mean this pairing will not work. Just let's you know how it happens. Don't completely panic. Buddy is a very good evaluator and Gailey will be an improvement over Jaroun. Should be able to add talent and it will be better coached. It's not a big name duo, but it's better than before. So let's hope it works.


Is it possible this could b de-railed by a Brandon/Nix power struggle? Its obvious Wilson really loves Russ Brandon and if he were to get into Wilson's ear about how he doesn't think Nix is doing the right thing it could cause issues...at least theoretically...or is Brandon happy not to look like a fool anymore as a GM?

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