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Everything posted by Trader

  1. Yep he would have been tough to pass up if he was there. Now it's pass rush at number one either a DL or a pass rushing LB.
  2. I watched all of his games and he is going to play in the NFL. Maybe for many years. I don't know if he will be a number 1 qb ever but he will be a back up or third alternative. Someday he will get a shot at the number one job and who knows?
  3. The Bills hate to draft a player in the top ten. Actually they are not alone most teams hate it. The price of the top ten pick is too high and too much risk. Actually 11 is perfect for them. If they follow their history they will use later picks to trade up into the bottom third of the first round or trade back into the second round for a higher number 2.
  4. Everything is relative! according to Einstein anyway.
  5. I think that if you are the management you have to take this position on Hardy. "Expect nothing", If he manages to rehab he might be of some use to you late 2009 or more likely 2010,. The point is that you can no longer rely on Hardy to be the big WR you were looking for in 09. We are back on the big receiver= high need list. The only adjustment I would make to that is to look for a big TE if one is availabel rather than a Big WR. We need to draft a Pass rusher number one anyway. But Big receiver whether he is a TE or a WR is back high on the list. The choice is to get on in Free Agency or in the draft but it's got to be done. Hardy not the answer in 09.
  6. I think we will be drafting in the top ten next year so we will be able to get him for sure!
  7. Tebow will never make it through the first round of the draft. If he does I will eat my house brick by brick. The guy is a future all pro. Maybe QB maybe TE maybe FB but just mark him down as an all pro player on a team that going to win the super bowl someday. If he is there at 11 I will cry if we don't draft him. He will not make it through round 1. just remember who told you. On a team like the bills that lacks an identity he would be the Identity. Parcels will be drooling if he gets that far down the chart.
  8. Franchise of Cassel is neither a surprise nor an advantage to the Bills. The franchise tag can be removed. It just protects a very valuable commodity for the Pats. They have more flexibility to deal for draft pics. The cap never works to our advantage. no matter what. Players under contract are chess pieces now. Players are commodities to teams either assets or liabilities. We are so far behind the front offices in our division it's pathetic.
  9. Ralph is about selling tickets a big name offensive coordinator is a must. It will be an easy sell because he will take DJ' s job after he falls on his face again. There will be at least two big name FA s there has to be to get the fans back. The fans have short memories and they will bite these moves. We have to draft big men DL. Or pass rushing lightning quick LB. no more number 1 DB's no one get excited about those guys. We need to sign a real TE in Free Agency this Offense will not work without one. We need to become the New York Giants clone.
  10. What is the minimal record Jaron has to have to save his Job? I say it's 8 and 8 with a split in the division. I am setting the bar low just like Ralph.
  11. The future looks bleaker when you look at the combination of ownership GM and coaching versus the rest of our division. Can you see us matching wits in the draft and free agency with the likes of the others in our division?
  12. It was reported in the Buffalo news that she thought very highly of Carwell Gardner and he was her pick. I never heard of her drafting anyone else. In wealthy families sometimes the children get no show jobs so they can take money out of the company. The title could just be a way of writing her a check.
  13. I sincerely hope you are right an I am wrong. With a torn ACL and rehab I don't think so though.
  14. without getting too technical I think most of us are saying we want to see more Johnson and less Hardy or Parrish. We like Reed but he is not the go to guy in the Red zone nor can he stretch the field. Reed Good power and run after the catch, good hands. Does not really stretch the field + posession receiver who is an excellent blocker. Use him as a second TE, Slot receiver. Move the chains guy who will punish DB's and burn them when they get sloppy.
  15. Hardy is not strong enough to be a WR let alone a TE. Hardy with the torn ACL is a long shot at pro ball at this point. We are going to see what he is made of and how hard he works in Rehab. next year may be another wasted year for him with that injury and the camp he undoubtedly miss.
  16. I am certain that the Bills will issue a denial on this. They have always declined to comment until after the season. Why would Ralph issue a vote of uncertian confidence the week before a game with New England? He would not he would have waited one week until the season is over. The Bills will Deny this in public. A slip of the tounge by Ralph ... Unless he has someone in mind already?
  17. He proved he could play in the cold and I was not convinced he could.!
  18. The great teams have it. Emotional Ray Louis Mike Ditka type leadership. The champion Bills had it, Polian, Kelly, Smith, Thomas, Talley. Frankly I do not see it on the Bills Roster or their coaching staff with the exception of Bobby April who is a carry over from the previous staff. Tim Tebow may not be the greatest technical college QB in the Nation. But that guy brings something extra ordinary to the field. We need to some bring players on board with that attitude next year. We have some very calm types that never seem to get rattled Evans and Reed come to mind Poz and Lynch may have some potential to be that firey kind of player. I think Stroud brings it too. We need a dozen more guys with that attitude. A combination of coaches, front office and players for whom winning is everything. I fear that the players we are bringing in now are a reflection of our GM and our Head Coach. that is not likely to be a winning formula.
  19. Football can be a dangerous game. Especially when your out there wandering around without a clue as to what to do Seriously I wish him a complete recovery. This was a really wasted year for him. It could have been him. It could have been the coaching or the QB situation. It would be truly unfortunate if he could not come back 100% for camp next year.
  20. He must have been watching the Ball State Center who did the same thing on Friday night.
  21. I think Willy will play in the NFL for many years. He will come in under the radar and be a backup QB for a few and somplace along the line he will get a shot to be a starter. Maybe he will get it done in that role maybe not but I see him having a long prosperous NFL career. Most lilkely a Frank Reich type but who knows? I don't see Davis doing as well as Willy.
  22. Maybe it's just my disappointment after a loss. I want him to care as much as I do. He seemed relieved to have the pressure off of him. Actually I don' t think he cares a lot about winning. Is it possible he lost so much at Stanford he is accustomed to to it?
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