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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. For some, the title of the thread is a tautology.
  2. Crap, I thought this was a thread about the Senate and the House of Representatives.
  3. I understand; I'll consume less media by stripping my choices to those I actually use, e.g., we gave up movies long ago. I'm planning on giving up TV as most of us know it - cable company delivered.
  4. I'm in the process of giving up TV. I'm doing research on cord cutting, and have pretty much decided that as soon as I buy a smart TV I'll make the move. My reasons are much the same as those repeated over and over - paying for hundreds of channels I've never watched, near monthly price increases from Spectrum, readily available alternatives plus new techniques to implement almost daily, etc.
  5. Windstorm here caused the electricity to go out four times early this AM giving me the unexpected thrill of changing the bedroom clock four times.
  6. There's bilingual then there's the other ...lingual. You'd think the guy would have helped a girl out.
  7. 7 seconds....Yo, Yo, Yo I kain't watch no mo.
  8. CNN (Certainly Not News) sold its soul to the leftists early on and is now reaping the dubious rewards of that decision. Unlike SoCal Deek, I do fault them for it. They took a business with an established reputation for middle of the road reporting and shifted to a far left focus. CNN should be considered an ad agency rather than a mainstream media outlet.
  9. I think NASCAR is a racist institution since it puts on a number of racists each year in locations throughout the country.
  10. Do the folks in the hustings really want the members of the majority party in Congress to spend all their time doing f&%#-all investigations? Why not set up an investigations panel if they must, but let the majority of the time in session concentrate on, Oh I don't know, maybe the work of the people who elected them? Time one party and/or the other pulled up their big boy pants and went to work.
  11. Those that vote for the resolution against the declaration of a national emergency should be made to live on the southern border for at least six months. Drug traffic, sexual abuse and an influx of gang members certainly justify a sense of NIMBY for the current residents.
  12. Sunny side up with hash browns, hot sauce, and rye toast. (Cover the eggs with a pot lid just 'til the white steams solid; at that point the yolk is done.)
  13. So, Robert-that-ain't-me-on-that-video Kraft has pled not guilty to the hot mess he created by frequenting the "massage" store front in Jupiter, FL. That plea makes more sense on the planet Jupiter. [Hand + Cookie Jar = Busted] He might have some problems wriggling out of this one. When all is said and done, a deflated football will look mighty good.
  14. I didn't call him a racist, I noted that the thing he had done was racist. Thank you for that clarification. [Please understand that the previous two sentences are merely, in the words of Col.Sherman T. Potter, "horse hockey."]
  15. Whew, finished just in time for the star witness to go to jail for perjury, aka lying to Congress. How much credibility can a committee have when they hang on every word spoken by a person whom their fellow Congress members are sending off to jail for perjury.
  16. So big deal, a fifteen minute "interlude" between leaving home and catching a flight to KC. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/26078163/patriots-owner-robert-kraft-officially-charged-first-degree-solicitation-prostitute What part of "...categorically deny..." seems to bump up against that video tape, eh?
  17. RK will simply ignore the whole mess and his minions will make it all go away.
  18. Ah crap, I thought this topic was about the Democratic Party....
  19. If he's lucky enough to be sentenced to prison, maybe he'll find Jesus there and thus a path out of the wilderness he has created.....Yeah, that's it, Jesus.
  20. Wow, so magic happened in those twenty minutes (+/-) and it's kinda' OK,.... well, at least kismet. Thanks for clearing that up. So, the Boston Globe is right, Kraft is a good guy because he funded the formation of an academic chair to study human trafficking, etc. Let's link arms and hope that Commissioner Goodell applies the same level of intensity to resolving this matter as he did to deflategate, sign stealing, etc.
  21. As soon as the DNA results come back we'll know for sure that he is really Gator in a Speedo.
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