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  1. Why the silhouette of a black male? I see nothing in the story that mentions the race of the perp. I'm not saying that it would be racist to include a mugshot of a black man if he is the alleged perp. I have no problem with that. But this ... isn't that.
  2. This must be one of those “Anti-Racists” you talk about…
  3. Yeah, but it’s racism for a good cause…As if the KKK and German Nazis didn’t say the same thing, at one time…😉
  4. The jury composition argument has been debunked with studies, blacks convict blacks just like whites convict whites… they lost because one of the lead investigators was a blatant racist and the prosecution decided to have OJ try on gloves in front of the jury for some crazy reason.
  5. I don't pretend to be an expert on NFL coaching or hiring, but McCarthy is a Super Bowl winning coach and has a 155-98-2 NFL coaching record. There may be racism in the hiring of NFL coaches, but Mike McCarthy isn't a very good example of it. The constant refrain of racism when there isn't any dilutes the power of the word when something truly is racist.
  6. Speaking of racism - what do you make of Biden saying today that he’s looking into closing the border? Do you think he’s afraid of brown people in the same way that you have accused everyone else of being that has shown concern about the border situation? If not, why not? Be careful not to sh*t on yourself with your answer. It’s a trap after all.
  7. To be fair, he actually is a fascist AND a racist, but just plain forgot about it.
  8. I love your attempt at re-writing history without actually knowing much about it. At least you stand on your racism. I'll give you that.
  9. So "gassed" that I've proven Levi an anti Catholic, racist and you a sympathizer, at a minimum. No wonder the political science professors were repulsed by you.
  10. She's most certainly awake. She's also a disgusting racist pig for voicing her observations. Just ask roundyfuc.k
  11. The clip is from 1985, and yes I am aware that it was used often on TV back then. And then Quack, MD comes in right behind with a massive dose of iron law of projection. So when Trump is taken out of context on the very fine people hoax...and you're shown REPEATEDLY exactly how he was purposely taken out of context, Trump is still a nazi / racist. Biden? It was taken out of context. Case closed. You f stains don't even pretend.
  12. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/10/virginia-school-board-confederate-names-restored-vote/73638691007/ https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/confederate-names-to-be-restored-at-2-schools-in-virginia-report-shenandoah-county-mountain-view-stonewall-jackson-honey-run-elementary-ashby-lee-george-floyd-protests-historical-figures-slavery-racism https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/09/us/shenandoah-county-confederate-school-names-reaj/index.html .
  13. Because that's what the people in those areas agreed to do when they were constructed. This idiotic renaming is not only stupid, it has proven to be counterproductive and very expensive. Further, while some would disagree, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Lewis and Clark were extremely honorable people. The knuckleheads that made these decisions, including a blatant racist who was the energy behind removing a Lee statue are anything but.
  14. They're racist if they don't...
  15. Individual liberty isn't going anywhere. It's an outlier in the data set that is US gun violence. Your dogma is to ignore facts and rage about outliers that fit your racist Ideology? Damn with facts, just stick to feelings. amirite The funny part is how you and yours won't even go near that area after dark. and your reasoning has nothing to do with the tops shooter two years ago.
  16. Did I hit a nerve? End Wokeness and Charlie Kirk are racists and cult favorites here. Enough of the BS - if you support these racists - you are indeed, a racist.
  17. How did you get from a social media post with the N word in it to nazi ideology? Every racist utterance is now equivalent to nazi ideology? Better let redhawk know.
  18. Ya, I remember how they called the Civil Rights movement marxist, too. And racist, also.
  19. She also called it "racist." Would calling her a "clown" be racist?
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