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  1. Trump's an equal opportunity Birther. Oh and BTW, Kammy called Joke a racist.
  2. A history of lies and deceit - that’s all they have. Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement If you look back - this NAZI never provided a source for his recurring claim: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=Birther&author=Deranged Rhino&search_and_or=and Anyhow, as DR and Bonnie like to say: Rinse , lather, repeat: F’n idiots
  3. Retraction for what? For an indictment Trump claimed was coming? Did Trump ever RETRACT anything related to the birther movement? Roy Cohn is laughing at you
  4. Spin it however you want Tri Delt but lets not sugarcoat why Trump was adamant in destroying the ACA. How did birtherism work out for Trump?
  5. LMAO Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks. American Thinker (affectionately nicknamed "American Stinker" by its fans) is an online wingnut publication that's more or less the poor man's WND or Newsmax. The webshite, of course, is chock-full of right-wing conspiracy theories, woo, and pseudoscience. On the conspiracy side, they promote birtherism, "creeping sharia," red-baiting, and still occasionally prattle on about Vince Foster. On the science side, they concentrate on creationism and global warming denialism. The site's wingnut credentials are commemorated with an "extreme" bias rating from Media Bias/Fact Check. Perfect source for people like Bonnie... Meanwhile, he's advocating for a national election fraud database; but against H.R.1. Any why is that its mostly Republicans involved with voter fraud these days?
  6. I had a long drive back in the early 90's and listened to him alot....back then he was halfway relevant....History shows he is the Pied Piper of the great derailment of the GOP since then... No....the lies he had do constitute hate....lied about women, birtherism, when you lie to create a different reality....it aint coming from love.... Our country is not better for his presence....you can trace Jan 6 pretty much back to him
  7. so what did Trump mean in all his various overt and subtle racist comments over the years? Birtherism, Central Park 5, DOJ settlement, sh&thole countries, etc? Just another day in the Fox facts free zone....
  8. Every single one of your points is a lie, disproven here previously. Hillary colluded with Russia and also created the Birther Movement. The DOJ is supposedly looking into Biden & his son based on some awfully suspicious circumstances and Biden's admission of blackmailing Ukraine officials. Trump pushed for prison reform and got it through. This mainly affected blacks. Trump has threatened to put down violence, not start it. Now wtf did you post that video to prove?
  9. Did you type that with a straight face? Trump: Conspired with Russia Is currently using the DOJ to try to take down Biden via his son Created the Birther movement against Obama Has discriminated against minorities as a professional sport over the course of a lifetime https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history Trump has threatened riots and violence on multiple occasions, as well as praising those that do it https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-warns-supporters-may-riot-fears-violence-escalate-n540516
  10. Trump placed ads calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent. He never apologized. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” a former employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, told a writer for the New Yorker. Trump promotrd birtherism. “You know, you don’t want to live with them either.” - Trump referring to black people. Trump talked about how he didn’t want black people handling his money; he wanted the guys with the yarmulkes. There are good people on both sides. In 1973, Trump and his company Trump Management were sued by the Department of Justice for housing discrimination against African-American renters. Trump launched his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech in which he spoke about illegal Mexican immigrants: "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." He said that a judge with "Mexican heritage" should be disqualified from deciding cases against him. In 2016, he claimed he knew nothing about David Duke. There is evidence that contradicts this.
  11. Time for Biden to go NUCLEAR - wasn’t that the classy term you used the night RBG died? Charlottesville Central Park 5 Birtherism And so on: Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020
  12. Let's get something straight. When someone from your nationalist crowd blows the racist dog whistle (e.g., there's a lot of good people on both sides in Charlottesville! or the Muslim travel ban! or birtherism!) the typical response is something along the lines of "he didn't literally say he's a racist or that he has a prejudice, so therefore he isn't and there is no merit to your wild accusation of racism! The shield of literalism is applied, if you will. In this instance, however, literalism apparently is to be discarded because it suits your purpose. When Trump or one of his mouthpieces says something like the Democrat-run "cities are burning," we check literalism at the door and revert to hyperbole because it suits your purpose. What cities (plural) currently are on fire in their totality? Because remember, it's not just a few buildings here and there that can be on fire. It's the "cit[y]," meaning the entirety of the political subdivision. And it has to be on fire now, at this very moment. Otherwise, it's just another shameless lie and shameless exaggeration from a shameless president propagated by the shameless apologists, like you, who follow him. You're the only one talking about a psychotic episode. Unless you mean the claim that multiple democrat-run cities are burning as we speak is psychotic. In which case, I would suggest dealing with the psychosis by not saying (or defending) psychotic things. Oh! And goodness gracious it looks like you posted a misleading link about insurance. Turns out the article you cited deals with things like the inability to procure coverage for damage caused by strike, riot, or civil unrest. Things that, as I'm sure you well know, can catalyze loss without the use of flame, and in the absence of a riot.
  13. 12. Barack Obama. How could I forget? Maybe if he was actually born in the United States, we wouldn’t have had to have wasted time on this whole birther thing. What. A. Jerk.
  14. “There are good people on both sides.” Retweets, i.e., Florida retirement community. Hurling paper towels at Puerto Ricans. The “Wuhan virus.” Scapegoating Mexico for the spread of the virus that Trump downplayed. The renewed birther lies. Support for Confederate symbols. The ill-timed Tulsa rally. And that’s just off the top of my head.
  15. Birther Conspiracy II how far will the luny right go? Joe and the Hoe? Seriously it is ####ing disgraceful
  16. I just looked up it up. Actually it was from a Newsweek article. Kind of like how the whole birther thing was started by Hilly.
  17. ? Birthers.............Birthers................BIRTHERS !
  18. I guess I shouldn't have said that. Just trying to understand what life will look like next year. You know, without the Obama birther or Trump grabbing talk. Really, I was trying to understand where RRob was coming from. What do you see next year?
  19. I think Trump does dumb things a lot. You know the answer to the first one, that was a situation where the media played only a small part of the clip and created a narrative. That was not all Mexicans, just bad actors. The wall is needed and a wall. The meaning behind the wall is what the left assigned to it and you bought it hook line and sinker. It’s racist right? A wall can be immoral? Wow. You know full well why kids were separated. Nothing to do with wanting to specifically take kids away from their parents but because it was the law. Obama did the same thing. It’s nothing I condone but no ones perfect. That’s the problem, everyone has to be perfect in the world of the left. I think it was right to point out the issue there and spotlight it, but the narrative surrounding it was disgusting. Dreamers, just like the wall, is a value judgement on the individual. You’ve made your stance clear but one or the other is not wrong or right, it just depends on your ideology unfortunately. I think dreamers should be granted citizenship, their parents knowing what they were doing is another story. I’m not sure what judge you’re talking about but let me know and I’ll take a look. No I don’t believe in the birther narrative. Let me ask you, what makes that racist? A person who thinks they are not from this country could legitimately think they are not without being racist. That’s another problem with the left. The reason for everything is “racism” which usually misses what’s actually happening. In that way it continues to purpetuatre the issue because the actual crux of the matter is not remedied because...racism. Vicious cycle. How am I deflecting? I’m answering the questions straight away.
  20. Nope. I’m just not going to chase ghosts on whatever conspiracy theory website it is that you rely on. You have some decent information, share it. Otherwise I’m not going to bother chasing down some Trumpian anti-Obama conspiracy theory. After birtherism and Obamagate stuff like this doesn’t get my benefit of the doubt. He held it upside down, too. Fitting that the Godless phony would do something like that.
  21. By Jennifer Rubin Opinion writer May 31, 2020 at 7:45 a.m. EDT It is hard to think of a worse week in recent American history than the one we collectively just experienced. The death toll from the coronavirus exceeded 100,000; the president of the United States threatened to censor a social media company; an African American man was brutally murdered before our eyes. And all the president could do was dump fuel on burning racial animosity as more than one U.S. city experienced violent protests. President Trump is plainly part of the problem — a provocateur whose political career (from birtherism on) has been based on naked plays to racism and white resentment. We are literally without national leadership. We were fortunate, however, to have Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) and former vice president Joe Biden speak to the country with grace, humility, compassion and determination. “The ashes are symbolic of decades and generations of pain, of anguish, unheard,” Walz said at a Friday news conference. He apologized profusely for the arrest of an African American journalist covering protests in Minneapolis and for failing to secure the community. “I will not patronize you as a white man without living those lived experiences about how very difficult that is,” Walz said. “But I’m asking you to help us. Help us use a humane way to get the streets to a place where we can restore the justice.”
  22. Fair enough. I guess we all see what we want or need to see. I thought at the time the Clinton issue was like Clinton himself: overblown. Still, his fetish was his weakness, he exposed his throat to his enemies and was willing to lie under oath. A Benghazi gets investigated every time, and when you factor in the manufactured story exposing some poor bastard in Nowhereville to a death sentence by blaming him for some dopey video, the evidence shows the Sec State knew and told her daughter immediately, I see that as more mainstream politicizing than anything else. Obama birther was Trump/Romney and no income tax paid. I’ll have to refresh my memory on McCain, but I agree wholeheartedly it’s a blood sport. Which brings me back full circle to the future. We might as well get to it. Thank you.
  23. I'm more cynical when it comes to politics way before any of this happened. It's been the norm well before Trump took office. I watched a party try to use the birther movement and their network to delegitimize a duly elected president under the guise of protecting the constitution's integrity. I watched the excess of the Benghazi trials where McCarthy let the rabbit out of the bag that it was really about hurting Hillary politically knowing she'd pry be the 2016 nominee. I watched the absurdness of what was supposed to be an investigation into an Arkansas land deal turn into a sex scandal that led to impeachment. I watched a Republican primary where the "bring decency back to the white house" president stirred up a rumor that McCain had an illegitimate black child. It's always been a blood sport where no accusation is beyond the pale and it turns people off to politics.
  24. I wouldn’t trust any of these people to walk my dog. 1. Birther 2, 3, 4. silver spooners who did nothing on their own 5. former CNBC host 6. laughing stock 7. told us in January, China's economic weakness would inure to our benefit.
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