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OT - Ron Artest Will Not Play this year


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I don't get paid millions of dollars at my job.  If my job was to sit in a dunk tank at the carnival, I'd probably be fired for attacking a person that threw the ball that dunked me into the water.  Artest's profession is one that puts him in hostle situations and forbids that he react with violence.  He broke the rules, and now he's paying for it.




The hostile situations should not come from the crowd- any personal attacks- physical or verbal from the crowd should be an immediate ejection, and possible termination of season tickets without a refund.

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My take on what I saw happen ...


Saw Ben Wallace get fouled ... not a dirty foul .. just a foul .. now it was Ron Artest ... and I am sure Ben took that as a challange ... because as we know .. "real" man have to get respect ... and that means don't do as i do ... so he walks up and grabs Artests throut and shoves him ...


At this point .. Artest gets grabbed by a ref ... and dosen't fight ... his only good move of the evening,


Ben Wallace goes off ... and continues it .. working the fans up .. throws his sweatband ... as far as I could tell was acting like a TOTAL idiot and that just helped to get the drunken idiots to pitch in ...


That is why I thought he deserved A LOT more than 6 games ... 30 seems about right ...


Then it really got bad .... Artest charges the stand ... and Jackson follows ... not to get Artest out ... but to just swing away ... would have given hime the same 72 games off as Artest.


Then we have O'neil ... another bright bulb .. or should I say Boob ... also attacking people ... his only defense is that it was on the floor .. but still .. does he think he is a cop?


Whos to fault ....


In no order ...


Beer sales ... been to a Bills game lately ... beer is a MAJOR cause of the fans being butt heads


Wallace .. totally over reacted


Artest ... he is one step from being in prision


O'Neil ... just plan stupid move


Jackson ... no idea what he is thinking ... but whatever it is its scary !!!


The media .... we get to see the "15 minutes" of fame .. or is it shame .. of about 30 people ... and believe me .. some of these nuts would do it again .. *see Jerry Springer !*


What should they do ... both baseball and basketball have the fans to close ... there need to be a shelter the teams are in .. something they can be in that keeps them safe and away from the insults


Security needs to improve ... someone is harrasing the players .. he gets pointed out and ejected ... right away


No beer sales ... or at least after half time ...


Players ... u swing ... 1o games ... u hit someone ... 20 games ... u hit a fan in the stand ... the season ... period ... fan hits a player ... arrested ...


Do we want this to become Europen soccer for gods sake ...



Other than that ... Bills loked great .. so did Drew ... and so did the whole team ...

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Interesting this cup thrower , john green, it turns out he was convicted of felony assault to do great bodily harm, has been convicted three times with drunk driving . As part of the agreement in his convictions he was not  to drink.  Hopefully this dick goes  to jail for a long long time........

article about jerk



Agreed. He is screwed.


But was teh guy who threw the cup the one Artest actually went after? I have heard people say both yes and no to this question.



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Agreed. He is screwed.


But was teh guy who threw the cup the one Artest actually went after? I have heard people say both yes and no to this question.






Artest went after the wrong guy. The guy that threw the cup had a blue hat on- he is in the videotape. Waldo had nothing to do with it. Congratulation Waldo! You just won the lottery!

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Artest went after the wrong guy.  The guy that threw the cup had a blue hat on- he is in the videotape.  Waldo had nothing to do with it.  Congratulation Waldo!  You just won the lottery!



That is what I thought happened, just didn't know if it was confirmed. Thanks for the info Pete!


By the way, when the heck are the Yanks going to start spending some loot? lol

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That is what I thought happened, just didn't know if it was confirmed. Thanks for the info Pete!


By the way, when the heck are the Yanks going to start spending some loot? lol




The Yanks will have some signings soon I think. Beltran and Pedro will take a while to finish up. Once one of those is reeled in I think we will really start signing people. George making a pitch for Pedro. What is this world coming to?

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Artest went after the wrong guy.  The guy that threw the cup had a blue hat on- he is in the videotape.  Waldo had nothing to do with it.  Congratulation Waldo!  You just won the lottery!



here is photo of this person



man in the white hat



it will be interesting to see how it all plays out... as far as Waldo is concerned he was not a total innocent, he did through beer at players, he was not sitting there reading his bible ......

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Interesting this cup thrower , john green, it turns out he was convicted of felony assault to do great bodily harm, has been convicted three times with drunk driving . As part of the agreement in his convictions he was not  to drink.  Hopefully this dick goes  to jail for a long long time........

article about jerk



what an !@#$, he should be locked up in jail permanently for being such a dip$#!T.

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Again, I am not condoning Artest for going into the stands. That was totally wrong and he needs to be suspended. But really, look what happened. He has gotten so much crap from the league and the fans for being a jerk, which he is. Then in the middle of the game, a player comes after HIM and PUNCHES him. What does he do? The thing NO ONE expects out of him. The LAST GUY IN THE LEAGUE one would expect to NOT retaliate. He walks away. He laughs it off. The fracas continues. What does he do? Join in? Help his teammates? No, he walks away. What he was told to do by the league. What no one expects him to do. What not many players would do after being attacked and punched. He LAYS DOWN, literally, for crissakes.


How does he get repaid for finally doing what the NBA and fans have abused him about? He gets stevestojan thrown at him by the fans. He gets hit in the face with the full cup. Did it hurt him? Hell, no. But any of you idiots know that a slap in your face from someone could set you off more than a punch in the face sometimes. It doesn't matter that the cup couldn't have hurt him. What matters is he finally did what was asked of him, walk away, and he was treated with what? Total disrespect and garbage thrown at him.


That still doesn't mean he should have charged the guy. What it does mean is that one has to look at the total fracas and history and everything that transpired. You can't just say Ron Artest the thug got hit with a wittle cup and charged into the stands to beat people. That is not what happened.



Look at the tape... Yes he did what the league said with an attitude. Why not just walk to his bench? Why the table and the lounge act?


Again... Not condoning any sides. It is just obvious that the guy knew what he was doing and the reactions blew up in his face.


Come on Kelly... LAID down? You don't think that egged things on? It was premeditated attempt to goad everyone innvolved. Is that what anger management taught him? Try to get everybody else angry? Obviously he wasn't listening. Artest was never on the up and up and not being a standup guy.


Ya... Right in the middle of the scores's table with headphones on during the brawl?...



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I still haven't figured out what Reggie Miller was suspended for, from what I saw it appeared he was trying to keep the peace.



That is what I saw too... Played it over and over... Seems RM was the only class act.


That was him that removed the headphones from RA?


I now I keep bringing up the apparent interview attempt with RA... What was that all about? Whos idea was that.

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Yeah the assailant is a real angel.  Prior assault conviction, multiple DUI arrests, currently on probation for DUI........


Yeah a prior felon didn't mean any harm at all...........sure.



BF... I'm, laughing right now!!!


You said yesterday that Artest's past shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with his suspension.


Now, you want to look at the cup thrower's past?


One or the other!

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