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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Why cut him and create another weak position to have to fill. The Bills have constantly retool positions that did not need it (consider the safety position with Leonard, Simpson, Witner, Wilson, etc and we still draft Bryd) Lets keep our strengths and work on real weakness
  2. Changing the endzone was the second worst thing the Donahore did as the Bills GM & President. Notice that the Colts in their new building had Blue endzones. Polian gets it. Ralph doesn't get it...
  3. It is really easy to fix this. All Ralph has to do is to pledge never to be involved in the day to day activities and stay out of the draft process. The old fart is just Al Davis plau 15 years. I know that he has huge history and what use to be football knowledge but it has long passed him by and my take is that people do not want to coach or manage in a situation where the owner tells the head coach who to star at QB and tells the GM who to pick in the draft. This year when Jauron was reportedly told that Langston Walker was cut by the front office, that ended any chance of getting an experienced head coach. I cannot prove that was true, rumors all over the place, but other football people hear rumors to and why would you want to put yourself into a position to fail.
  4. Buddy Nix has never hired a coach in his life. No one in the Bills office has ever hired a successful coach. So who makes the judgements? Ralph has never been right. Brandon doesn't know how to throw a football, Modrak supported all the guys in the past 8 to 10 years and should be fired as well. This is classic, blind leading the blind.
  5. Consider that i n the previous 2 years these "experts" fixed our O line. by scouting veterans and signing them to huge contracts at center, tackle and guard, only to have them cut and waste millions of dollars and more importantly time. If we believe that it takes 2 years for a line to be good if they work together, then they cost us 5 years of bad o line play. We cut the players, but either the coaches couldn't coach or the people who signed the players could not scout. Nobody at the time got fired. I think these 2 guys should have been fired for wasting the time of this franchise. Total failure. The college draft can be a crap shoot, but free agents who have been in the league for a few years should not be.
  6. you must be right Nix was not a good hire 2 years ago, or 7 years ago but at age 70 he is, therefore Marty who was not a good hire 4 years ago or 6 years ago, or 7 years ago etc...must be a good hire since he is older and been out of the game for 5 years
  7. right , but when you draft players like Maybin, you then have to play Ryan Denny, Keith Ellison etc
  8. This is a joke, right? might as well give Maybin a spot too, he didn't make a mistake all year
  9. right on a symbol of what is truly wrong with this team We spend close to $100 M on a center, a left guard and a right (partime left) tackle, we cut them all. I see it as either the office talent evaluation is terrible or the coaching of these players is terrible. The symbol is neither the front office or the coaches got fired for blowing $100M and setting the development of the O line back 3 years. We now do the same thing at wide receiver and waste money on TO and hold back development of younger receivers. We are now back screwing around at safety that only 4 yeras ago we solved the problem for the next 10 yera with Witner and Simpson. Now we drafting safeties again when we need LB, DL, etc. We either don't coach well or pick players well especially from Freeagency. Either way someone needs to get fired.
  10. Just like Edwards, Roscoe, Witner, etc I am betting that by game 16 Byrd will be concentrating on his left foot being in the right place, and he is not deep enough on the snap on a trap play and will as the rest have lose his confidence and never intercept another ball. Stop using your abiltiy Byrd before Dickie gets you. Jauron coaches in such a negative fashion that Byrd is destined to follow in the footsteps of many.... Question, except for money what reason is there that Dickie is actually still the coach...
  11. I too am jealous, Jauron ahs not made 1 player be proud of being a Bill yet ever Bronco today played for the name and the history. We use to have Darryl Talley and now we have Schobel.
  12. Poz is an example of how Jauron destroys players, he sucks the emotion right out of them. Poz came in as an emotional leader, he now plays like a robot.
  13. After 16 years I gave up my seasons tickets this year because I could no longer stand to watch a team with so little emotion. When Jauron could not even get angry at the officials in the Pats game at half time when we got ripped by the refs failure to allow a time out, and 70,000 fans started booing Jauron I thought how can a man coach a football team to play with emotion (and brains etc etc) when he is not capable of emotion. Marv was a smart educated man but famous for his emotions on the sidelines, Tomlin, Cowher, Belichek, Coughlin, even Wade Phillips etc all show their emotion in a manner than shows their players they care. I believe the Bills players need to know how much the coach cares about winning. He has now made his players into his image, unemotional, calm and thinking. No mistakes, but no drive as well.
  14. in an on-field interview, when asked what he told the team to get them ready for the game, Mike Tomlin stated that this is a violent game and he reminded his team of that fact all week and his team was ready to play Jauron would have said that his team had studied the film and playbook and would be prepared to recognize what would be required blah blah blah point is Jauron forgets that football is about being physical before you can use yur head. A smart player who is not physical will lose to a physical player every day. Jauron NEVER has his team physically ready to play a violent game. that is why the fans love Beast Mode because Lynch is always physical. Marv was smart but knew that you need emotion and physicality to win. Jauron takes the physical aspect out of every player Witner was a physical player when he was draft Poz was a physical player when he was drafted. Now he talks about angles and reads and space and never talks about hitting. Can you imagine Darryl Talley talking such crap, Can you imagine Spielman talking such crap Jauron has got to go before he destroys football in Buffalo.
  15. You obviously don't understand football in Buffalo. Both Dereks are fine young men that we chose and have to justify. They also have faster times in the 40. (so Trent needs that deep threat in the middle for those 7 yd passes.) production does not matter, they practise well.
  16. Defensive End on the team and his reward was to get cut. Copeland Bryan out performed, Schobel, Kelsay, Denny, and and maybe even Ellis. So Jauron keeps guys who are his boys, not the best player. IMHO. Jauron had the opportunity to send a real message, but then again...he did send a message. Don't show passion, don't show desire, don't show talent. and you can still make this team. I am not suggesting that Bryan is a pro bowler, but he deserved to beat out any of the big 3.
  17. It's called passion. Jauron has no visible passion and football is a passionate game if you expect to win.
  18. When the O cannot use up some clock, and the O is this bad, are we not killing the Defense by time of possession. Will we not wear out the D, especially in hot games? I think the Bills need to go back to a regular offense until we get the game plan and O fixed. What say you?
  19. What happened to the guts. All we hearr now is the Packers played well and we need to learn from our mistakes with all the undertones of "who really cares it is only exibition games and we run vanilla stuff" What a bunch of crap. So the Packers don't run vanilla and use their best Superbowl D. All we get during a pre season game is dump passes. All we get is a hurry up offense that has no hurry. You have taken on DJ personna. Trent my boy....start being a leader or get out of town. There is no place in the NFL for a QB who is a wimp (ask JP) You are learning the wrong thing for this head coach...either take the bit or step aside. I for one am running out of patience.
  20. I am not sure Maybin will be any better. Few PS guys live up to the hype, especially a one year wonder. I am sure that he and his agent sense that he is not that good (see Lavar Arrington) and are trying to get the most money before the Bills discover the same. But our problem is we do not have a tough defensive end on this team Weakest position on the team by far IMHO
  21. I suggest it is time Russ plays hardball and gives him a drop dead date...
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