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  1. 1. Several people here get offended by this sort of talk and I wanted to be respectful to them. 2. This is childish drivel. If everyone concerned about our out of control southern border is a racist then the word racist no longer has any meaning. That’s on you. 3. Washington Republicans are absolute sh*t bags. in my opinion, they are outmatched in that department by the slimmest margin imaginable by those on the other side of the aisle. 4. my point was to help you expose yourself a little bit. I would think someone so willing to label others as racists would have a little deeper conviction as far as doing something tangible. Obviously in your case I’m wrong about that.
  2. Agree. My point in posting is to expose an idiot like roundybout that sees the border/immigration disaster as being about skin color and readily labeling those that think as you do, racists. Mission accomplished.
  3. I'm currently 90 minutes in. It started great and kind of slowed down till Belichick and Gronk reappeared. The 2nd tier comedians take too much attention and it's annoying but indeed, what is crazy good, and makes it worth the watch, is that there are no filters. Racism, sexism. anything goes. As for the Hernandez jokes, I'm only surprised some came from Cheats* players.
  4. I heard a clip of "her" doing an interview with the biggest white hating racist named Joyless Reid. My God, if Griner isn't a man then no one knows what a man is. Griner's voice is deeper than the most manly of man, Holy chit.
  5. What was the context that explains away these comments? There wasn't. Joe's just a racist.
  6. Roundy seems to be active on the forum today, but maybe he missed the post above? Add this one to the list of racist Biden comments Roundy should weigh in on. Stewart even throws Biden a life line....and he still botched it. Ohhh it all so comical. Listen to that audience laugh. But Trump...
  7. DEI is the absolute definition of racism. End of story. Anyone who judges someone on the color of the person's skin is a racist and should be in jail in my opinion
  8. We are witnessing a multi faceted system of racist/sexist being pushed. Hey @BillStime this is where the systemic oppression is happening
  9. This doesn't happen to kids. Ever. And if it does its only "top" surgery. Remember that classic from The King? It also hasn't happened to a FIVE YEAR OLD in Buffalo. Roundy is a racist and a sick pedophile supporter.
  10. We don’t have a racism problem, we have a woke left problem.
  11. You are not stupid. Don't pretend to misunderstand me. - Data/Statistics are not racist. If there's a website/twitter devoted to the demographics of crime, then by all means post the data. - Maintaining a website/twitter devoted to showing a victim of a crime next to the alleged perpetrator, but only when the victim is white and the perpetrator is black, is just a teensy bit racist. Not a subtle distinction. Not "woke." Just common sense.
  12. FINALLY: It’s official: even Mary Poppins is ‘racist’ now. The language in question is the rather archaic racial slur ‘hottentot’. This was once used by Europeans to describe indigenous South Africans as primitive barbarians. In the film, it is uttered by a senile man. The [British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)] is convinced that children could find this term ‘distressing’, although it seems unlikely they will even know what it means. Indeed, this is probably why it has hidden in plain sight for so many decades – and why most modern parents are still comfortable showing the film to children. The BBFC’s calling out of Mary Poppins is clearly not about protecting children from dated language. It simply reflects the woke drive to find racism everywhere. To trawl through classic culture searching for things to be offended by. https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/02/27/its-official-even-mary-poppins-is-racist-now/
  13. I would but “anti-racists” don’t believe that all lives matter- and they think it’s racist to say so…👍
  14. How is there not a million DEI lawsuits going right now? If you apply for a job with a corporation that uses DEI and don't get the job I would sue the crap out of them. Showing favoritism in your hiring practices based on skin color is illegal and the definition of racism!
  15. Post Columnist Calls on Kamala Harris to Step Aside, Quickly Learns Why You Can't Do That JOHN SEXTON This isn't the first time a columnist has made this suggestion. David Ignatius suggested it as a back up plan to Biden himself stepping down last September. In any case, it's true that Harris has been a disappointment which is why you don't see her much. Her approval rating is as low or lower than Biden's own approval rating. So if the party is committed to going with Biden which it is at this point, they could at least get a shot in the arm by picking someone else as VP who seems more up to the job of stepping in if something were to happen to Biden. It's possible to imagine an alternate reality where Democrats are able to a) admit they have a problem and b) turn the solution into a plus for the campaign. But that alternate reality isn't where we live as Kathleen Parker found out. In the 24 hours since her column was published, it has received comments from 10,141 readers, a majority of whom just wanted to let her know that she is a racist and a misogynist. A sample: Blatant racism. Why is the Post publishing such? Fire that writer and ban her from these pages what an awful misogynistic, racist piece of smelliness Shame on you, your true colors are showing. This is racism. Why did you publish this, WaPo? Fire this creature. Like most republican women, Kathleen Parker hates women and the rights of women. Careful, your southern plantation views are showing Why is this racist disgusting piece of recycled hits on the veep WaPo's number one featured opinion????? Is this the Washington Post or Fox "News"?? Such an ugly piece. I expect the sexism from the boy's club but it is painful to see it internalized like this. What's the matter, Kathleen. Is she a bit too black? What a sexist, racist, rant. I could go on and on but you get the idea. For a tremendous number of Democrats, the suggestion that Harris hasn't done a great job and wouldn't be a great president is racist, sexist BS that should immediately lead to the person who spoke up being fired or silenced. This is the party of identity politics. The most amusing part of all this is that people seem to be mostly outraged by the idea that Biden picked Harris "because she was Black and female." But as Parker points out, Joe Biden publicly promised to pick a woman VP before he selected her. This was not a secret. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2024/03/16/post-columnist-calls-on-kamala-harris-to-step-aside-quickly-learns-why-you-cant-do-that-n3784830
  16. Yes, let’s use statistics* *Except for when statistics are clearly racist, then we aren’t allowed to notice them.
  17. Read MLK and it explains why dei is wrong. It's the racist system the trolls keep asking for proof of.
  18. OK, I checked out the Twitter profile that started this. It is racist. It's whole point is to juxtapose photos of crime victims next to mugshots of their alleged black perps. I can't see any nonracist reason for doing this. I imagine the account holder thinks it's some kind of counterbalance to MSM websites hiding the identity of alleged perps. I don't agree with that, but this is no way to "balance" it. It is a racist account by design.
  19. 🎯 Biden characterized a brown "migrant" as illegal. Therefore Joe Biden is racist, right Roundy?
  20. You mean biden right? He’s the one for segregation. He even said black people would turn the school into a jungle or something racist like that.
  21. Lol at how racist this guy is. If I had a friend like this I'd be like I don't know if I want to hang out with him he might say something crazy like this in public
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