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MIKE VICK IN BUFFALO.....WHAT???? No, not right now

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Vick has paid his debt to society, but that doesn't mean that I have to root for him. I'm really not sure whether Vick's crimes are worse than those that involve violence against or harm to humans. In some ways, his Ron Mexico "act" could be considered worse than his crimes of animal cruelty, but that's really not the point. Anyone who kills dogs for fun is sick, and I don't want him to wear a Bills uniform.


Beyond the issue of Vick's past, the payment of his debt to society doesn't change the fact that he's an idiot with a significantly eroded skill set. Basically, he's a crap QB in addition to being a crap human being. We definitely need a new quarterback, but this is a bad idea and I hope they pass.


That was well said.

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I do not want the Bills to bring Vick in next year. Not because he is a scumbag for what he did, but because he is not a good QB. He was not a good QB in his prime 2yrs ago before going to jail and he has done absolutely nothing this year that shows that he can do the job now.


Add that to the fact that he is a scumbag and I say, No Thanks.

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Bills sign Vick and I am done with them and the NFL. Honestly the only NFL team I care about is my former hometown team. I enjoy watching college games more than NFL games now. If the Bills move or sign Vick I can save a few hundred dollars by giving up my Sunday Ticket.

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You obviously forgot that Buffalo is known as the City of Good Neighbors...not exactly a region that embraces psychopaths


At least he will not be a neighbor with annoying dogs barking! He can't have a dog. That's a start to being a good neighbor.


Remember, dogfighting is a crime because it's inhumane treatment of animals. Not because dogs are people too or that the killing of animals should be illegal. There is a difference between killing animals for sport/food as many Bills fans do and what Vick does, and he served his time for that.


And by the way, Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love and he has been well accepted.

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I think he has paid for his crimes and as a catholic, I am a firm believer in redemption. Even so, I have had dogs all my life and I just don't know that I personally can get past what he did. Ever. I wish him luck in rebuilding his life and I do think he is an extraordinary athlete but I hope his come back is with someone else. I'd rather hitch our wagon to a young guy out of the draft.

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read what I said or don't respond to me...I don't want that sociopath making millions of dollars in my team's colors...nothing more

Philly fans...they had a jail on the premises at the Vet and we already knew they hated kids...they booed Santa Claus...LOL

Baltimore and St Louis I can't say much about except to say that those cities stole teams from other cities after having it done to them so I'm not a big fan of those cities and teams for that reason already

Really? You're laying down the law with me? You're off limits unless I come around to your closed minded way of thinking?

Look, I started off by saying Vick is not a good qb. That and that alone is the only thing that should keep him from Buffalo. It is not up to you, me, or anyone else to decide if he has done something so heinous that a legion of fans should turn away from him or the team that brings him in. You go over the top with your statements against him. Yes, he did despicable things. He served time for them and lost everything. He is now a gimmick qb.

I would think if he did show up in a Buffalo uniform though, we would give him the benefit of the doubt and judge him for what does for the TEAM. His whole work ethic has apparently changed. I think that needs to be said for many on this team.

I think he did awful things too. I just think he should now be judged for what he is doing presently.

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I have 2 dogs, but if the guy paid his debt and is allowed to play in the NFL, fine. I could take or leave him. If he does come to the Bills and wins some games then great. I root for the team to win. If he goes to some other team, starts and helps them win then i will be pissed that we didn't sign him. Thats just the way it is. These guys are not role models for me and my kids. just win some damn games.

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lol....i havent posted in awhile...but i cant resist this one.


all of you claiming that you will stop supporting the team are full of crap.


all of us bills fans have one common trait we share-we cant separate ourselves from this team no matter what. if it happens-just enjoy the ride-cant be worse than the boring product we have this year.

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And by the way, Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love and he has been well accepted.

You don't know where that motto came from, do you?


The motto, The City of Brotherly Love, came from William Penn, the English Quaker, who envisioned the area as a place where anyone of any color or background could live together in peace and harmony, thus, the motto about brotherly love.

If you actually think that fits Philly even remotely over the last few decades, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you :censored:

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Really? You're laying down the law with me? You're off limits unless I come around to your closed minded way of thinking?

No....again, you're not reading what I said...you're accusing me of condemning the guy when all I've been saying all along is that I don't want that sociopath making millions of dollars playing a game for my team....how is it that hard to understand?

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I do not want the Bills to bring Vick in next year. Not because he is a scumbag for what he did, but because he is not a good QB. He was not a good QB in his prime 2yrs ago before going to jail and he has done absolutely nothing this year that shows that he can do the job now.


Add that to the fact that he is a scumbag and I say, No Thanks.



He won a lot of games for a pretty bad Falcons organization. Took the team to an NFC championship game, won a playoff game in Green Bay against Brett Favre.... Was he overrated? Yeah. Did he accomplish more in that short span than any Bills QB aside from Jim Kelly in the last 40 years? No question.


Face it, the Bills are a poorly run organization. They need to take chances and hope they get lucky like the sad-sack Arizona Cardinals or New Orleans Saints did with their gambles at QB. May not work, but nothing ventured nothing gained, and as the Bills have shown you are dead in the water in the NFL without a good QB.

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No....again, you're not reading what I said...you're accusing me of condemning the guy when all I've been saying all along is that I don't want that sociopath making millions of dollars playing a game for my team....how is it that hard to understand?

What's hard to understand is how you can keep saying you aren't condemning him, you aren't trying to persecute him, yet you keep calling him a sociopath, psychopath, sadistic criminal. You talk about Buffalo being the city of good neighbors, yet you say you want him thrown over the falls.


"someone like Vick won't be embraced by anyone but punks with no regard for common decency"---this is your line. This is what makes your comments hard to understand.

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Guest dog14787
If Vick signs with Buffalo, 99% of the posters will still be here, complaining about the Bills State of affairs, as always.




oh, and no one will be dumping their season tickets :censored:



I doubt the Buffalo Bills FO would consider Vick as the future QB for the Buffalo Bills although our FO, Russ Brandon in particular is kinda stupid...

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What's hard to understand is how you can keep saying you aren't condemning him, you aren't trying to persecute him, yet you keep calling him a sociopath, psychopath, sadistic criminal. You talk about Buffalo being the city of good neighbors, yet you say you want him thrown over the falls.


"someone like Vick won't be embraced by anyone but punks with no regard for common decency"---this is your line. This is what makes your comments hard to understand.


Do you actually know what Vick did? Seriously? It wasn't just a few dogs fighting.

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I'm just dying to know how Bledsoe was a POS :censored: He had a tendency to stare down receivers and was about as mobile as a statue at times...but I've never heard of him getting into legal trouble
Being a team killer is far worse than being a dog killer.
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lol....i havent posted in awhile...but i cant resist this one.


all of you claiming that you will stop supporting the team are full of crap.


all of us bills fans have one common trait we share-we cant separate ourselves from this team no matter what. if it happens-just enjoy the ride-cant be worse than the boring product we have this year.



sorry brother, you dont know anything about me.


Im about 50% done as it is at this point. I hate the owner, the front office, the coaching staff, and most of the players with the exception of maybe F. Jackson, Byrd, Wood, and Stroud. NFL games are seeming more and more boring to me, and Im getting tired of watching an hour of commercials during the course of a game. I look forward to watching football more on Saturdays than Sundays now. It wouldnt be too difficult for me to drop my seasons and find something else to do on Sundays

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Do you actually know what Vick did? Seriously? It wasn't just a few dogs fighting.

Yes, I do know, and I'm not defending him for that. I am simply saying he has done what the judge said he needs to do. he served his sentence. He lost his properties. He lost his money. Never did I support or defend what he did in the past. Read through my comments and you will see that.

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