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Everything posted by Trader

  1. The OL combination we have right now is the best the OL has played since the Super bowl years. Peters is a great individual player but the OL is all about team. He will have to wait until there is a problem or an injury to go back in. In the meantime he can work on his conditioning and technique. Line him up at TE on the goal line.
  2. Make sure he is in game shape before activating him. Murphy to IR.
  3. Actually i would rather not pick an MVP for this game. After all the noise and hand wringing about Peters and Crowell. This game was a team victory. Parrish was huge on the return game. Edwards was stellar after a shaky start. The OL as a unit was superb in protecting Edwards and it generated a fair amoun of push on the run game and no costly penalties. Special teams scored 14 points. Corto and Costanzo make great blocks on the Parrish TD our back up DE got a Sack. Lee Evans made crucial catches. Mitchell made some great plays. Royal looked like a real TE. This was a team win. include the coaching game plan was great and April wow! of course Stroud Lynch and Chambers. Lots of game balls today!. including Turk and Perry for the Offensive and Defensive Game plans Kudos to Dick Juron for keeping this team focused through all the personnel crap.
  4. Maybe but this was an ambush Angelo should have had this done weeks or months ago. They would go into the season with a LB's that are not totally healed Corto, Digi and Poz have all been nicked. Poz has been fragile the last 3 years. They could not afford injuries at this position
  5. A 20 dollar per ticket surcharge could set up a tidy fund to accomodate a worthy player or two who wants to tear up their contract. The fans could vote on who deserves more money. After they would be paying for it. What do you think?
  6. The season is on with the players we have on our roster and they will do just fine. Posters think that this impass is about our former LT and his agent. Actually it's not about that at all. The Bills and Wilson are standing ground on the most important items in any business. The ability to Predict your costs and revenues. No business can suceed without doing that. Some selfish agents and players have introduced chaos into the mix. To follow that path will eventually doom the entire league. The Bills are on a crusade to stand up to those players and agents. If it does not work the first casualties will be the small market teams like the Buffalo Bills. Ralph and Brandon are taking a stand to give cities like Buffalo a chance to save our Bills. The sooner we forget about the LT that played here briefly the better off we will be. THE TRAIN HAS LEFT THE STATION! GAME ON!
  7. What a great story. I bet his dad will be on the sideline with his camera. Taking hundreds of pics. Great for UB Football. By the way if any of you are interested in Football on Saturdays. It's cheap and it's fun. Great college game day atmosphere last week. Big time college football just may have arrived in Buffalo!. by the way James Starks is not a hold out. And The best part is you think they were all playing for nothing!
  8. Maybe he only has one Marble and he is looking for it?
  9. Maybe because he is in a healthcare facility somewhere?
  10. Bell stays on the roster. The other guy is not to be trusted. He could walk out of camp anytime.
  11. Worse Eugene Parker has signed the entine Bills O Line as his new clients. He is demanding that Ralph sign the team over to him. Furthermore he threatens to move the Bills to LA. Or Las Vegas. OR Toronto OR Abu Dabi. Wherever he can cut the best deal for a new Stadium that has no regular seats just luxury boxes.
  12. Until there is real news on this person I am not going to mention his name or refer to him at all. I am inviting you all to join me.
  13. It was not in Orchard Park though, it was in Amherst. This game had everything Athletes who play for the joy of the game. Downfiled passing 250 + yards rushing. The home team scored 40+ points to beat a better known team. The fans had a great time. Didn't spend a pile of case either. Parking tickets food less than 25 bucks. If you went to the Bills game you missed it.
  14. Nuggett nuts? You got a dog in this fight?
  15. Peters could be in the Betty Ford clinic for all we know. He could be injured He could have a chemical imbalance or depression or he could be just holding out we will find out after Thursday' game within a few days. He is an asset to this team if he is healthy worthless if he is ill or addicted He is trade bait if healthy. I have no interest in Peters as a player any longer.
  16. Del Rio Smoked Parker on the Harvey deal.
  17. He has to pass a physical. The physical could include conditioning if the Bills choose to do it. He could go on PUP if he is physically unable to perform. I don't think he gets a regular game check if that if the case.
  18. Ralph wants to leave a legacy when he goes. He is just may be more interested in teaching this group of younger owners and agents how to run a professional sports league as a business than he is in winning a super bowl.
  19. Your getting close to the truth here. Most of the reporters and agents who comment on this matter have some kind of an agenda. Reporters and GM's need friends in the press. They leak their friends information. The press people need scoops they scoop up the sh-- they are fed and report it to us. Who knows what is for real and what is planted for effect. Unfortunately if Peters does not get to camp prior to the season he is done here. Even if he comes in it may be several weeks before he sees the field. He probably has done damage to the Bills and his career. The only way to know how much damage to each will only be revealed with the passing of time. Greed is an dangerous thing. Pigs always get slaughtered in the end.
  20. I am done with Peters I think he will be a distraction and a disruption when he comes in. I would rather we go with who we have and who we could obtain. I would trade Peters for multiple future draft picks. A number one this year a number two the year following and a three the third year. Actually I would like to see a couple of Peters Polls on this site. One set of questions could be very serious. Several options what should we do with Peters? Trade him Give him what he Wants nothing make him pay the fines the second poll should be Peters will show up next week Peters will sit out the first Game Peters will sit out 2-5 games Peters will sit out 6-8 games Peters will sit out the season
  21. He does play LT better than Peters at the same stage of their career. Of course he was Picked by the Bills much higher than Peters. He was actually drafted.
  22. Actually the only thing I like about the situation is that the Bills, Peters and Peters Agent are not negotiating in the press. That civility will come to an end if Peters fails to report before the first game.
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